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Gynecology Obstetric Ultrasound Examination

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Ultrasound (US) is the most used modality for imaging the internal body organs, US is a safe procedure that uses sound waves above the hearing level about 20,000 Hz, to produce images. Obstetric Ultrasound is the use of the sound wave for imaging the embryo or fetus in pregnant woman as well as imaging the ovaries and the uterus of the female. There are many congenital abnormalities that may occur during the pregnancy, some might happen in the first, second or the third trimester. In this study I'm going to talk about the Ventricular Septal Defect it's mainly occur when the heart develops within the first 8 weeks in the first trimester.
Gynecology Ultrasound Examination
There are two types of ultrasound examination used in …show more content…
VSD is considers as a congenital defect in the heart, that present in birth. That’s allows abnormal passage of the blood in the left and the right ventricles. Its cause a high amount of blood to be pumped to the lungs arteries, which make it harder for the heart and the lung to work in efficient way. The VSD are classified into 3 categories depending on the location and the appearance of the defect margins. The severity of this defect depends on the size and location, the level of pulmonary pressure, and the left ventricular outflow …show more content…
2) Unidirectional, left to right shunt flow as shown below in fig 10.

Difficulty in diagnosing VSD:
- Hypo echoic dropout is common when the septum become parallel to the ultrasound beam.
- There is a chance to miss small defect because of the resolution limits.

Case study: Patient with fetal diagnosed with VSD
Echocardiogram was carried out for a 36 years old pregnant woman, with a history of VSD in the previous child.
The VSD was detected when the fetus age was 22 week. It was measured about 2.1 mm in diameter as shown in the figure 11 below. Bidirectional flow was detected occurs only during systole as shown in Fig 12.

Case study 2:
This case for 25 years old pregnant women with fetus diagnosed with VSD
The figure (13) below shows Doppler images. The patient was diagnosed by VSD in the muscular part of the ventricular septum of the fetal heart.

In conclusion, VSD is a very common heart defect and ultrasound is the most suitable modality for diagnosing VSD for the fetus, ultrasound allows direct visualization of the VSD and Doppler echocardiogram allows as visualizing small defects. Follow up examination will be required to check the condition of the

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