...Intrapersonal conflict for Mike Hammer. Intrapersonal conflicts occur when a person’s behavior results in outcomes that are mutually exclusive (Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J.W. 2011). Mike Hammer feels that he is the only one who has the best financial interest for the hospital in mind. With several attempts to make changes to practices within the hospital in order to cut cost and seeing resistance and no success, he feels that he the only one reaching for the goal of saving the hospital. Once Hammer brings on Harding as a part of his team to make changes in the hospital, together they face Interpersonal conflict. Interpersonal conflict not only occurs when two or more individuals perceive that their goals are in opposition, but also occurs when there is some form of role ambiguity (Hellriegel, D. 2011). While Hammer and Harding are clear on their roles, Interpersonal conflict is apparent between Hammer and the Doctors of General hospital when it comes down to what practices the doctors will carry out on the patients. While Hammer believes eliminating some practices may save money the doctors see it as Hammer stepping outside of his boundaries and telling them how to perform their medical expertise. The resistance between Hammer and the doctors is an example of role conflict, which occurs when a focal person is pressured by role senders to respond and behave in ways that are incompatible with the focal person’s preferences (Hellriegel, D. 2011). With Hammer and Harding in charge of...
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...Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital. Conflict is a process in which one party (person or group) perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party (Hellriegel/Slocum, 2011). There are four primary levels of conflict: intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup (Hellriegel/Slocum, 2011). Intrapersonal conflict occurs within an individual and usually involves some form of goal, cognitive, or affective conflict (Hellriegel/Slocum, 2011). General Hospitals’ CEO Mike Hammer experiences intrapersonal approach-avoidance type conflict since he is trying to devise a master plan to cut costs, increase revenues, expand current services, and add new services. Interpersonal conflict occurs when two or more individuals perceive that their attitudes, behaviors or preferred goal are in opposition (Hellriegel/Slocum, 2011). Once Hammer presented his ideas to Dr. Mark Williams, Director of Medicine an intrapersonal conflict was shown since he felt that all physicians act in the practice of good medicine and forcing them to adhere would make it harder to keep and attract new physicians. Intragroup conflict refers to disputes among some or all of a group’s members, which affects a group’s dynamics and effectiveness (Hellriegel/Slocum, 2011). Although Marge Harding’s father and brother are medical doctors, she isn’t wowed by their positions, doesn’t mind challenging physicians, and views them as one dimensional. This represents...
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...Ireland (Protestant). The more recognized believe that it is in reference to the political issue of separating from Britain such as the Republic did or staying “loyal to the crown” as Northern Ireland has. The final point is the hostile actions that both sides have committed in defense of their positions (Hammer, 2009). Both sides make arguments to why the other has been the source of the problem. In the following paragraphs, we will look at each side’s arguments and present the facts as they are known. Republic of Ireland The Republic of Ireland has a vivid memory of the ethnic and religious persecution they endured by their British rulers. There has been a long history of violence and discrimination based on the religious choices and their ethnic background. This is a modern example of religious and ethnic bigotry in a first world country. Citizens were afraid to practice their religion or to be affiliated with their home land based on the violence that may occur. A primary example of this is in the late 1960’s, Catholic protestors were beaten by Northern Ireland police force (Hammer, 2009). These protestors were simply marching for equal employment rights and religious freedoms. In response, the heavy handed British ruled Northern Ireland government attempted to beat them into submission. Those living in the Republic of Ireland believe firmly in the unity of...
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...S.R.NELSON’S STEEL DRIVIN’ MAN REVIEWED 1 1 S.R. Nelson’s Steel Drivin’ Man – John Henry, The Untold Story of an American Legend Reviewed Caroline M. Smith University of Houston – Downtown S.R.NELSON’S STEEL DRIVIN’ MAN REVIEWED Introduction 2 Scott Reynolds Nelson examined the life and death of a Mr. John William Henry in the insightful book titled, Steel Drivin’ Man – John Henry, The Untold Story of an American Legend. According to Nelson, John Henry was from Elizabeth City, New Jersey, turned 18 in 1865 and stood five feet one and a quarter inches when he first appeared in Prince George County, Virginia in April of 1866 (44). Here, as Nelson began his journey to the truth behind the real John Henry, he encountered many mysteries. Based upon my understanding of Nelson’s research compiled in his book, Steel Drivin’ Man, this paper will explore only three mysteries that Nelson encountered along the way and how he confronted them. I will examine the circumstances surrounding John Henry’s incarceration, the events that led him to drive steel and finally, the cause of his death. In doing so, I hope to gain a deeper awareness of the life and times of John Henry, whether he be fact or fiction, which can qualify a deeper appreciation of the triviality of some of today’s commonplace woes. S.R.NELSON’S STEEL DRIVIN’ MAN REVIEWED 3 Nelson was unable to find any earlier recordings of John Henry until his arrival in Prince George County after the Civil War when...
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...Apple’s famous 1984 advertisement speaks to the population because it follows the same type of format as the Daisy advertisement we watched earlier in class. They paint a colorless futuristic dystopia. In Apple’s case, it’s a colorless totalitarian government that snuffs out the idea of individualism. The viewer can identify this by the lack of color used to portray the populus, as well as every hallway and corridor being filled with TV screens and sound systems playing the same brainwashing message on repeat. The viewer of this advertisement is given a sense of unease by the emotionless and colorless faces of the people, and this creates a fear in the reader that if we keep mindlessly consuming technology, this could be the future of the...
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...Justice Scalia embraces, leaves no constraint on his ability to make consequential decisions. With little or no constraint, Justice Scalia can make any decision, tracing it back to originalist principles, and make it fit perfectly with his preconceived conservative beliefs. This presents a question of whether or not another judge, using the same adherence to originalism, could equally trace back intent only to justify liberal beliefs. It sure seem plausible. Originalism as the “hammer” of Justice Scalia, falsely assumes that a clear meaning can be obtained by looking at history for intent, and wrongly concludes that this form of jurisprudence should control contemporary Constitutional decision making. In looking at the multitude of the Justice's opinions throughout the history of the Supreme Court, it appears that no Justice has written with the intense sarcasm of Justice Scalia (McCaffrey and Messina, 119). It is evident the Justice Scalia has a deep understanding of rhetoric, and...
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...died in a graveyard just outside the prison walls. When a prisoner died, the caretaker rang a bell,which was heard by everyone. The caretaker then got the body and put it in a casket. Next, he entered his office to fill out the death certificate before returning to the casket to nail the lid shut. Finally, he put the casket on a wagon to take it to the graveyard and bury it. Knowing this routine, the woman devised an escape plan and shared it with the caretaker; The next time the bell rang, the woman would leave her cell and sneak into the dark room where the coffins were kept. She would slip into the coffin with the dead body while the caretaker was filling out the death certificate.. When the care-taker returned, he would nail the lid shut and take the coffin outside the prison with the woman in the coffin along with the dead body. He would then bury the coffin. The woman having pre-arranged with the caretaker for special vents in the coffin knew there would be enough air for her to breathe until later in the evening when the caretaker would return to the graveyard under the cover of darkness, dig up the coffin, open it, and set her free. She wld also carry along a small flashlight to cope with the darkness beneath until the hour of expected freedom. The caretaker was reluctant to go along with this plan, but since he and the woman had become good friends over the years, and knowing dat he stands to gain a lot from this pretty and wealthy woman, he more than agreed...
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...financial freedom and material satisfaction. The Dream serves as a template for the ideal life in the US, but often could not be further from reality for many Americans. Fear in part has been involved with perverting the American Dream particularly in the sectors of work and politics throughout U.S. History. Fear in America’s past has allowed for forces to oppress and control the oppressors. Fear dominates how people think about each other. This has been true since America’s founding and has persisted and remained alive until today. Fear works both against minority groups while also influencing the decision-making of those in power. Fear has infiltrated multiple spheres in the US since 1860. Surprisingly, the US engages...
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...Daniel Casper ART188 09/18/2014 RLR 2 In Michelangelo’s poem, we can strongly feel that he believed his talents are originates from God. He holds the opinion that it is God who guides him to make sculptures. Just as God creates people in the world, Michelangelo uses “crude hammer shapes the hard stones into one human appearance or another” (Poem 46, 3) The sentence “now my own will fail to be completed unless he divine smithy, to help make it, gives it that aid which was unique on earth” (Poem 46, 12) points out that without God’s guidance, he can’t create anything; the word “unique on earth”, which speaks highly of his status as an artist in the world and his masterpiece David can prove it. In term of the relationship between Michelangelo’s poems and sculptures, I think there are two aspects to demonstrate it. First, there was a turbulent and uncertain society at that time, people’s lives were filled with dire suffering, Michelangelo pinned his hope on God. Under the guidance of God, he finished this giant and great piece David, which was a symbol of freedom, and represents Michelangelo’s motion. Second, David is a hero in bible, which also can be another possible to represent the “divine smithy”. In the bible, David defeat giant “Goliath”, so Michelangelo hope there have a hero at that time to save his country. According to his poem, “not even the best of artists has any conception that a single marble...
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...“Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever,” says Martin Luther King Jr. In any form, oppression—a process of maintaining one’s dominance over another by enforcing limitations— ignites women’s deep-seeded need for equality. Through this internal struggle, women fight against a society that stifles them into a given mold. From Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and Toni Morrison’s A Mercy to Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, these authors tackle the notion of women fighting back against their oppressors. Women mitigate society’s marginalization to gain maximum freedom by exerting their power in unconventional ways. Society encourages women to fit into their ideal standard. Attempting to relegate women to where they...
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...The Progressive Era reformers and the Federal Government was not effective in bringing about reform at the national level because the reforms left out people that are still marginalized. African Americans, women, and immigrants are the groups of people that have been discriminated during the Progressive Era because of their race or gender. The food manufacturing industry and child labor laws are the only things that have successfully transformed, but they are nothing compared to the discrimination that certain people in the United States have faced. The discrimination towards African Americans during the Progressive area was tremendous. During 1890-1920 America was growing rapidly, which meant there was numerous opportunities for people to have a better life style. This was not the case for most African Americans because they were still being discriminated. They were being publicly humiliated, treated differently for political reasons, and even had differing access to things such as health care and their education. The way African Americans have been treated has not drastically changed over time proving that the Progressive Era was not successful not only for African Americans, but also for women. Women of all races have...
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...“Women’s March”, “March for Science” and many more. We hear about court cases that decide what is within our right of our freedom of speech, religion, press, and petition. These cases made possible with the right to a fair and speedy trial. There are activists in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict doing what we do and they are thrown in jail day in and out, and face the possibility of death to stand against what is unjust. Of the several devoted activists in The Friends Whose Names I’ll Never Know, Neta Golan profoundly caught my attention. She is someone whom I, like many others, hope to be. This is a woman who is not afraid to stand in front of a bulldozer, an Israeli peace activist and cofounder of the International Solidarity Movement. She exhibits the American tradition of civil rights. To better understand my analysis of Neta Golan in the terms of the American Constitution, I will elaborate on the concepts of civil rights and...
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...In the film ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ by Frank Darabont, it informs us about the hardships in the prison of Shawshank and hopes to achieve freedom. The characters in Shawshank Redemption present a variety of social issues. Throughout Andy and Red’s sentence in prison, issues of identity, motivation, and anxiety are brought about within the film. Darabont shows us the affects of prison life during and after a prisoner’s sentence in prison. Shawshank Redemption portrays these social issues through the movies’s theme of finding freedom. The idea freedom is presented in the scene earlier in the film, when one of the prisoners ask Andy at the cafeteria ‘are you gonna eat that?’Andy didn’t want the food and handed it over which was fed to the tiny bird in the other mans pocket. The bird symbolizes freedom because when it had fully grown and was able to fly, it was set free by the man who took care of it. Freedom is shown by the production technique, lighting. The event that takes place in a dark jail cell, light shines through the bars of a little window where the bird is set free. We understand the idea freedom when the bird flies out towards the light and freedom and is no longer confined inside the pocket of the man also kept in jail. During the 1940’s, a young banker named Andy Dufresne arrives at Shawshank prison in Portland after being falsely accused of murdering his wife and her lover. In this high security prison Andy experiences isolation and harsh treatment by both inmates...
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...TRISTE, TRISTE ANALYSIS • Triste Triste explores the aftermath of intimate sexual interaction as a metaphor for artistic creativity. • Through intimate activity (sex) she discovers an out of body situation, a sense that her spirit becomes free • Explores the multi-faceted experiences of women and their roles • The poem begins hopeful and ends melachonic • Harwood utilizes figurate language which is highly emotional and suggestive • Shift in tense – starts present, ends past • Imprisoned heart is symbolic of the restrictions artists feel JUXTAPOSES/DIRECT COMPARISONS • Mourning to ecstasy (orgasm) • Freedom to entrapment • Strength to vulnerability TECHNIQUES • Harwood uses a complex rhyming scheme to further itterate the complexity of the poem relating to her intense feelings and emotions. • Figurative language, which creates an era of the poem, which is highly emotional. Through suggestive imagery and direct speech “ I was with you in agony, remember your promise of paradise, and hammers and hammers, “remember me” Gwen Harwood addresses her audience, manipulating them to determine their personal feelings on what she is saying. • The use of third person portrays an objective feel about the poem, restricting the level of conversational feeling. It increases the sense of detachment. • “Their blood-black curtains tight” Is alliteration combined with negative connotation to extenuate human’s blindness to occurrences in life? ...
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...Rhetorical Analysis: The Ballot or the Bullet The two great civil rights leaders of the 1960’s, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, held diametrically opposed political philosophies. King was a pacifist, in the tradition of Gandhi before him; Malcolm X was a radical, an advocate of violence. Both, however, shared a common goal—real freedom for African Americans. Malcolm X’s speech, “The Ballot or the Bullet,” was a direct response to Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech of a month before. Malcolm X, once associated with the Black Panthers, and a member of the Black Muslim movement, wrote “The Ballot or the Bullet” not only as a response to Martin Luther King Jr.’s pacifism, but because he was frustrated with white dilly-dallying in reaching a decision on black rights in America. Political debate had reached an impasse, and Malcolm wanted to make it clear that if the Congress couldn’t come to a decision, black Americans would take matters into their own hands. He did not share Martin’s pacifist inclinations, and he promised a violent seizure of civil rights. An examination of Malcolm X’s speech will reveal that it is one of the most powerful speeches ever written. It is, in every respect, the equal of Martin’s “I Have a Dream” speech. It is eloquent, it is memorable, and it is poetic. Its tone, unlike Martin’s conciliatory speech, is militant. He appeals to the emotions of his young audience, rousing them to anger; and in the same breath, strikes...
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