Premium Essay

Hachiko The True Story Of A Loyal Dog Summary

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Words 351
Pages 2
How do people feel about the qualities between humans and animals in the twentieth century. Some authors explained this in their selections. In Hachiko: The true Story of a Loyal dog and From My Life With the Chimpanzees. They also provided textual evidences to prove this idea. Pamela S. Turner introduced the quality caring in Hachiko after his owner's death. Even Hachiko took care of Dr.Ueno and joined him every day to Shibuya Station and waited till he comes back. For example, when people were padding Hachiko and when Kentaro gives Hachiko food. "But what will happen to Hachiko? "This is a quote that indicates caring. Pamela also introduced the quality loyalty in the story she wrote which she believes humans, and animals had

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