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Haier Performance Management System


Submitted By michellengyuxin
Words 573
Pages 3
Q. Critically review Haier’s performance management system. How does it work? What concerns do you have about the system and process?

Haier’s performance management system is an integration of Japanese management philosophy, American innovation as well as some aspects of traditional Chinese culture.

Haier’s performance management system works due to the following key characteristics:
Haier’s performance management system is very specific. Employees are clearly aware of the expectations that are required of them as well as the rewards or punishments that ensue according to their performances. For instance, the OEC principle which stands for Overall, Every, Control and Clearance dictates that each employee must finish all tasks planned for the day before leaving work. Employees are thus held accountable to the specific goals they set with their supervisors daily and are clear of what they are supposed to achieve. Moreover, employees are also aware of the three-phase system relating to the lowest performing 10% of employees after each review.
In addition, Haier’s performance management system works due to employees’ acceptability of the fair and transparent practices. In Haier, transparent performance appraisals involve all employees regardless of hierarchal status. This is evident in the racetrack model, which allows all employees to compete for job opening and promotions. Promotions are awarded based on capabilities and not interpersonal network.
Thus, Haier’s performance based management system works because employees who did well are recognized and rewarded. Furthermore, all employees are able to compete for promotions and higher salary, creating a level playing field. Ranking the employees also spur greater internal competition among workers to achieve higher performance standards, driving the innovation and development of the company.


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