... | | | | | |Facts and figures | | | | | |Section A Overview and Content | | |1 Welcome and Introduction to the Module………6 | | |2 Administrative and Technical Support…………..6 | | |3 Timetable/Venue/Rooms………………………….6 | | |4 Student Support and Guidance…………………6...
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...COLUMBUS STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE English Department Summer Quarter 2012 COURSE AND NUMBER: ENGL 102–Essay and Research CREDITS: 3 CLASS HOURS PER WEEK: 3 LAB HOURS: 0 PREREQUISITES: A grade of "C" or higher in ENGL 101, Transfer Credit for 101, or Proficiency Credit CONTACT INFORMATION: English Department Phone: 614-287-2531 English Department Fax: 614-287-5375 Instructor: Bo Clary Office: Nestor Hall 325 Mailbox: Nestor Hall 420 Email:rclary@cscc.edu Office Hours: by appointment ** Students must use Columbus State email addresses when contacting their instructors. I will reply, whenever possible, within two business days to any emails that require a response. Assignments should not be submitted via email unless special permission is given by the instructor on a given assignment. All assignments are provided on your course schedules. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: ENGL 102 is a continuation of ENGL 101 expanded to include more critical reading, reasoned analyses, research techniques, and research paper writing using documentation format appropriate to the essay’s content. GOALS OF COURSE: By the end of the course, students will: 1. 1. Be able to investigate and analyze multiple perspectives on a variety of subjects. 2. 2. Practice a variety of research methods which includes locating and evaluating valid evidence from reliable sources. 3. 3. Produce and refine through process, audience-appropriate texts that responsibly and effectively...
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...Module 2 Written Assignment Calendar reference: WA 2 Please answer the questions posed at the end of each case study in essay form. Each essay will be judged on your capacity to present strong, logical discussions that support your conclusions. Case study 1 Members of Students for Fair Tuition (SFT) decide to protest rising tuition costs at Gigantic State University (GSU) by taking over Dunfee Hall, the location of GSU president Dalton Chandler’s office. As they storm into the reception area of Chandler’s office suite, shouting “Down with fascist tuition increases,” Chandler’s faithful secretary, Prudence Pimply, picks up a phone to call the campus police. Steve Steel, radical leader of the SFT, slaps the phone knocking it from Prudence’s hand without ever touching her. He then pulls out an amazing lifelike squirt gun and threatens to blow Prudence’s head off if she so much as moves an inch toward the phone or the door. Prudence collapses in a sobbing heap on her desk. Unfortunately for their purposes, the students find the only door to Chandler’s third floor office locked from the inside. After a few feeble attempts to break it down, they contend with barricading his door with filing cabinets and singing “We Will Overcome” until the police arrive shortly thereafter. The total time elapsed from the moment the students entered the building until the police arrive is ten minutes. President Chandler was taking a nap and slept through the entire incident. Prudence was so...
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...Lindsay Williams Literary Histories The Victorian novel Comparison of critical sources. Ann Bronte the Tenant of Wildfell Hall APR0055-1516 Tutor: Merrick Burrows 27.11.2015 This essay seeks to discuss, compare and contrast two preferred sources that carried out a critique of Ann Bronte’s, the tenant of wildfell hall. In order to compile a factually based discussion, a key area needed to be focused on, namely, how social changes affected the gender roles in the early 18th century (1832-48). Furthermore detailing how the change challenged traditions and ideologies of the then rather prominent English common law, and the normative principle’s that surrounded motherhood. The Critical sources that bear the utmost relevance to the challenging social content that the tenant demonstrated are Monica Hope Lee’s essay a mother outlaw vindicated: social critique in Ann Bronte’s the tenant of wildfell hall. Nineteenth century gender studies. (4.3), 1-12. And chapter 2 from, Macdonald, T (2015) the new man, masculinity and marriage in the Victorian novel. London: Routledge. Both critics, attempt to dichotomise the tenant of wildfell hall in order to get representative discourse that outlines the social changes in question, moreover they seek to disclose how Bronte summarises her own personal perception of gender ideals in the regency culture, and how she displays openness and vision, as opposed to becoming a shrinking wall flower hidden in the shadows of sporadic sunlight...
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...their time at Shippensburg: * The Dr. Robert Winter APSCUF-SU College of Arts and Sciences Student Award ($500) * The Dr. William Knerr APSCUF-SU John L. Grove College of Business Student Award ($500) * The Dr. Sally McGrath APSCUF-SU College of Education and Human Services Student Award ($500) * The Jane Goss APSCUF-SU Coaches Award ($500) Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria: * Grade point average of 3.3 or above * Junior or senior status - 60 credits or more * Quality of brief essay Letter of recommendation from a current tenured or tenure track faculty member Other contributions to the University or community, such as: * Leadership positions in campus or community organizations * Volunteerism on campus and in the community Any junior or senior interested can go on line at www.apscuf.org, then click on chapters and SU or pick up an application outside the APSCUF Office in Wright Hall 103. **Please note that if you are eligible to apply as a student-athlete and within your college, please do so, but understand that you can only win ONE award. Deadline for application submission is 3:00 PM, Friday, February 19, 2016. Previous winners are not eligible to reapply. One copy of both the application and materials must be turned in to the APSCUF office,...
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...Steven Jones 2/2/11 Impression Paper John Henrik Clarke was an educator, writer, and pioneer of Africana Studies. A student of history and world literature, he advocated to have the research and study of the African-American experience and history incorporated into our higher educational systems. In his essay “The Origin and Growth of Afro-American Literature”, Clarke presents us with a timeline of African American literature from the fourteenth century in Timbuktu to James Baldwin in the 1960’s. He describes that little known history of intellectual centers of education and culture in West Africa during the 1500’s when scholars such as Felix DuBois and Ahmed Baba were prominent during the height of the University of Sankore, and takes us through every major milestone in Afro-American literature after that. I appreciate how he shed light and emphasized that the ancestors of those who became slaves in the U.S. lived in a society where scholarship was present and appreciated. Clarke felt it necessary to emphasize and elaborate on this because of the contrary misconception that Africans at that time were uneducated and uncivilized compared to other society’s such as those in Europe. The section about petitioner Prince Hall gives us a glimpse into Afro-American history during the 1700’s. Hall’s questioning of the concept of freedom at the time lead to his great achievement of founding the first African Lodge in the U.S. in July 3, 1776. Hall’s use of...
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...and improve efficiency in all aspects. Nevertheless, the human resource policies also differ with different corporate cultures in different organizations. Such situation also poses competitive challenge to the human resource policies. There is no fixed pattern for the human resource policies in the organization. In different organizations, different social circumstances human resource policies also in different patterns. The role of human resource policies should be give full play in the corporate development process. Human resource managers need to bring the initiative into play in order to enable enterprises face a high growth stable development trend in the future. Therefore this essay argues that the human resource policies are designed to assist organization achieve corporate strategy. This essay aims to explore and discuss how the human resources policies are designed in order to assist organization achieve their strategy. Literature review In terms of the literature review on the human resource, most of the scholars pay more attention on the human resource management in different social and economic environment or different companies, even the international human resource management. Others also explore the strategic human resource management, and the foundations...
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...'equality of opportunity' and remedying other social disadvantages suffered by black minority communities in British society’ (Solomos 1989:2). Equality of opportunity in this sense is associated to the concept of racial equality, which can simply refer to ‘social equality for peoples of all races’ (Crenshaw 1988). In spite of this however, there remain deeply entrenched processes of discrimination resistant to legal and political interventions throughout society (Solomos 1993). This essay will discuss the claim ‘there ain’t no Black in the Union Jack’ in relation to these processes of discrimination which have encouraged the mis representation and exclusion of Black people within British society. The first part of the essay will outline the meaning of race and racism in the 21st century. It will then go on to discuss processes of exclusion, which are reinforced by the media and politicians representation of black migrants and the existence of so called ‘White spaces’. These exclusions of black people can be seen to prevent them from identifying as British thus excluding them from being part of ‘the Union Jack’. Whilst the concept of racism has been restricted by the notion of ‘colour’ as it has concealed the full range of ways in which racism has operated in Britain, including against Jews, Gypsies and the Irish (Jewesbury 2008), throughout this essay the term will only be discussed in the political sense to ‘denote people who self- identify, originate or have ancestry from global...
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...GARY DESSLER Part 1 | Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama Human Resource Management at Work © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–2 Basic HR Concepts • The bottom line of managing: Getting results • What Is Human Resource Management (HRM)? – The policies and practices involved in carrying out the “people” or human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising. © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Explain what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process. 2. Give at least eight examples of how all managers can use human resource management concepts and techniques. 3. Illustrate the human resources responsibilities of line and staff (HR) managers. 4. Provide a good example that illustrates HR’s role in formulating and executing company strategy. 5. Write a short essay that addresses the topic: Why metrics and measurement are crucial to today’s HR managers. 6. Outline the plan of this book. 1–3 • HR creates value by engaging in activities that produce the employee behaviors that the company needs to achieve its strategic goals. © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–4 1 Line and Staff Aspects of HRM • Line manager – A manager who is...
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...EDITION GARY DESSLER Part 1 | Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Resource Management © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama 1. Explain what human resource management is and how it relates to the management process. 2. Give at least eight examples of how all managers can use human resource management concepts and techniques. 3. Illustrate the human resources responsibilities of line and staff (HR) managers. 4. Provide a good example that illustrates HR’s role in formulating and executing company strategy. 5. Write a short essay that addresses the topic: Why metrics and measurement are crucial to today’s HR managers. 6. Outline the plan of this book. © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–2 Human Resource Management at Work • What Is Human Resource Management (HRM)? – The policies and practices involved in carrying out the “people” or human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising. • The bottom line of managing: Getting results • HR creates value by engaging in activities that produce the employee behaviors that the company needs to achieve its strategic goals. Basic HR Concepts © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–3 © 2008 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 1–4 1 Line and Staff Aspects of HRM • Line manager – A manager who is authorized to...
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...Vicarious liability Damages/sanctions in harassment cases Obvious sources/areas of law Halsbury’s Laws Practitioner texts Statutes Statutory Instruments Case law Client objective(s) To ascertain whether DDL can be held liable for any damages in respect of civil proceedings concerning the harassment alleged, notwithstanding that Oxbridge Essays www.oxbridgeessays.com their internal complaints procedure was complied with. If so, to what degree is there anything they can do to placate the issue, and are there any steps they should be taking now. Record of research undertaken SECONDARY SOURCES Hard Copy Sources Practioner’s Texts I looked in a text called Smith and Wood’s “Employment Law”, 9th Edition. → index – looked up “vicarious liability”, specifically relating to discrimination → pp 282 – 285 This reference related to sexual discrimination, not relevant in this search but noted that s 41(1) of the Sexual Discrimination Act makes the employer vicariously liable for discrimination perpetrated by the complainant’s fellow employees in the course of their employment, whether or not it is done with Oxbridge Essays www.oxbridgeessays.com the employer’s knowledge or approval, but that a defence was available under s 41(3) where the employer took reasonable steps to prevent such conduct. Need to check if there is such a...
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...ACHIEVEMENT REQUIREMENTS GSW 1110 Section 146L Fall 2015 |Instructor: |Joseph Celizic | |E-mail: |cjoseph@bgsu.edu | |Office: |421 East Hall | |Office Hours: |Tuesday & Thursday: 4:00 – 5:30 | | |(and by appointment) | |Mailbox: |210 East Hall (my mailbox is above my name) | |Learning Commons: |140 Jerome Library | |Learning Commons Phone: |372-2823 (call ahead to make an appointment) | REQUIRED COURSE TEXTS AND MATERIALS • Kirszner & Mandell’s The Brief Wadsworth Handbook (BGSU Special Edition). 7th edition. Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell. Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2013 • A laptop with a word processing program (Microsoft Word or Open Office) that you must bring to every class, fully...
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...Prystupa-Rządca © Kozminski University 2015 str. 1 Kozminski University Management in context MODULE MANUAL ACADEMIC YEAR: 2015-2016 CONTENTS Page 1. Module Staff 3 2. Teaching and Learning Strategy 4 3. Recommended Readings 4 4. Module Assessment 4 5. Length 6 6. Structure of essay 7 7. How to start writing your essay 8 8. Grading 8 str. 2 1. Module Staff Office: Internal (direct) phone: E-mail: Office hours: str. 3 Room C/15 22 519 -21-65 kmprystupa@kozminski.edu.pl Please see current information on www.alk.edu.pl 2. Teaching and Learning Strategy Class Organization Please see detailed timetable below: dates may differ depending on which group you are attending – you will receive specific timetable with dates on the first day of class). Attendance and Participation As a general policy, I do not accept latecomers in this class. People who are more than 5 minutes late for the class will not be allowed to participate in the course. 3. Recommended Readings Several copies of “Organizational Behaviour and Management” by D. Knights and H. Willmott are available in the library. This book is an excellent companion to this course and should be also helpful in preparing your final assignment (Essay). It may also be a useful supplementary resource in preparing presentations. Besides, books (study guides) as these mentioned below provide advice for assignment writing. I would strongly...
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...Jesse Yeager EXS-335 2/18/2016 William Kuehl Historical Leaders Essay: Otho Davis Otho Leroy Davis was born on February 8th, 1934. He was born and raised in Texas, and graduated from South Park High School. He served in the U.S Army Medical Service Corp for 3 years after graduating. Otho graduated from Lamar University in 1957 and received a degree in physical education, before receiving his master degree from Kent State, where he began his athletic training career. In 1971, Davis became an associate athletic trainer for the Baltimore Colts and in 1973 he became the head athletic trainer for the Philadelphia Eagles until 1995. During his time with the Colts and Eagles, he became the first NATA Executive Director, and the NATA made extensive progress in the understanding of how to take care of athletes during and after injury. (2) Otho Davis was recognized many different times for his work by the NATA, which awarded him the Professional Trainer of the Year award 5 times while he was with the Eagles. He was also elected into the Athletic Trainer Hall of Fame in 1981, while he was still working. Under Davis, the NATA secured professional liability insurance for athletic trainers, brought in the first corporate sponsors, and established the national office in Dallas, Texas. When he secured professional liability insurance for athletic trainers, he allowed athletic trainers to be safe from their athletes accusing them of negligence and other claims without evidence and support...
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...Human Resource Development IRHR3510 - University of Newcastle Assessment 1 ESSAY “Career development: Whose responsibility is it?” Introduction: Career development refers to the “lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure and transitions” (Parker, 2015). Employee career development is not only vital for the individual’s career but it is also an essential part of business survival strategies (Gololo, 2013). In order to effectively address the question “Career development: Whose responsibility is it?”, this essay will consider the effects of changing business environment on the nature of career development. Research examples, such as Hall’s and Inkson’s articles, are useful in explaining the highly turbulent and complex business environment whilst also differentiating the role each person plays in a modern organisation. The idea of a protean career is essential in understanding whose responsibility one’s career development belongs to. The combination of the changing business environment, as well as the protean career approach to career development, will establish an essential foundation for this essay. The empirical information gathered from a joint research paper conducted by the University of Phoenix in conjunction with EdAssist – “The Story Behind Career Development: Who is responsible?” helps to investigate the current trends within the workplace and how they are evolving. This study investigates managers’ and employees’ perceptions of whose responsibility...
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