Branded content is a form of advertising medium that blurs conventional distinctions between what constitutes advertising and what constitutes editorial content. Branded content is essentially a fusion of the two into one product intended to be distributed as editorial content, albeit with a highly branded quality and often labeled as "sponsored." Branded content is the merger between advertising and entertainment. the content is more sophisticated than product placement because the content is embedded into the programming.
As recently as one month ago, you could get away with sucky content with a sprinkling of keywords, ala the notorious content farms we all know and mostly scroll down to ignore in our search results. Today, that can be considered a “no-brain approach.” So what is a marketer to do? A great solution is to jump on the branded content gravy train.
Branded content harks back to the days where radio shows were sponsored by detergent manufacturers and the like, hence the term “soap opera.” Listeners received free entertainment produced with an advertiser’s funds; in exchange, they had to listen to the occasional sponsored message by the soap manufacturer. Not a bad deal, and pretty much everyone walked away a winner.
Today, branded content is a bit of a renaissance on the web, and for good reasons. According to,(下面那張圖) sites with branded content totally kick butt, outperforming in 41 out of 43 advertising metrics. Those figures should make a content marketer sit up and pay attention.
Here are some of the ways branded content, even its traditional forms, might make an impact in future online marketing:
On the web, the parallel would be to provide informative or entertaining content and slap your name on the video itself, in its title, or on the webpage where this great content is found. Any advertiser that makes repeat visits to