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Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Writing Course

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When I was in high school, I took creative writing course. Because at that time, I just arrived USA, so I wanted to improve my English writing ability. However, when I began to know this course more, I was deeply attracted by this course. I remember there was a time, the teacher asked us to get outside and sit in front of the lawn, and wrote down what we felt. It is really a memorable experience to me. In China, I usually sat in the classroom and racked my brain to write, and I always failed to convey my thoughts and feeling accurately. I sat in such a peaceful place, listened to the birds, to the insects, to the wind. My pen seemed beginning to control me. I just wrote down what I thought, what I felt. I felt free and relax, like flying in …show more content…
I mentioned at the beginning that I have taken creative writing course when I study in high school, and I really enjoy it a lot. After a tiring day for studying, I like lying on the bed and picked up a book to read. It really makes me relax and comfortable. When I was in primary school, I already had a lot of homework to do. Therefore, when I finished all my assignments, wanted to read literature works, my parents always urged me to sleep. But I was really fond of reading books, I have a shelf of books near my bed. At night, I would grab a small flashlight and read carefully under my quilt with weak light. When I read, I feel like sinking into the story, becoming the character in the story, going through a totally different kind of life. This feeling give me the experience of putting myself into the other people’s shoes, which help me a lot to feel as the character in the arias and convey the emotion to the audience better. However, sometimes I cannot understand what exactly the authors want to convey, and misunderstand the main idea of the books. What’s more, when I want to write down something to record my daily life, I cannot narrate my feeling or thought clearly. It really make me worried and upset. Therefore, I want to take literature course in college, to improve my literary

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