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Growth Mindet Thinking

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There are two mindset thinking about intelligence. The growth mindset and fixed mindset. Those with growth mindset, a concept developed y physiologist Carol Dweck, a professor at Stand Ford University, believe intelligence is fluid or can be developed by one’s effort. According to Dweck, (Ted Talk), scientific evidence indicates that neurons strengthen their connections when people solve complicated problems. On the contrary, those with fixed mindset thinking that intelligence is inalterable. In his article ‘The Perils of Growth Mindset Education’ sociologist Alfie Kohn, the matter of student’s underperformance is curriculum not the mindsets. He said underperformance of student is the matter of curricular rather than mindsets. There are a lot of controversies and still brain functions are not completely discovered by scientists, so it is hard to say that one specific theory is right. However, the theory intelligence is malleable is more dominant. …show more content…
However, Alfie Kohn’s opinion has a flaw. Carol Dweck is not a blind believer in effort itself. Carol Dweck did not insist to praise effort itself, but praise students’ strategies and processes and tie those to the outcome. She suggests phrase such like “you tried different strategies and you figured out how to solve the problem.” However Carol Dweck’s words are more trustworthy since her research are based on scientific approaches. Moreover, there is one phycologist whose name is Angela Lee Duckworth from the University of Pennsylvania. In her TED talk, she said that matter of success is not an intelligence but it is about “grit”, which is aspire to do something with perseverance. Fore example when she taught math to 7th grade students, the outperformers were students who had more motivation to become good at

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