...Haiti Earthquake of 2010– Vulnerabilities and Resiliency On the 12th of January in 2010 at 4.53 pm Haiti was struck by a massive earthquake that is considered as one of the deadliest earthquakes in the western hemisphere in a century (Chinn, 2011). According to The Haiti Earthquake (2013) it killed 220.000 people, injured 250.000 people and left more than a million homeless. The earthquakes’ characteristics: There are several different aspects of Haiti earthquake that amplified its impact. First of all, Haiti is located on the edge of the Caribbean plate that crushes into the Atlantic plate (The Haiti Earthquake, 2013). This area is known for its tectonic activities as the plates are constantly moving and creating friction between them,...
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...One of the most disastrous earthquakes to hit this planet was the Haiti earthquake. In the afternoon of January 12, 2010, this earthquake -with a magnitude of 7.0- hit the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic in Central America. Although the damages were mostly found in Haiti, the people in the Dominican Republic experienced similar results. While many calculations disagree with each other, at least a whopping 150,000 people lost their lives in this unfortunate event, while more than ten times that number lost their homes and properties to be left on the streets, or what has remained of them. This huge earthquake covered the territory of almost ⅔ of the country and the western third of the island, which originated about 25 kilometers...
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...Haiti has had a strong history of surviving the unsurvivable, first with the slave rebellion against the French colony of Saint-Domingue, followed by a countless amount of military coups and dictators instated by the American government and eventually deadly natural disasters like the 2010 7.0 earthquake. All these things have left Haiti vulnerable for powers other than the Haitian government to make decisions for the Haitian people, and out of desperate measures Haiti is constantly forced to succumb to foreign powers. In particular, the recovery from the Haitian earthquake being delayed even to this day because of countries coming into Haiti attempting to aid Haiti but in reality they are just prolonging the inevitable issues that need to be addressed. Haiti needs to create more laws and enforce the laws, so that things like the poor structural engineering in...
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...The purposes of government does not improve the people's lives in Haiti. Evidence of to is being show with poor economic decisions, not maintaining social order and not providing good public services. Haitians had faced a devastation of an earthquake in 2010 which has changed the lives of many for the worse. The reasons are that people became homeless, buildings were destroyed, and the government falling apart. First, Haiti is not meeting the purposes of government since poor decisions are being made economically. This is shown statistically since more than 80 percent of the population are living in poverty and in extremely overcrowded houses that are too small. Also, most people in Haiti are living on less than two dollars a day with...
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...country, Haiti, was hit by an earthquake that opened my eyes. The economy went down after the earthquake, and that experience changed the way I see money and social class. When I was growing up, my parents always told me that I should take my education seriously because the more educated you are, the more respect you get from people. Also, when you are educated, you can get any job you want and you are able to buy anything that that you desire. Growing up in Haiti, I would see my parents working hard to put me in school so I could get an education. I wanted to pursue a higher education, and vowed to work harder than ever in school to make my parents proud. The reason that I value education so much is because,...
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...The early history of Haiti is tragic and unique. Throughout history, this small country has suffered from natural disasters, poverty, racial discrimination, lack of economic resources, and political instability. Haiti is located in the Caribbean next to the Dominican Republic, on Enriquillo–Plantain Garden fault zone, as well as the area’s largest hurricane track, bringing it bad luck geographically (Henley). On January 1, 1804, Haiti declared independence from France, and in 1805, Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared himself the Emperor of Haiti. Dessalines was an important military leader who worked with Toussaint L'Ouverture and gave the country of Haiti its name. Toussaint L'Ouverture was one of the main leaders of the Haitian independence movement during the French Revolution (Jean-Jacques Dessalines). Since then, Haiti’s government has become more democratic and is currently run by Prime Minister, Evans Paul....
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...as humans have clashes with the earth. But in the end the earth always finds a way to disturb the human civilization . The people of Haiti have been the victims of many attacks by the earth has to throw at the people of Haiti. The island of Haiti have been hit with the waves from the Caribbean sea and the North Atlantic ocean have both pounded the sides of Haiti like balls of fist. The skys look deadly because of the grey dullness that it suspends from it. We as human beings have been taught to dig ourselves out of any trouble we have been in. Even though the world is rough to us, we have to just take the punishment that it gives us and learn from our mistakes. Haiti has been plagued with many disasters. Those storms have been the stepping stones for the Haitian people to grow and give them time to get things squared away. The people of Haiti have grown in depths with the way they have had to...
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...In 1991, Haiti faced a coup by military authorities against its democratically elected President Aristide. The election had been supported by the United Nations to testify of its smooth functioning (United Nations, n.d.). This military coup led to three years of economic collapse and repressions perpetrated by the new regime. The importance of the number of migrants who were arriving in the United States persuaded the United Nations to intervene in Haiti through a peacekeeping mission in 1994 (Vree &Satake, n.d.). The UN intervention allowed a come back of the former elected representatives but it was the former Prime minister who became President, Rene Preval. This new election led to six years of economic growth, then, Haiti began to face a period of recession. In the same time, Mr...
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...Kevens Louis Instructor : Dr. Jonathan Harvey Descriptive narration Haiti January 12, 2010 On 12 January 2010, one of the worst natural disasters in history struck Haiti. A catastrophic earthquake, with 7.3 magnitude. At first, I thought there were many explosions. At 16:53, I was there when the earth shook with all his might. Corpses were everywhere and dust covered my face. I did not even see where to go, I did not know whether to go left or right, nor to go south or north. Everything was covered with dust. I was with my friend Fladjy when with the earthquake occurred. Earlier before the earthquake we actually were supposed to meet with our other friends at our school to study and Fladjy has insisted that to cancel the meeting with...
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...Research Critique, Part 1 Kathleen J. Good Grand Canyon University: NRS 433 October 19, 2014 Problem Statement In 2010, after the earthquake that struck Haiti, thousands of nurses and healthcare workers traveled to Haiti to volunteer to help with relief efforts. In the year and a half after the earthquake, when looking through peer-reviewed literature, it was revealed that “all of the publications are anecdotal in nature” and “there was no original research using scientific methods that systematically explore volunteers’ experiences. In addition, none of the publications specifically addressed the issues faced by nurses caring for children. This is where this study being discussed saw a gap in knowledge. “Research that focuses on the pediatric population in disasters is generally lacking” (p. 242). Worldwide, children comprise a huge population, so knowing how to care for them, especially in disaster relief, is important. “This study sought to fill part of the knowledge gap about nurse volunteers who care for children in disaster situations.” The authors of this study point out that filling this gap in knowledge is important because “it takes a scientific approach to nurses’ experiences and will help inform nurses who consider volunteering in future humanitarian missions” (p. 243). In a grander scheme, it also gives aid agencies, such as the Red Cross, more information on how to treat children post-disaster. Purpose and Research Questions Clearly stated, “The purpose...
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...The Republic of Haiti, considered the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere has been crippled by poverty and numerous natural disasters. With no access to the means of the United States, the infrastructure of this small, Caribbean country is in shambles. To make matters worse, natural disasters repeatedly pummeled the already-weak infrastructure, This paper will explore the issues encompassing the water quality in Haiti. First, water systems in specific areas of the country will be examined and for their effectiveness. Then, the possible solutions to solving the water quality problem will be explored. Reason for Paper When presented with this assignment, my attention was immediately drawn to the country of Haiti. Having visited the country multiple...
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...Cultural Assessment Being culturally competent means more than having an awareness for a culture different than your own for the majority culture. Cultural competency involves having an open mind-set and respect for the unique cultures, values and principles of all diverse ethnicities. I had very little interaction with the Haitian culture until I started working at a very culturally diverse facility. While completing my nightshift rotation, I had the pleasure of befriending someone from Haiti. After many years of friendship, I still feel that I know very little about her heritage. This diversity course gave me the perfect opportunity to interview and conduct research on the Haitian culture. Exploring this culture was a true revelation...
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...Assignment GEOL1002 Earthquake Portfolio This project will get to you examine the nature and effects of a significant earthquake. You will examine various aspects of the earthquake with your group over the course of the next six weeks. The exercise will get you to examine various sources of data, then you will learn how analyses the different data sets, and present the data in several different ways. The aim is to have you develop your geologic, spatial and temporal and presentation (transferable) skills. During the course of this project will: 1. Describe the tectonic and geologic setting 2. Quantify the characteristics of the earthquake (magnitude, depth, duration etc.) 3. Describe the effects of the earthquake (natural and human) 4. Assess the risk of future earthquakes in the region 5. Present recommendation to help in hazard mitigation in the region 6. Present projects Products (all due Feb 9): i) 2000 word report (fully illustrated and referenced) ii) Poster board iii) 5 minute-long video on YouTube iv) 10 minute powerpoint presentation Each part worth 25% of total assignment grade. Useful websites to get you started: USGS Earthquake Hazard Program: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/ Southern California Earthquake Center: http://www.scec.org/ National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program: http://www.nehrp.gov/ Group Assignments 1. Haiti earthquake, 2010 | 5. Chile earthquake, 2010 | 2. Tohoku earthquake, 2011 | 6. Northridge...
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...Inc… Alvaro By: Alvaro Padilla INT 601~ BRAD SIMON August 25th, 2013 Brad Simon By: Alvaro Padilla INT 601~ BRAD SIMON August 25th, 2013 Brad Simon Clean, Tasty, Refreshing Clean, Tasty, Refreshing Table of Contents I. Table of Contents2 II. Executive Summary3 III. Industry Analysis4 IV. Country Attractiveness Assessment9 V. Market Database and Assessment15 VI. Global Marketing Plan19 VII. Financials24 VIII. Assessing Risk Factors28 IX. The Management Plan33 X. Summary38 XI. References39 II. Executive Summary Alvi H2O Inc. is an industry that provides new portable water purifier using Bio Sand Filter to target Haiti where there is a need in clean drinking water. The product is in high demand in Haiti as the country recovers from the 2010 earthquake. The company began in June 2013 with Alvaro Padilla as the president and founder. He is also the chief executive of operations and oversees all the operations in the business. He has the capability of running this business successfully since he holds an International Master in Business Administration. The management team to the company is also composed of Andrew Yap as the director of operations whose role is to oversee all the operational aspects of the business and Kimberly Taylor who will assist the director of operations in controlling and organizing resources in the organization. In addition, all of the management team will have the capacity to enable the company to...
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...Elena Lukinova Dr. Mosley Eng 102 7 October, 2014 Midterm Paper Does Internet make you smarter The story of Nicolas Carr is about attention and distraction that we internet causes us. The difference between book reading and computer reading is quite noticeable. For example, while reading a book he or she might focus more, whereas, internet causes distraction to our mind while studying a subject. Pop-up windows, banners, emails notifications doesn't allow the brain to focus, as a result, we tend to memorize less. It is necessary to stay in a quiet place without distraction in order to progress with any subject. Internet can make you smarter if used properly, such as doing research and creditable database. We tend to believe what we read online versus reading the book. Forty Acres and a Gap in Wealth Henry Louis Gates Jr. writes how society equally Blacks and Whites has changed over decades. I believe it wasn't fear and not equal to have such a huge gap between African Americans and Whites rights. Blacks were in such poverty that cannot afford even to go to school. Very few Blacks could afford to own properties. However, the moral of the story is always remember where you came from and where your family started at. It is important to also understand how life was back than and how it is today. It also shows the end of middle-class to poverty discrimination between Blacks and the Whites. A Woman Alone with Her Soul A story “A woman is sitting alone with her soul”...
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