...Reabsorption of Sodium Chloride — Lessons from the Chloride Channels PERSPECTIVE prostaglandin inhibitors, and the molecular challenge is substantial as well. The molecular delineation of the genetic defects that result in tubulopathies can lead to a better understanding of their physiology. However, the DNA sequencing of the genes that encode transporters and channels (as well as their subunits) is not a trivial matter and must be complemented by experiments determining expression patterns. The Xenopus oocytes that have been used for such studies are transfected cells rather than “real” polarized cells of the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle surrounded by the sophisticated hypertonic environment of the renal medulla. The complex polyuria–polydipsia syndrome described by Schlingmann et al. is attributable to the concomitant loss-of-function mutations in both CLCNKA and CLCNKB; the syndrome results in ion selectivity, demonstrating the means whereby a renal tubular cell lets one type of ion (chloride) through the lipid membrane to the exclusion of others. It thus provides yet another example of the molecular basis of Bartter’s syndrome (see Figure). The contributions of Roderick McKinnon and Peter Agre to solving these two complementary problems of the resorption of renal solute and renal solvent earned them the 2003 Nobel Prize in chemistry.5 We live in a fascinating time in which clinical syndromes can be deciphered at the molecular and even...
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...Community and Target Aggregate: Catholic community, CCD class of 5th graders and 2 adults to monitor discussion Topic: Primary Prevention/Health Promotion, Hand washing Epidemiological Rationale for Topic (statistics related to topic): Hand-washing with soap &water could reduce diarrheal disease up to 50 %( World Health Organization, 2001). Hand washing can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by 16% Using alcohol hand sanitizers in classrooms provided a reduction in absenteeism due to infection by 19.8% among 16 elementary schools and 6,000 students (Hammond, et al 2000). Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Infection R/T 1. Age 2. Lack of awareness Readiness for Learning: Identify the factors that would indicate the readiness to learn for the target aggregate. Include emotional and experiential readiness to learn. 1. Showing up to class to discuss topic 2. Participating and asking questions on hand washing and prevention of infections 3. Listening to presentation and demonstrating the correct technique. Learning Theory to Be Utilized: Explain how the theory will be applied. Hand out on hand washing, discussion about infections and how effective hand washing can combat against infection, answered questions, then having the children demonstrating the correct way to perform hand washing....
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...Clean Hands save Lives Anna Tutunzhiu 6/5/16 Grant Canyon University Concepts in Community and Public Health NRS – 427V Clean Hands Save Lives Clean hands play a major role in disease prevention and health maintenance. Researchers in London estimated that if everyone religiously practices washing their hands, one million of deaths can be prevented every year (CDC, 2013). Washing our hands appropriately before handling food helps to prevent food borne disease outbreaks and illnesses. History states that hand washing for the first time was introduced by Hungarian obstetrician Ignaz P. Semmelweiss in 1847. He demonstrated that hand washing tremendously decreased the infection number in newborns and he tried to introduce this practice to his colleagues, but they got so “offended that they committed him to an insane asylum” (B4 Brands, 2014, p.1). Fortunately, these days, health care representatives can freely increase people’s awareness and encourage individuals to promote healthy behaviors for all ages. Therefore, everyone is entitled to promote their health by practicing proper hand hygiene. According to statistics, 80% of communicable diseases are spread by touching food, and then the mouth, eyes or nose since contaminated hands spread foodborne illnesses: Salmonella, E-Coli, Staph and diarrheal infection (B4 Brands, 2014). The Virginia Department of Health...
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...RLL NURS1101 Week 3: Nursing as an Art & Science Week 3’s NURS1101 class commenced with a DVD lecture on seizures & the different type’s people could succumb to. The level & seriousness is determined by the seizure classification indicator. First it is divided into being a partial or generalised activity, a partial seizure is one originating in one part of the brain & is diagnosed as simple or complex, whereas a generalised seizure’s activity involves the entire brain & diagnosed as absence, myoclonic, tonic clonic, tonic or atonic. The information is set out in a table for on the website: www.epilepsy.org.au/aboutepilepsy/understandingepilepsy/seizuretypeclassification. Discussion about the different types of seizures people can have is included in the opening tasks of this week’s tutorial. Displayed for students information & awareness on the room display boards is “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”, students are asked to interpret this information, discuss & describe how a nurse needs to apply it as professional activity during working hours, keeping in mind OH&S & the level of safety & security. Included in Maslow’s Hierarchy & displayed as a pyramid connecting on thing to the one above are self actualisation, esteem, belongingness & love, safety & physiological needs. For the first case study you have to apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Mrs Wall the 80 year old with history of MRSA, diagnosed early dementia & dysphagia. Also discuss the risks for the attending nurse, the...
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...20 hospitalizations will be further complicated by hospital acquired infections (HAI’s) (2010). Examples of HAI’s are wound infections, respiratory infections, infections of the urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract. These infections result in an estimated 90,000 deaths per year (CDC, 2010) and $20 to $40 billion healthcare dollars on preventable complications (CDC, 2009). This study examines the possibilities of arming student’s with a multifaceted approach to hand hygiene and the lasting effects on the practice. After obtaining approval from the medical center’s institutional review board, 75junior-level baccalaureate nursing students consented to voluntary study participation. Although the study indicates the students “agreed” to participate, the question remains whether or not participating in the study was in any way connected to a participation grade for the research course in which the students were concurrently enrolled in at the time of the study. The additional exposure and attention paid to hand hygiene and infection control would benefit these study participants. The major variables are not specifically identified in this study. Some independent variables are: all of the subjects are nursing students, students are junior level enrolled in the research class, and all students will be provided with the same training for the study. Independent variables include: individual perception and understanding if training, retention of information, individuals assigned...
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...Texas State University Child Development Center Guidelines for Family and Child Development students State legal requirements In order to help ensure the health and safety of children, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) Child Care Licensing sets minimum standards for people who work with children in child care programs. These standards apply to all Texas State University students who enroll in child development classes that require either observation or participation at the campus Child Development Center. To meet the TDFPS standards, students must * Provide a copy of a Social Security card * Provide a copy of a government issued photo ID (state issued drivers’ license or passport), * Complete a criminal history statement and have this affidavit notarized, * Complete a request for a Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services Child Care Licensing background check * Provide verification of an annual TB test (Must have tested negative for TB within the last year. TB tests take 48-72 hours to process) Follow these guidelines to complete the required documentation: 1. Download and legibly complete the Request for Criminal History and Central Registry Check form and Affidavit for Applicants for Employment in a Licensed Operation or Registered Child-Care Home form posted on your class TRACS site. For these documents, please use your home address—consistent with that on your government issued photo...
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...WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: a Summary First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care is Safer Care a WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: a Summary © World Health Organization 2009 WHO/IER/PSP/2009.07 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: bookorders@who.int). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address (fax: +41 22 791 4806; e-mail: permissions@who.int). The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable...
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...LIFEBUOY CASE STUDY PROPOSAL BY MOHAMMED BALAWAL ARIF MOHAMMED ALI GILL AFIFA SHAMIM LSE Lifebuoy has been a germ killing soap since its inception and a key issue, which needs to be discussed, is its matters relating to Pakistan. In Pakistan, the rate of child mortality due to diarrhea and other diseases is considerably high and almost all of this can be attributed to hygiene. In fact, the hygiene industry owing to these factors has become immensely competitive. The matter in hand focuses on how to develop an engagement platform for children to connect better with the school program. Now the question a person may ask is why target children? It is observed that the people most affected by the diarrhea and other fatal diseases are children. On top of this the awareness level of these diseases in Pakistan especially in the rural areas is quite low. The following plan will focus on the aspect of sustainability whilst ensuring maximum possible consumer exposure and awareness. Our plan is built upon the key premises highlighted in the case study, and the plan will be elaborated on the basis of that. 1). THE IDEA When we were given this case study the first thing that came to mind was to establish a consumer profile. Our target audience would of course be children as well as mothers as a mother would always want to do the best for her child. Our targets would be primarily schools as well as households giving particular focus on rural areas. The basic premise...
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...harmful and infectious germs from entering your body. One of the main ways to stay away from germs and other harmful microscopic organisms is to wash your hands. Although it seems useless, our hands play a significant role in the transportation of germs from one place to another because of the amount we use our hands. Simple things like washing your hands before and after eating, when using the restroom or whenever your hands look or feel dirty, will give a better chance of staying away from sickness. Spreading awareness about the importance of washing your hands is key, and the focus should be on children. To spread awareness about proper hand washing, I went to Calvary Chapel School to interact with the children in kindergarten. I started off the presentation with a short story about a boy and girl who were playing with some toys. The toys had germs on them and after playing with the toys; the boy and the girl went to go eat lunch. The girl remembered to wash her hands before eating, but the boy, however, forgot. After a couple days, the girl was fine but the boy had a cough and other cold symptoms. The next time the girl and the boy were playing with toys, after they both washed there hands, and they both didn’t get sick. After giving the short story, I passed out a flyer with information regarding washing your hands and germs to all the kids in the class. Then I proceeded to briefly describe to the children about germs and what they actually are. With all the information...
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...The Importance of Hand Hygiene in the work place Rosamma Mathew American Sentinel University The Importance of Hand Hygiene in the work place The University of Illinois hospital has its policy and procedures located on the hospital’s web page. It is simple and easy to access. It is available twenty for hours a day, every day, and any employee of the hospital can access it from any computer as long as they have valid identification. Each hospital employee was told where to find certain policies and procedures, and they are notified through e-mail of any policy changes and updates. Most importantly all policy and procedures are based on evidence that has been collected and recorded. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], around two million patients get infected while in a hospital settings in the United States each year, ("Hand Hygiene Basics," 2011) . The infection attained can be either simple or life threatening. One can prevent the spread of infection by simply washing their hands. In fact, hand washing is the single most important way to prevent or reduce the spread of infection. As a nurse I follow all of the policies and procedures of my hospital. I work in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, so it is essential that policies and procedures are held to the utmost standard. Premature babies are very susceptible to infection since their immune system is still in the stages of development. Premature infants...
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...for 75% of all acquired infections in the acute care hospital setting. These are surgical site infections, central line-associated bloodstream infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (Nassof, 2009). Urinary tract infections comprise the highest percentage (Paterson, 2012). These infections usually are spread by the contaminated hands of healthcare providers or the patient’s family members. They are also caused by contaminated surfaces or hospital equipment that has not been properly cleaned (Nassof, 2009). The rate of exposure to infectious materials could be reduced if healthcare providers adhered to certain standard precautions such as hand hygiene. The proposal for this nursing research utilization project is to educate nurses on the importance of hand hygiene using evidence base protocol and how they can implement it in order to prevent nosocomial infections. Most if not all healthcare providers sometime in their career fail to wash their hands. Regardless of staff views on hand washing, research evidence-based studies confirm that hand washing is the most important way healthcare providers can prevent the spread of infection...
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...|Name | | Consider the scenario outlined below and answer the questions in the spaces provided. Hand in your completed work to your trainer. Your work at a busy hospital requires you to handle specimens every day. Part 1 Over the course of a year, the following incidents occur. Now you must decide, for each: • Was this a risk? • If so, why? • What was your best option in responding to the situation? When you pick up a saliva sample, you notice the label on the jar has a stain on it and is slightly damp. |Risk? |Cross-contamination, risk of infection through droplets, unsterile sample | |Why? |The wet area could be infectious through the droplets | |Action |Place it in a bag, label the bag and report the findings. Double bag the specimen. | When you pick up a urine sample, it appears clean, properly prepared and appropriately labelled, but the jar is not quite full and there appears to be a small amount of dried residue on the bench beside it. |Risk? |Cross infection of body fluids | |Why? |The work bench is soiled ...
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...one out of every three people do not wash their hands after using the restroom. Thesis Statement: Proper Handwashing has 3 main steps Significance Statement: You carry millions of microbes on your hand. Good old fashioned hand washing is one of the oldest and most powerful antibacterial treatments. Without proper handwashing, we can still spread many microorganisms with our hands. Credibility Statement: I work as a Certified Nursing Assistant at a hospital. I'am required to wash my hands frequently and throughly numerous times throughout my shift. Preview of Main Points: First: Wet hands Second: Apply Soap Third: Rinse hands/ Dry I. Wet hands A. Remove all jewelry. Turn on sink. B. Wet hands with warm running water before applying soap TRANSITION SENTENCE: Now that you have wet your hands with the warm running water. It's time to move onto the next step. Applying the soap. II. Apply Soap A. Apply a dime sized amount of soap to hands. Lather soap for about 15 to 20 seconds, equivulant to singing "Happy Birthday". B. Wash all surfaces including the back of your hands, around and below the fingernails, around your wrists, and in between your fingers. TRANSITION SENTENCE: Finally, the last step is the most important. Rinsing off the soap you just scrubbed your hands with. As well as properly drying the hands to complete the process. III. Rinse/ Dry A. Rinse hands under warm water, making sure they are faced downwards...
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...reliable research and evaluate what has worked in the past. We need to continually immerse ourselves in recent research so that we may continuously improve in our abilities to properly care for our patients. It is our job to give the best care possible to our patients thus including protecting patients from potential complications that could be avoided with proper knowledge and actions. Due to the complexity of infections and the multiple routes of transmission it is importance to note that there is not a set configuration of infection prevention tasks. The tasks needed to prevent infection may vary depending upon the manageable device and potential invading bacteria, but some ways to infection prevention that are always valuable including hand hygiene, antisepsis technique, and application of a sterile semipermeable...
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...Value Compass Healthcare advancements will only transpire when the measurement of outcomes is linked to processes and systems supporting the results. Creating a way to measure quality-related outcomes and costs is essential to successful healthcare management. The value compass is a way to focus the direction of an organization using four main points: clinical outcomes, satisfaction, quality, and costs. The value compass provides clarify for the performance improvement efforts and helps members of the healthcare team reach the department’s goals. The value compass that I have submitted is focused on the Pediatric Critical Care environment. Medical/Clinical Outcomes Pediatric ICU patients are uniquely predisposed to a myriad of risks/problems that the adult population does not encounter. Therefore, safeguards need to be in place to assure satisfactory outcomes. Introducing an Asthma Care Process Model (ACPM) will provide a systematic approach to treating this prevalent disease. It focuses on increasing preventative care and reducing exacerbations and hospital admissions, which will increase patient wellness and therefore outcomes. The pediatric population does not always have the same clinical findings as adults when they are in septic shock and therefore are not always given timely, appropriate treatment. Introducing pediatric shock guidelines for fluid resuscitation and antibiotic administration should help to improve morbidity and mortality...
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