...Effective Communication CJA/304 July 28, 2014 Professor Effective Communication Communication is the key to a healthy, fully operational workplace. Criminal justice organizations use communication to connect with suspects, victims, co-workers, and management. Communication can sometimes be simple, but often individuals must overcome barriers to get the message through. Over time, strategies for overcoming these barriers have been applied in the criminal justice world. Connecting with others effectively requires effort and relying on the communication process. Verbal communication is the use of words sent to a receiver from a sender. The process of verbal communication starts with a sender taking a message and sending it thorough a medium to a receiver. For example, one officer talking to a suspect and asks, “Where were you around 10:30 p.m. last night?” The officer initiated verbal communication to the suspect by asking the question. From here, the suspect responds by verbally communicating back to the officer. The idea transmitted to the suspect is then processed. The final step in this process is feedback to the officer. Feedback is an important piece in the verbal communication process. “Feedback is the process that allows persons transmitting messages to adapt to the receiver. Various forms of feedback exist, all of which may be combined or merged to present data to the person transmitting the message” (Wallace & Roberson, 2009, p. 58). Unlike...
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...Communication Barriers Michael Jones In the communication process there are several barriers that lead to miscommunication. As a manager you have to work to overcome these barriers to ensure that you are communicating effectively to your team. The following looks at each one of the four barriers to communication and how me, as a manager, will work to overcome each of them. Process Barriers When you work to relay information from one person to another there are multi level steps that must take place in order for that communication can take place. The sender encodes a thought into language that can be interpreted by others. The other step is how the other person receives and perceives the thought that was given. The method of communication is also a process barrier. You must choose the best method in order to share the message. As a manager I want to work to ensure that my messages are received and perceived in the manner that they were meant. The first guideline to follow is to ensure the proper method of communication. Should the message me in person, an email, a staff meeting? Deciding the most effective method is a vital step. I will need to look at each opportunity to share information and decide the best method to take. If the message is personal it needs to be in a private setting and in person. If the message is informational it could be through email or in a larger group meeting, keeping in mind the audience that you are speaking...
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...BUSN460 Team Contract Successful teams begin with guidelines that help to manage their work. For this class you and your teammates will need to create a set of rules called a Team Contract. As a team, complete all the sections listed below to build your Team Contract. Section I: Team Member Skill Inventory Each team member must complete this section. Name | Strengths/Contributions | Not so strong areas | Nekens Colin | My individual strengths consist of dedication, an eye towards business solutions to complex problems, complete with new initiative and innovative measures. I am also a Team builder and have the ability to communicate business processes and linguistics. | It takes me a long time to gather my thoughts and transcribe it to paper. Nevertheless, once I do, I am able to produce a sound and well-articulated paper. | Saima Ali | My strengths are attention to detail, interpersonal skills, managed and worked with deadlines successfully, hard worker. | Since I am detail oriented, I would like to be very precise on work. Not good at public speaking. | | My individual strengths are adaptability, task-oriented, efficient. | I am not the greatest at public speaking. Always second guess work and feel it can be always better. | Kathryn (Prokop)Skuse | My strengths are the ability to work well under pressure, Computer skills, Good Verbal and written communication skills. | Lack of confidence in my work. I always second guess myself. | | | | | | | ...
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...There are many barriers to communication but the four key barriers are: process, personal, physical and semantic. Managers must take all of this into consideration as they deal with employees in the order to effectively communicate. If you think about communication, it is a process that begins with the sender and then is processed by the receiver. If the communication/message is decoded or if the message is disturbed any way it will be destroyed. As a manager I think it is very important to take into consideration these barriers as I’m communicating with my employees. In the document below I describe the four barriers and how I would overcome them. Process Barrier How a company disseminates information can make or break the communication process within an organization. There are many levels where the communication process can fail and become ineffective. There must be a flow of communication within the organization and it must be clear to managers and employees. High level executives should be making the decisions and there should be a structured process in place within the organization of disseminating that information downward. Managers must make sure that the same message is given so there is no misunderstanding between different departments or employees. Also, each individual must know who in the organization to contact if they have questions or concerns. As a general guideline I always make sure that new employees understand the organizational structure...
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... | |Unit T2itle |Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care | |Level |3 | |Part Unit | |Whole Unit |Yes | |Assessor | | |Start Date | |Task Introduction | |You are a researcher within the Health and Social Care Department, they are currently reviewing the way that they communicate, both within the department, | |with other professionals, other agencies, clients and each other. They have asked you to conduct further research on the role of effective communication in | |health and social care. The research is based on number of practical and theoretical aspects, which combines essay type questions, case...
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...CC: New Hiring Manager From: Old Manager in Position Date: July 18, 2014 Re: Helpful guidelines in the New Position During the period of working in the manager position that you will be taking over, I have built my reputation on building strong communication between the group members. Within the group I have managed some of the barriers of communication and they were mostly language, psychological and attitudinal barriers. I found it to be very helpful to understand each and every member of the group you work with to get a better understanding how these differences will affect the group productivity and performance. Below is some useful information to assist you in your new position. The first thing that I did when trying o overcome the barriers was to gather information about everyone in the work group. The first barrier was language. I found it hard to communicate to someone in my accounting field if they did not know the jargon. Jargon is not acceptable sometimes, especially when they are expecting you to explain everything. I started to understand that language barriers create the lack of confidence in others. Please make sure you learn all the accounting meanings and learn how to explain it to others. As work related issues with language presented itself, I educated everyone on it and even educated myself on things as well. The second barrier was psychological. If someone is stress with your group it may cause that person not to focus on their...
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...Effective Communication Martin Roth CJA/304 July 24th, 2014 Douglas Campbell Effective Communication What is communication? The term “communication” in a broad sense is how one listens and corresponds with others. Though there are many definitions of the term everyone may have their own general idea what it is to communicate as well as understand what is being communicated to them. In this paper the author will be discussing some major points such as the process of verbal and nonverbal communication, differences between listening and hearing, formal and informal channels of communication associated with criminal justice, barriers in effective communication, and strategies that may be implemented to overcome those barriers. In order for people to communicate effectively there is a process that involves verbal and nonverbal communication. Within this process there are 5 steps that are followed. The first step is transmitting and idea. This is the forming of one or more thoughts. The expression of the idea is an intentional act put forth by the person with the formed idea. The second step is sending the idea through a medium. There are several different ways to send the message and they are as follows: orally, in writing, or by action. Sending a message that is written vs. orally can make a major difference in how it is understood. When sending a message orally the tone of one’s voice can dictate to another how the message should be taken. Thirdly is receiving...
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...self-awareness in one of the following areas: therapeutic communication; or inter-professional communication? DOCTOR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT VIDEO * Therapeutic Communication ‘Therapeutic communication is defined as the face-to-face process of interacting that focuses on advancing the physical and emotional well-being of a patient’ (Laffan. S, 2011) and as ‘a process in which the nurse consciously influences a client or helps the client to a better understanding through verbal or nonverbal communication’ (Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.). Reflecting on the ‘Doctor Emergency Department’ video (Doctor Emergency Department), I chose to concentrate on therapeutic communication. Therapeutic Communication uses many different strategies to gain trust, demonstrate empathy and to provide the best and most comfortable care for the patient. There are also barriers involved with therapeutic communication, which will hinder healthcare. Therapeutic communication differs from our every ‘day to day’ communication between friends or family (social relationship) as it is a learned skill, that is patient focused and is beneficial to the patient. Therapeutic communication has a defined life line and the relationship will cease when the healthcare for that patient ends. Also ‘The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia approves codes and guidelines’ (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2015) to...
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...MEMORANDUM TO: New Manager FROM: Promoted Manager DATE: May 14, 2012 RE: Group Formation and Communication Welcome New Manager! As you acclimate yourself to your new responsibilities in introducing new employees to their teammates, I felt it would be helpful to provide an outline of the basics on group development and how relationships form in groups. Included are barriers that can exist in group communications and techniques to overcome these barriers. To begin, there are five basic stages that group formation goes through. They are as follows: In the first stage, forming, members begin as individuals and phase to the next stage at the point when they begin to think of themselves as being part of a group. Forming will include members’ informally gathering information about other members and what type of behavior will make them fit in to the group. It is a time in which social ground rules are loosely laid and each member begins to figure out their social role within the group. Members in this stage are trying to determine what types of behaviors are acceptable. The second stage, storming, is when the social role of each member is further defined and a working order to the group begins to form. Members accept the existence of the group but resist the constraints it imposes on individuality. There is typically resistance from some members at this point as they convey their individuality as important and attempt to keep that intact as they meld into the...
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...Justice and Security CJA/304 Version 2 Interpersonal Communication | Copyright © 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course prepares the student to communicate effectively in both written and verbal forms. The course covers best practices in investigative reporting, written reports and memos, and interpersonal verbal communication within criminal justice settings, including interactions with victims, suspects, incarcerated persons, government officials, staff, and civilians. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Wallace, H., & Roberson, C. (2009). Written and interpersonal communication: Methods for law enforcement (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: The Communication Process | | Details | Due | Points | ...
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...Skills Summary Eunika Phlegm HCS/131 June 13, 2016 James Rogers From: Eunika Phlegm To: Company Department Leaders Subject Line: Skills Summary on Cross Cultural Communication June, 13, 2016 at 8:50 am Cross-cultural communication has become strategically important to companies due to the growth of global business, technology and the Internet. Understanding cross-cultural communication is important for any company that has a diverse workforce or plans on conducting global business. This type of communication involves an understanding of how people from different cultures speak, communicate and perceive the world around them. Cross-cultural communication in an organization deals with understanding different business customs, beliefs and communication strategies. Language differences, high-context vs. low-context cultures, nonverbal differences and power distance are major factors that can affect cross-cultural communication. Cross-cultural communication is imperative for companies that have a diverse workforce and participate in the global economy. It is important for employees to understand the factors that are part of an effective, diverse workforce. With cross-cultural communication you have to remember the six principles. The first principle is the similarities or the common ground, the next one is differences or the perspective, judgment, or choice. The third principle is diversity or valuing the difference, the fourth one is respect or the basic human need...
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...at £297 million the difference between the 2 figures can be calculated. Achievable – We could achieve the £600 however not in our current state. We have a lack of space, technology and understanding of the way forward due to some values held by the owner. Realistic – In our current state without a major investment from the business or without an acquisition it is not realistic. Time-bound – With a target date in place yes it is time-bound. In summary without an investment from the company in a number of areas namely Technology we will not be able to move closer to that magical figure of £600 million. We continue to strive to be the best in our area however we are struggling with issues that a number of other logistics companies have overcome many years ago. The Goal itself is very much a “Vision” it states that we want to be able to help our customers reach their goals by being a one stop shop for all their needs from the consumables through to the precision engineering equipment. Within Logistics we have again both Goals and Objectives set at multiple levels from the Middle Managers point of view the overriding Objectives are identified by 5 key...
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...Skills Organizational Behavior Skills Organizational Behavior Skills There are 4 barriers that are a part of the communication process; these are Process, Personal, Physical and Semantic. A process barrier and overcoming is ensuring the message received is the same as the message sent. In order to ensure this is accomplished the message should be put in manner the message is understood as the sender intended. This should be accomplished with a face-to-face meeting, where emotions and attitudes can be observed, to help determine if the right message is being received. It would have a feedback session, to ensure that no misunderstanding had taken place. Personal barriers are individual barriers that affect the ability to clearly and concisely communicate. In order to be affective in moving past personal barriers, as the manager I might need to change my style of communication based on the individual I am communicating with. I also need to ensure I am being a good listener. If I see there is some miscommunication happening, I would locate the root cause and discuss, to ensure we get past it. A physical barrier is one that is identified in the characteristics of the setting, such as light, noise, walls and can also include location. As the manager I would recognize and be mindful of physical barriers that might impede the communication. I would reverse a conference room where we can close a door to ensure privacy and remove noise distractions. In...
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...bbBarriers to Effective Communication “Barriers are influencing factors which impede or breakdown the continuous communications loop. They block, distort, or alter the information. By identifying the barriers and applying countermeasures, team members can effectively communicate.” (Wallace and Roberson, 2009) Chapter four speaks of four obstacles that can prevent effective communication. Emotional barriers, physical barriers, semantic barriers, and ineffective listening all prevent effective communication on both the giving end and the receiving end. Emotional barriers are not limited to the sender; it can also be present in the receiver. For an officer who has low self-esteem, they will often look for acceptance by adding a question to the end of their statement. They want acceptance, and are trying to stay clear of rejection. “An officer with low self-esteem may not be forthcoming with opinions about the cause of an accident or who committed a crime.” (Wallace and Roberson, 2009) Physical barriers have to deal with the environment in which you are communicating in. According to the text, the barriers include, but are not limited to the chain of command that the officer has to follow and equipment malfunctioning and the environment itself. A sentence can be interpreted many different ways; this can be defined as a semantic problem. When writing a report, your sentences must be clear and leave no room for other interpenetrations. The text gives this example, “He is a real...
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...Effective Communication CJA/304 Abstract In this paper, I will discuss the process of effective communication. This paper will explain the differences between verbal and nonverbal communication, and the related components between them, the differences between listening and hearing in effective communication. This paper will also explain formal and informal channels of effective communication, the various barriers to effective communication, and methods applied to overcome communication barriers within the criminal justice organizations. Effective Communication The process of communication can be a difficult process, has many different barriers, forms, and components within it. There are three different forms of communication, which include verbal, nonverbal, and symbolic. These forms of communication are a process between two or more individuals. These individuals can be either the senders or receivers. There are also a number of components, with the primary purpose of exchanging information (Wallace and Roberson, 2009). These components include listening versus hearing and feedback, which is when the receivers respond to the senders. There are vast differences between listening and hearing within the communication process. Hearing can be defined as the physical element of listening to sound or noises, such as, hearing vehicles driving by, a gunshot, or dogs barking. Listening, however, has a more complex meaning. When one is listening, he or she is showing interest...
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