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Self Reflective Analysis

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When school started back up this past September i walked in as a senior with a set of skills that i had already, only looking to improve from there on. I thought to myself that i already was a great writer and that i didn’t need to improve on much. I was oh so wrong, there was a lot that needed to be improved on and thankfully through the course of this semester i have been able to improve on those things. The improvements came about from the different type of essays that we had to write and it brought a whole lot of strengths from it.
Although in the past years we have learned on how to write a lot of these papers this year we dove a little more into them. We took different approaches to them to get more out of them than we had before, such as the personal narrative. I have written a personal narrative in the past but this time it helped me improve because i could not just be basic. I learned that i would have to write more in detail for it be a quality paper, that i couldn’t just get away with writing it like a 9th grader any more. The improvement was just as small as having to do with the intro and getting better with my attention getters. It benefitted me because we have to write intos in all of our papers and if you write an intro that can’t grab the attention, no one …show more content…
It took on a different meaning this time, it made me go a lot deeper than just saying thank you and a few reasons why. This paper actually helped me reach out to an old teacher and get back in contact with her, after she had gotten my letter she said it reached her heart on so many levels. If i would have written this paper even a year ago it would have been good and she would had still been thankful, but it just reached so many more levels. I took the approach of going into deeper thought about it and explaining why i was more than just appreciative of

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