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Funeral Figure Analysis

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In this essay, I examine the three funeral figures of the Cameroon Grasslands, the Fang, and the Kota. I am able to do this by describing what the funeral figures look like, the materials that are used in making these figures, and how they are used. The Cameroon Grasslands funeral figures were somewhat different from the Kota and the Fang because they did not protect reliquaries from evil spirits, but were more of a figure of remembrance. Kings and other royal people would hire an artist to sculpt a figure that was suppose to represent that person when he or she died. the figures were made out of wood, copper, burlap, and beads. On particular Cameroon Grassland funeral figure that was famous for being stolen was the figure of afo-a-Kom. This …show more content…
The figures are human-like in appearance with the neck and the torso of these figures being vertical and the shoulders, arms, and legs all balancing one another. These figures are suppose to represent a Fang village with the neck and torso being a central street, while the limbs are the meeting houses or houses balancing each other out on either side. The material used in making these figures are usually wood. A number of different kinds of hard woods are used to assemble the statues. Brass and other metallic based materials are used to decorate the figures such as in the eyes. These figures sit on top of the reliquaries that hold the bones and other relics of the dead. The Fang used their figures not to represent the people, but as guardians to protect the deceased members of the community. What the Fang believe is that these figures guard the reliquaries from evil supernatural forces or black magic. One Fang figure that professor Roy displayed in lecture at the figure from the northern Fang. These are the figures I just talked about. They had the long vertical bodies, the symmetrical limbs, and were able sit on reliquaries because of a long stock. This long thin body type is not the body type that all Fang people use. Southern Fang use a shorter and more muscular body, but use the same symmetrical

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