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Professional Journal in Nursing


Submitted By rosdiana
Words 3686
Pages 15

Profesional journals are peer-reviewed, checked for factuality, consistency, citing relevant work, and drawing appropriate conclusions supported by the data. The concept of profesional journal as a means of developing reflective practice has become a popular topic in classrooms, professional journals, conferences, and continuing education programs (Boud & Walker, 1998). Many other names for profesional journal appear in nursing literature, including log, journaling, narrative pedagogy, dialogue journals, reflective practice, and reflective writing. Whatever people says, reflective profesional journal requires writing, a great deal of it. However, journals are an integral part of the teaching/learning in many nursing programs as well as in allied health programs and education in general.

The purpose of this essay is to review the literature related to profesional journal and reflective practice and how it can be beneficial in the teaching/learning process. Reflective practice is a means of self-examination that involves looking back over what has happened in practice in an effort to improve performance or to encourage professional growth (Ruth-Sahd, 2003). Profesional journal is a method that is frequently used in nursing education as an active learning technique to enhance reflective practice. Why is reflective practice so important? The literature cites numerous reasons for utilizing profesional journal/reflective practice in the academic setting. According to Pinkstaff (1985), students find that ideas become clearer when they must write them down. Profesional journal or journaling allows students to examine their own role and activities as they relate to the context of the clinical setting (Kobert, 1995). Students get a better sense of the whole as they

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