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Growth Mind Asset Analysis

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Personal Purpose Statement and Growth Mindset
The first class of Managing Work and Teams was the first time I was ever introduced to the idea of the entity theory vs. the incremental theory. Reading Yeager’s article gave me the opportunity to question my own mindset. I saw myself fitting into both a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, but I immediately knew I wanted to adapt a stronger growth mindset because I wanted to learn from my setbacks and improve for the future (Yeager, 303). Enrolling in the Commerce program was embarking on a challenging adventure for me. I knew I would be placed in uncomfortable situations and have to step outside my comfort to learn from mistakes and try new approaches to problems.
I will balance my work in this demanding program by preserving the passions I came to this school with. My undying love for songwriting, musical performances, and theatre have been retained as I play guitar and sing at least an hour a day and I’ve reached out to various drama clubs for opportunities.
All academic and …show more content…
Trust is incredibly important for developing meaningful relationships. It is impossible for a team to be efficient and complete their task successfully without mutual trust between members. I aim to be someone my team members can rely on and I hope that I can trust my teammates to be relied on in the same way. This means attending all group meetings on time, and executing on my promises. An example where the value of trust is depicted is in “A Team Divided”. According to the case, Sarah had “texted, emailed, and left two voicemails for James since he failed to submit his analyses for the group’s Strategy Planning Document” (Brohman, 3). I completely empathize with Sarah and her distrust towards James. I would hate to work with someone I could not trust, so I would not want one of my group members to feel similarly about

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Dps Financial Analysis

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