...Hagia Sophia The Hagia Sophia being constructed in 532-537 A.D. by Justinian and two architects Anthemius of Tralles and Isiderus of Miletos (156). It took them only 5 years to complete the church; it is located in Istanbul, Turkey once known as Constantinople in the sixth century A.D. (193). The church currently is still standing and currently being worked on to this day. All though it no longer is used as a church, it still has a significant place in the art world due to its architecture, grandness, size, and functionality (Hagia Sophia: The Place of Holy Wisdom). The Hagia Sophia was the most magnificent buildings in the city; its name means “Holy Wisdom” and is one of the most popular man-made structures in the world (156). It was “the mother church of the Orthodox faith, After the Ottoman conquest, and the church became an Islamic mosque” (193). In addition, still to this day you can see some of the trappings and calligraphic writings that was saved from that time (193). As of today, it is now a Museum, the mixture of the Byzantine and Islamic aspects make a strong token of the meeting of the West and East (193). There are two different pictures of the exterior and interior of Hagia Sophia on pages 156 Figure 7.4 and page 193 Figure 8.13in the book Experience Humanities by Roy T. Mathews, F. Dewitt Platt and Thomas F.X. Noble. The Hagia Sophia design constructed by combining three basilical plans with the dome plan design (Hagia Sophia: The Place of Holy Wisdom)...
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...Both The Pantheon and Hagia Sophia feature large domes, but they were built in different ways. They use different support systems to bear the immense weight of their domes. The Pantheon’s massive dome is supported by a large cylindrical base. Hagia Sophia’s huge dome rests on pendentives which are supported by four piers. The careful design of these two domes and their support systems have allowed them to stand for many, many centuries. The Pantheon’s dome is supported by a large drum. Anderson and Carson write in our textbook that the drum is a cylindrical base with twenty foot thick brick and concrete walls (169). The dome is a massive 142 feet in diameter, so the circular shape of the drum allows it to bear the weight equally in all directions...
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...Religion has always played an important role in the development of art and architecture. They serve as a bridge between the real world and the divine world, and mirror religious views of people and the major beliefs of the society. Hagia Sophia and the Dome of the Rock are two of the greatest and the most important architectural monuments in the world. Even though two of the most historical mosques, Hagia Sophia and the Dome of the Rock, are built for different religions, but due to a sharing purpose, which being praying to God, the difference can barely be noticed. By sharing a purpose, both structures act as a shrine for different religions to reach God. Hagia Sophia is one of the greatest surviving examples of Byzantine architecture. It was originally built in 360 AD and for more than a thousand years was a Christian church. The church was rebuilt in 532–537 during Emperor Justinian’s rule by architects Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus. Its interior was decorated with mosaics, marble columns and fresco paintings on the wall. The dome of Hagia Sophia is what fascinates architects, engineers and art historians the most. This particular design, pendentive—the triangular form providing the architectural transition between the circular and square shapes 1 . Just below the dome, 40 windows were placed letting light in and shine on the mosaics. The pendentives and the windows created an illusion of the dome floating above the...
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...The Functions of Temples and Mosques Theodore Jackson III Survey of Art and Culture I December 2, 2008 Introduction Art is created in many forms. Artists express their ideas and feelings through painting, sculpture, architecture, etc. Most artists stick to the area which they are most comfortable with, but some art is created for a grand purpose. In such cases, the art dictates the medium of expression rather than the artist. Architecture illustrates this point most accurately. The ancient architects created monumental masterpieces that people still enjoy. The greatest display of architectural genius can be seen in the temples and mosques. The temples of Ramses II and Angkor Wat along with the mosque Hagia Sophia possess these common functions: tell a story of the past, have a significant religious purpose, and were created to show artistic beauty. The Temple of Ramses II The temple of Ramses II is located at Abu Simbel in Nubia. It was built in the period of the New Kingdom (Kleiner 79). King Ramses II completed the building of the temple around 1253 B.C. (Nardo 120). Next to it he built a temple in remembrance of one of his many wives, Queen Nefertari (Nardo 120). His own temple was much larger in size compared to that of Nefertari. The difference in size was probably done on purpose. Larger statues and buildings often are a sign of more importance. Ramses II’s temple faced some adversity throughout the years. Around the time...
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...EARLY CIVILIZATIONS MATRIX CIVILIZATION | politics | society/ economics | technology | art | music | architecture | philosophy | literature | Prehistoric | Families and Clans were important | Hunter/GatherSocietyHealer/Nurturers | Stone Tools | Cave paintingsDecorated pottery | Drumming | Stonehenge | animism | hieroglyphs | Mesopotamian | Social classesKings | AgriculturalReligious beliefs in gods that are not nature itselfWritten Law | Multiplication tables | Ziggurat | Found musical instruments in royal burial sites | pyramids | Search for immortality | Epic | Ancient Egyptian | 1st pharaoh, Narmer (Menes) | Theocratic socialism | SundialWater clockGlass is produced | Created to replicate the living world | Hymns were chantedHarps, pipes, Sistrums | Great Pyramid of Gizeh | cosmology | Papyrus rolls | Archaic Greek | democracy | City-statesThe Olympic games | Theory of the solar eclipse | Fresco | Ballads of war | Palace of Minos, | AristotleNaturalistsPlatoethics | allegory | CIVILIZATION | politics | society/ economics | technology | art | music | architecture | philosophy | literature | Aegean | Aitolian koinon | | | | | | | | Classical Greek | Alexander the Great | Humanism | Steel is produced | Realistic and stayed true to nature | Ode, museKitharalyre | The Parthenon | Socrates | | Hellenistic | Alexandria | Urbanismtrade | Catapultastronomy | Kritios BoyFriezesNude sculptures | Seikolos songSappho | GableMetopetholos | Skepticism, cynicism...
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...For the last three years my extracurricular life has been spent at practice with my local rowing team. I’ve always done a sport of some type. Most often it was soccer though my freshmen year of high school I decided to try out rowing. Within a month I had been given the position of coxswain for the freshmen eight, and along with it the task of controlling eight unruly freshmen boys and keeping a $30,000 racing shell from being damaged. My sophomore year I earned the coxswain position on my team’s top boat the Men’s Junior 8+. On that boat we went undefeated all season and brought the team their second national title. Junior year I once again earned the spot of coxswain on the top boat, which this time was the Med’s 1st Varsity 8. The job as a coxswain is fairly simple. My job is to act as a second coach, I am in charge of the boys who comprise my crew and it is my job to make sure they do their job to the best of their ability. At the same time every day at practice it is demanded of me that I behave in a mature and responsible manner. My experience on my rowing team has been truly defining, I learned things about myself I would have never known had I not joined the team. As a coxswain I have to behave as if I were a coach I must act maturely and responsibly. My ability to do so has earned me respect and the honor of commanding the fastest boats my team can field. Even through the worst of times in my life I have always had rowing as an escape. At crew I am stress free and without...
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...The Real Empress Theodora Theodora was born at around the time of 497 AD in Rome. She died of cancer in 548 AD when she was 51 years of age. Theodora’s father was a bear trainer and her mother, a homemaker. She then met Justinian I, the then later Byzantine emperor. Justinian kept her life very interesting.Theodora was born a peasant, but as she overcame that she helped establish women’s rights. Theodora was born into a peasant family, but then later met Justinian I, the emperor’s nephew. She met him after she took a job spinning wool at a house that was close to the palace. Justinian fell in love with Theodora. They shared passion and chemistry for each other. By law the two could not marry each other. Justinian I then was able to get the law changed to allow them to marry. They were crowned emperor and empress in 527 AD. As Empress Theodora had the power to influence others. Using her power she helped establish protection towards women and women’s rights. She establish many laws that helped women have more rights with divorce, inheritance, and especially poverty. Most importantly, the laws made prostitution illegal and established that anyone who committed rape will be sentenced to death penalty. Theodora is also know for saving Justinian and his role as emperor. In 532, Two political groups called the Blues and the Greens broke out in a riot, that later turned into a revolt. Justinian and his advisors could not control the Blues and the Greens, and soon became to pack...
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...Landmarks To prepare this assignment, i choose two people that i know closely. One of them is my mother, who is 60 years old, graduaded from highschool, worked in textile as an inspector. She lives in Kalamis. She said that Hagia Sophia is the landmark of Istanbul. She said that it is the first building that comes on her mind when she thinks of Istanbul. Other than being a beautiful building, the building is a symbol of change of Istanbul through time. From Constantinople to Istanbul is same as from church to mosque. It is a great representation of the city. Also she thinks that it is the most know place of Istanbul. She thinks that a landmark should be the symbol of the city. It should show the spirit of the city. Also a landmark should be well known. It should have a meaning for the city. A landmark of the city should have speacility. only being beautiful is not enough. The other person i interviewed is my friend Hakan. He studies in our University studiying Economics. He is 22 years old. He lives in Florya. And he believes that Topkapi Palace is the Landmark of Istanbul. He said that the building was the palace of the Ottoman Sultans for ages and it shows the Ottoman spirit which shaped Istanbul through years.Also it is a majestic building. The doors walls and the inside of the building is impressive. The building is one of the structures that stayed same through years while the city keeps changing. It is a palace that located in the hearth of the city and thousands...
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...Company Q – Social Responsibility 1 Case Study on Social Responsibility – Company Q For over forty years, the subject of business ethics has continued to evolve and one aspect in particular, social responsibility has become more of a focus. A company’s attitude on social responsibility is evaluated in how they maximize positive impacts on stakeholders while minimizing the negative impacts. Stakeholders include employees, customers, investors and the communities in which they operate. Over time, examples from the world of business have shown ethical standards and social responsibility have a positive impact, not only in terms of reputation management, but long-‐term organizational success. Based on the information provided about Company Q’s actions, it appears that the primary driver for their business decisions is short-‐term economic responsibility without evaluating impacts to all of their stakeholders. Three...
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...I. Introdução teórica Colóides Existem vários tipos de mistura de substâncias: soluções, suspensões e colóides. Os colóides são misturas heterogéneas de pelo menos duas fases diferentes, em que a matéria de uma das fases está dividida em finas partículas de dimensões entre 10-9m e 10-6m (sólido, liquido ou gás), denominada de fase dispersa, misturada uniformemente com a fase continua (sólido, liquido ou gás), denominada de meio de dispersão. [1] Na tabela 1 está apresentada a classificação dos colóides de acordo com o estado da fase dispersa e da fase contínua bem como alguns exemplos de cada uma delas. Tabela 1 – Classificação dos colóides de acordo com o estado da fase dispersa e contínua [2] Fase dispersa Gás Não existe. Todos os gases são solúveis entre si. Gás Fase contínua Líquido Sólido Aerossol líquido Aerossol sólido Ex: neblina Líquido Espuma Ex: espuma de sabão Sólido Espuma sólida Ex: pedra-pomes Ex: fumo, pó em suspensão Emulsão Ex: leite , maionese Gel Ex: gelatina, geleia Sol Ex: tintas Sol sólido Exemplo: cristal de rubi, alguns vidros Colóides de associação Os colóides de associação são agregados de moléculas da fase dispersa que se associaram num processo dinâmico e termodinamicamente dirigido, que leva a um sistema que pode ser simultaneamente uma solução molecular e um sistema coloidal estável. A formação de um colóide de associação envolve substâncias específicas que dependem...
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...I i; |: t I i I I i [pic] CUVÂNT ÎNAINTE „Drept diplomatic" este un curs universitar conceput ca o expunere şi o analiză a normelor dreptului internaţional, care asigură desfăşurarea acelei activităţi menite să promoveze interesele externe ale unui stat. Diplomaţia este privită, de cele mai multe ori, cu admiraţia pe care o poate da ceremonialul desfăşurării ei. în fond, ea este o activitate zilnică, tenace, migăloasă, plină de neprevăzut şi mister. Poate, oare, un diplomat să gândească un scenariu pentru a promova politica statului său care să se armonizeze cu cea a interlocutorului său? Strădania diplomaţilor este de a se convinge zilnic şi a se informa pe baza unor documentări atente, care sunt interesele reciproce ale statului lor şi ale statului în care sunt trimişi, permanent sau temporar, pentru a acţiona conform cu aceste interese; ei trebuie să lămurească interlocutorii de propriul lor interes, conştientizându-1, dacă aceştia ar fi omis sau neglijat să o facă. Diplomaţia este o negociere permanentă cu statul acreditar; ea nu se desfăşoară numai la masa tratativelor. Diplomatul ştie că a negocia nu înseamnă insistenţa pentru acceptarea unui drept al statului propriu, dacă nu se are în vedere perspectiva unei colaborări, bazată pe reciprocitate. El ştie, în cazul în care interesele nu converg, că strădaniile lui sunt în zadar, căci statele nu au sentimente, ci doar politici de urmat. Diplomatul este de partea baricadei statului...
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...When I take the wheel of a BMW X6M and hit the gas pedal, I feel the power that the 8-‐cylinder engine gives me loosening its 550bhp. In this sense, power is what Angelina described: force x velocity. When I give a persuasive speech and engage my audience, I feel the energy that this accomplishment gives me. In this sense, power is the emotional feeling: adrenaline. But what can you do with power? Power gives you control, you can influence others, it enhances your authority, the one with the greatest power commands, who has the power rules… Power is an asset, and when not well deployed, it can be a fairly dangerous and powerful asset. My classmates explained above definitions of power in a variety of ways. To link power with the Business and Society course, I would like to demonstrate that the perception of power can be derived from four different...
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...The Indian Love for Gold -‐ Mayank Goel With a booming population of a country like India it is easy for an economist to postulate that the reason for persistent stagflation is the ever-‐growing labor force, which does not find employment due to a resource crunch –not to mention the demand against these resources causes the high inflation-‐ and a resulting lack in employment opportunities. Where stagflation would mean a state of high inflation and high unemployment, which under general conditions are supposed to be inversely related (simply putting it, you employ more, you pay more, higher prices, high inflation, that’s how it should go). The above, even stepping back from the textbook jargon, would seem like a standard argument that an economist would give for a ‘third world’ state of affairs. But have we ever wondered, comparing ourselves with other economies, that our problem ...
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...The analysis of various themes of happiness started out on an individual level where we all identified what made each one of us happy. Following this, we discussed these themes of happiness in a group of two, and subsequently in a group of 9. At the end of the discussion, many themes turned out to be common to most of us, while some themes stood out and were characteristic to certain individuals in our group. ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS THEMES OF HAPPINESS COMMON THEMES OF HAPPINESS • “SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT” – This theme resonated with all the individuals of our group. However, the meaning of ‘accomplishment’ turned out to be subjective. While for some people it was more on the academic front like their JEE rank, or a great SPI at the end of a semester, for some others it was career-‐oriented like landing an internship in their dream company. For someone...
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...Music Vande Mataram (A R Rehman) Yahan vahan saara jahan dekh liya hai, Kahin bhi tere jaisa koi nahin hai. 80 nahi 100 din duniya ghuma hai nahi kahin tere jaisa koi kahin Main gaya jahan bhi Bas teri yaad thi Jo mere saath thi , mujhko tadpati , rulati Sabse pyaari teri surat Pyaar hain bas tera pyaar hi………………. Ma tujhe salaam(2) Amma tujhe salaam, ma tujhe salaam……….. Vande Mataram (4-6) --- Tere hi paas main aa raha hoon , Apni bahe khol de Zoor se mujhko gale laga le Mujhko phir voh pyaar de Ma........... Tu hi zindagi hain Tu hi meri Mohabbat hain Tere hi pairon mein jannat hain Tuhi dil tu jaan amma ……… ma tujhe salaam Pathshala (Rang de Basanti) Lose Control..(1) One more to lose (2) Lose control(2) I’m a rebel (2) Na koi padne wala , na koi sekhne wala (2) Apni toh pathshala masti ki pathshala(2) Lose Control --- Chehrae ki kitabe hain hum who padne aate Yeh surat teri meri mobile library Yaaron ki equation hai, love multiplication hai Jisne dil ko jeeta hai Who alpha hai , theta hai. Lose Control(2) One more to lose (2) Lose Control (2) I’m a rebel. (2) ---Talli hoke girne se samjhi hamne gravity, Ishq ka practical kiya tab aayi clearity Na koi padne wala na koi sekhne wala Nata yeh sarnata hai dekho lambu shor hai Har dil mein bud bud karta H2SO4 hai. Na koi padne wala , na koi sekhne wala (2) Apni toh pathshala masti ki pathshala(2) I’m a rebel , Lose control ! Aadat (Kalyug) Juda Hoke bhi tu mujhmein kahin baaki...
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