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Handmaid's Tale: A Short Story

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It was the week leading up to the summer solstice and everyone was in high spirits. At this time of year the nights were short and the days were long and the knights often had a bit of time off. This week they would rarely be on duty as a gift from Prince Arthur to his loyal knights. King Uther was still struggling in the aftermath of Morgana's betrayal but most people in the kingdom were happy for Arthur to run things.

Gwaine was cheerful and he'd had an idea. In the tavern he met up with his fellow knights and Merlin with a proposal.

'I want to play a game,' he said receiving doubting looks from the others. 'It'll be fun, I promise. We just need to go back to my room.' His enthusiasm was evident and the other knights decided to at least see what …show more content…
He shook his head and made to sit on his bed before realising how much that hurt. If his bed was hurting his bruised bottom then how was he going to sit through the feast!

The feast had been going on for two hours already when the desserts and the apple pie were brought into the hall.

'Percival?' Elyan questioned. 'Why can I see the apple pie?' Elyan could barely hold back his laughter.

Percival was aware that the knights' attention was on him and even Merlin had sauntered over.

'I got caught,' he admitted which was followed by laughter. 'She whacked by backside with a wooden spoon!' Cue even more laughter.

'That would explain why you look so uncomfortable, my friend,' Lancelot placed his hand softly on Percival's shoulder. Percival looked into Lancelot's eyes and could some semblance of sympathy. He was grateful.

'I have also inherited a cat,' he added which caused Gwaine to spit out some wine in laughter. Percival himself smiled slightly as he realised he did have a new companion. His spirits were improved.

The feast passed without any misdemeanours although Lancelot proved that Gwaine wasn't the only one that could

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