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Scheherazade: A Short Story

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“Sire” said Scheherazade, “no story I have told is as incredible as the story of Tim.” Tim was born into a large family and his parents struggled to raise all of them. His 7 brothers, 8 sisters, and parents resides in a rural village with broken down houses, poor beggars, thieves running rampant, and trash everywhere. Just over the horizon is a beautiful town that Tim wishes to live in, but thinks he will never live there. “Mother” Tim said on his 8th birthday, “I w-wish to grow up m-married to a r-ri-rich woman, so I can pr-pr-provide for you and father.” “Tim… I hate to tell you this but a woman with money and power, mostly marry men with that lifestyle.” Tim’s mother said sadly. Ever since that day at night Tim wishes to marry a beautiful …show more content…
Mark yelled “Chris don’t let this fool get inside your head.” “Shut up Mark!” Chris yelled “I have been the second favorite child for a long time, you just ruined everything for me. They say why can’t you be like Mark!” “Well because Mark is nothing but a suck up and I’m not going to be a secret husband!” Then out of nowhere Chris pulled the trigger it went through Mark’s heart killing him. In shock Chris became paranoid. “Oh my god… what have I done.” Said Chris “I have killed by own flesh and blood I don’t deserve to live on this planet.” Then Chris inserted the gun into his mouth closed his eyes while crying and killed himself. As Tim sat there with blood on his face he stood in disbelief of what happened. Chris’ body lying there over a pool of blood and Tim was still able to look into both of their eyes. Tim couldn’t take it and just vomited all over the floor, until he passed out laying on his own vomit. Days passed and Tim was on his last breath then he saw a man’s shoe. He looked up and saw a hunter. The hunter was shocked to find him and he carried Tim all the way to the hospital. When Tim finally recovered he saw Ashley and his family …show more content…
Tim was in disbelief that survived those long days while being immobile. “I’m al-alive!” Tim shouted. “Yes, if it weren’t for that hunter that brought you in who knows what would have happened to you.” Said his doctor. Ashley yelled out “I thought I lost you forever!” “I will never leave your side again!” Months passed before Tim was fully healed, but right after him and Ashley started their wedding. It had the best musicians in Arabia, Ashley wore a beautiful golden dress handcrafted by experts, and Tim had gotten his lifelong wish. “This story is incredible sire, but it is not the best one I have to tell.” Said Scheherazade. The story begins with David a teacher and his student Abigale. They were good friends, but many too much especially for teacher and student. Secretly they would have… In the corner of her eye Scheherazade realized it was already dawn. “Sire, I guess I lost track of time I had to tell the story today.” “It is ok, we will just finish the story tomorrow.” Said

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Wawa NOT FOR SALE This PDF File was created for educational, scholarly, and Internet archival use ONLY. With utmost respect and courtesy to the author, NO money or profit will ever be made from this text or its distribution. for more e-books, visit New Moon by Stephenie Meyer Contents PREFACE 1. P A R T Y 2 STITCHES 3. THE E N D OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY 4. WAKING U P 5. CHEATER 6. FRIENDS 7. REPETITION 8. ADRENALINE 9. THIRD W H E E L 10. THE MEADOW 11. C U L T 12. INTRUDER 13. KILLER 14. FAMILY 15. PRESSURE 16. P ARI S 17. VISITOR 18. THE FUNERAL 19. H A T E 20. VOLTERRA 21. VERDICT 22. FLIGHT 23. THE T R U T H 24. V O T E EPILOGUE TREATY Text copyright © 2006 by Stephenie Meyer All rights reserved Little, Brown ard Company Hachette Book Group USA 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Visit our Web site at www.lbteens com First Edition September 2006 The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author Meyer, Stephenie, 1973–New Moon a novel / b) Stepheme Meyer–1st ed p cm Summary When the Cullens, including her beloved Edward, leave Forks rather than risk revealing that they are vampires, it is almost too much for eighteen-year-old Bella to bear, but she finds solace in her friend Jacob until he is drawn into a cult and changes in terrible ways ISBN-13 978-0 316-16019-3 ISBN-10 0-316-16019-9...

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