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HSDS-50 Community Resources

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Rogelia Segura Geniz
Instructor: Nancy Miller
HSDS-306-50 Community Resources and Services for Persons with Disabilities assignment #4
February 18, 2018

Question 4A: Social belonging is important to everyone, yet this need and desire is often left out of the “plans” developed for people with disabilities to works toward full community integration. Describe how competency and commonality help people with disabilities be part of belonging. Include examples and page numbers from the assigned chapter. You may want to define competency and commonality first.

“For people with disabilities to overcome the stigma of their disability and to enjoy their lives.” (Dielo, 2007, pg.117) Competency is about being good at something. Everyone has talents. …show more content…
In the video, I watched are about mentor students such as Hanna Carney is a mentor program coordinator for the MNBLN and her role is to invite college students with disabilities and recruit mentors to help other people in the program. Anastasia is in the mentorship program and plans to work in community development she meets with her mentor Dawn Kirchener who works as a mentor with the MNBLN, and meets Anastasia every 2 weeks she helps students shows great great energy and improvement easy engagement to be connected with the advocates. Anastasia comments that she is excited to find resources from advocates and help herself as well. Dawn Kirchener recommends people to be part in the MNBLN program because there are many opportunities to help students to make a goal for their …show more content…
ODEP was authorized by Congress in the Department of Labor’s FY 2001 appropriation in order to acknowledge the necessity of a national policy to secure that all people with disabilities are full joined-up into the 21st Century Workforce and the secretary of Labor delegated authority and allocated responsibility to the assistant Secretary for Disability Employment policy. ODEP is a sub- cabinet level policy agency in the Department of Labor. ODEP encourage the adoption and implementation of ODEP policy action plan and successful implementations meaning those that ODEP has spread and/or vindicated that will influence the employment of people with special needs ODEP’s technique is to drive structures and perform changes by dissemination ODEP policy strategies and successful practices, sharing information, and providing technical assistance to government agencies, service providers and non governmental entities, as well public and private employers, the program provides to the achievement of strategic goal 3: promote fair and high quality work-life environments and strategic 3.1: Breaking obstacle to just and diverse workplaces and limit pay inequity. The Office of Disability employment policy is the only non regulatory federal agency that

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