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HDFS Service Learning Experience

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I decided to join HDFS service learning in order to get more experience teaching in a classroom setting before my internship for Early Childhood Education. Even though the setting will be different because it is with junior high and high school student, I felt that it was still a great opportunity. Not only will I be getting experience teaching to students, but I also have the lesson plans and scripts that have to be gone by. This will give me practice for going by my lesson plans and scripts. Not only will I have to be going to the plans, but I will be working with another person. Sometimes in the school setting you need to be able to plan with other teachers or even team teach. The service learning will allow me to get out of my comfort zone …show more content…
I feel as though the service learning will allow me to expand my experiences on a personal and professional level. As a person I am getting to know people who are not necessarily in my major, but most are connected in some way through their major. I am also a shy person until I get to know someone and in classes you do not always have the time to get to know people, but with service learning I will be getting to know people while teaching and learning the curriculum. Also, since we are not always teaching with the same person that is making me step outside my comfort zone, because you have to get to know each person that you are teaching with. As a professional, it is also going to help me tremendously. It will give me a chance to meet teachers, principals, and other people that will be great when looking for jobs once I have graduated from college. When it comes to finding a job, especially in the teaching field, knowing people helps you out. Not only will I be able to get to know people, but I will be gaining experience in a real classroom teaching students a set …show more content…
It is not that feedback bothers me, but I always want to be perfect at everything that I do and not make anyone disappointed. So, when someone tells me things that I have done wrong it makes me mad at myself. It is something that I am dealing with and have gotten better about. I hope with the process of service learning that I can take all the feedback and turn it into improvements for the future. The feedback that is given during the teach backs are just going to help us when we get into the actually classroom. I can turn the feedback into change, which is something that I can deal with. The approach that I have found best for me is just tell me straight up what you want me to know and not beat around the bush about

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