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H. 1 Comprehensive Analysis

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H. 1 Comprehensive analysis of learning experience acquired from the programme that will benefit the team.

SH. 1.1 Describe in detail, 5 key learning items that you can take from the course, that are useful in Managing the Team and explain why these are important to managing your team

Number one: Behaviours.
The most important thing that I will take from the course is that I am unable to change someone’s behaviour. The only behaviour I can control and change is my own. Through the course I have learned new skills and intend on making an effort to change or experiment with some of my behaviours in the coming weeks and months. From the training I have learnt that when I do change my behaviour some of my attitudes and feelings will also change. …show more content…
However at times I think I may overdo it. I feel I may do this as our manager rarely recognises their good work so I over compensate at times. I think I will monitor this and also speak to my manager about how to motivate the team from his side and find out his feelings on it. I may give him a loan of my training manual!
Number Five: Delegation and Assertiveness
This was an area that really interested me for the simple reason that I always felt delegation was handing your work to someone else to do to ease your own work load. So to see the definition ‘delegation crowns the process of developing people. It is the seal of recognition, respect and trust. Delegation involved giving responsibility to the team to carry out tasks yet keeping overall accountability yourself’, was very pleasing indeed. There are tasks that I do that my team should do. I am going to put a plan in place to delegate some on these tasks in the coming weeks.
Assertiveness is certainly something I need to work on. Having completed the behavioural questionnaire by Terry Gillen I need to increase my assertiveness profile. I need to fully understand my team’s viewpoint and manage difficult situations and turning them into win/win situations. I sometimes shy away from seeing what they really want and I think this is as I am unsure that I can get what they need from …show more content…
I also suspect that most of my staff members are visual learners so this way of learning will assist the team. When we have in house training in the future months I plan to request some of the learnings are visual.
Area of Development – Assertiveness.
I have decided that I will delve further into the assertion skills techniques that were taught on the course and maybe look at a further course outside work.
The main two that jumped out at me were instant replay and saying no without guilt. There are a few members on my team that are very pre occupied with their own agenda and often fail to consider my opinion on work processes. I understand now that I may need to keep repeating my messages and use the same words repeatedly in different sentences so that they fully understand what is expected of them in their day to day role.
The other technique is saying no without the guilt. I need to convince myself that I have a right to say no and that this will reduce anxiety that I sometimes feel in work and it will maintain my self- respect. I will need to keep in mind that I need to be direct, straight talking and offer alternatives at times which will turn the situation into a positive.

H. 3 Critical analysis of theory and

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