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Gun Control Research Paper

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Enforcement of Gun Control
It seems to never fail when one turn on the news there is going to be some gruesome scene involving the inappropriate use of firearms and the mass murdering of innocent civilians. There are laws implemented to give Americans the right to bear arms; however, does that right also give the power to murder? A mass murderer has been created who gives himself the power to control the fate of our American society. The question still remains; what happens after the crime has been committed? As history shows not much has happened and that needs to change. There has been an uncanny abundance of crime and mass murder as a result of firearms in the United States; therefore, there is a strong need to implement laws that enforce …show more content…
There is some evidence from a book titled Mass Shootings in America: Moving Beyond. Written by James Alan Fox and Monica Delateur. Depicted in this book are a few specific causes of what creates a mass murderer. Most mass murderers often see themselves as victims of injustice. Violent video games also play a large part in violent behavior. Mass murderers typically do not have a criminal background or a history of psychiatric hospitalization. The majority of mass murders use firearms that would not be restricted by the Assault Weapons Ban. All of this information leads to the point that the act of the killings is intentional, not random. No one can say for sure, but we do know that many innocent lives are lost as a result of heinous people who didn’t think logically and just reacted. As a society, we need to show that crimes of this magnitude don’t go unpunished and will have serious consequences if …show more content…
far outweighing those in other foreign countries. One piece of this puzzle is the national rate of firearm-related murders, which is charted below. The United States by far has the highest per capita rate of all developed countries. According to data compiled by the United Nations, the United States has four times as many gun-related homicides as do as Turkey and Switzerland, which are tied for third. The U.S. gun murder rate is about 20 times the average for all other countries on this chart. That means that Americans are 20 times more likely to be killed by a gun as is someone from another developed country. (Max Fisher -- The Washington Post)December 14,

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