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Gun Control In Schools

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Schools have been labeled as a safe place where children can go and learn but in all actuality, it’s just as dangerous as any other place. Violence in schools has increased over the years and it’s steadily becoming a problem that needs more attention. Hornsby Elementary School in Augusta, Georgia, Sparks Middle School in Sparks, Nevada and Taft Union High School in Taft, California are only three examples of school shootings that have taken place in schools across the United States. If gun laws become more restricting and hinder the availability for people to obtain weapons, if schools began to reinforce and toughen security, and if mental health care facilities strengthen and improve their programs and institutions to accommodate to those …show more content…
Julie Sprinkle, an assistant professor of sociology and social work at Appalachian State University discusses the relationship between domestic violence, the rate of gun ownership and parental educational attainment on the aggressive beliefs and behaviors on children from South Carolina. According to Sprinkle, “Studies reveal that 83–91% of homicides committed by juveniles are carried out using firearms” (135). Julie Sprinkle is informing us that more than 80% of America’s youth have been able to commit homicides using firearms. Gun control laws in America do very little controlling when it comes to an adolescent obtaining a firearm. Although children and adolescents are prohibited from obtaining weapons, they can get them legally from friends and family or they can get them by stealing them or purchasing them from vendors on the street. The worst way for adolescents to get weapons are through parents purchasing them for their children as gifts and telling them it’s for protection. In which some cases they are used for protection, but not everyone has the intention to …show more content…
Barbara Wilson is the “Paul C. Friedland Professorial Scholar and head of the Department of Communication at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign”. Wilson and her assistant took a close look at how the media can affect a child’s well-being and development. In her article “Media and Children's Aggression, Fear, and Altruism", she states, “Television violence seems to have the strongest impact on preschool children, in part because they are still learning social norms and inhibitions against behaving aggressively” (Wilson 87-118). In making this discovery, violent TV shows have proven to have negative effects on the way children act, especially younger children. Children in their younger years of life should watch shows that will enhance their thinking and will allow them to be mentally ready to start their school career whenever they go and watching violent TV shows isn’t the way to go. Their brains and bodies are still developing and they’re learning new skills every day and the programs they watch should impact their lives positively, not

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