...Rodgers: Austin’s Army: Austin Trammel and I grew up together. I’ve known Austin since I was in second grade. We’ve been through a lot together ever since I’ve known him, he has always been battling cancer. So recently we have just discovered recently ago that he has cancer yet again, when we first figured out he had two tubers in his brain. We first got told that they would attempt to shrink them. So we just assumed that everything was going to be okay. They came to a point where after a couple of weeks into his diet that they were not going to be able to shrink them, that means that they can’t do surgery. When we got more information they told us that the tumors were only going to grow and get bigger....
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...books” because it makes people uncomfortable or doesn’t have the happily ever after. But why should they be banned because people don’t like the story told? A couple of weeks ago, I read Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I chose this book because it was recommended to me by a friend. Meaning that someone my age has already read, and very much enjoyed that book. So why does it make it so terrible for kids to read? I feel that just because a book might have something in it that is not innocent or acceptable in society, (sexual harassment, rape, etc.) doesn’t mean that students and children shouldn’t be able to read that book. Instead, have a certain age that children should be allowed to read that book....
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...cry , jump through the book yourself and hurt the bad guy. With these little details I just said I bet you’re thinking “This book doesn’t sound so good.” But boy are you wrong. This story teaches young readers as myself a very valuable lesson. Later on in this essay I’ll tell you what it is but now I’m going to tell you guys how this book changed me and why it’s such a good book to read for yourself. (gives the reader a glimpse into the lives of typically developing inner-city teens.) By : Wini Ashooh First time ever reading this story was when I was in the 7th grade I am now a Junior in...
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...selling this work to public will be liable for penalty and subjected copyright policy. INDEX 1) Poem- Daffodils 2) Questions and Answers 3) Summary 4) Explanation Poem I wandered lonely as a Cloud That floats on high o'er vales and Hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden Daffodils; Beside the Lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A Poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the Daffodils. Questions and Answers 1) What was the poet doing when he saw the daffodils? Answer: The poet was walking around through the hills and valleys, but he felt all lonely and mopey. Suddenly, as he passed the lake, he noticed a big group of yellow daffodils waving in the breeze. 2) What does the poet compare himself with? “I wandered lonely as a Cloud That floats on high o'er vales and Hills” Answer: From the above lines we could understand that the poet was comparing himself with clouds when he was...
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...Country vs. Rap music “I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music.” Said by the famous Billy Joel. No matter what music you enjoy it also does not make a difference. There are many different genres, but two that seem to be the complete opposite are country and rap. Yes, country and rap are on two completely different ends of the spectrum lyrics and message wise, but they both do a great job at portraying a story or getting you excited about something. If music can do one thing best it is that it can tell a story. Musicians and writers spend tons of time on the songs that they produce and some have so much feeling into it that people can really relate. Whether it is rap or country they both can make a story out of their lyrics. Now just because I say they make a story doesn’t mean it is some fairytale story where everyone lives happily ever after. I have heard my fair share of country and rap music and both can have some songs that can make someone want to weep. Those are the type of stories people can relate to. When just a song that you heard on the radio can make you sad or make you happy you know it’s a good song. That’s what these two type of genres have in common. Both kinds poor their hearts into their music and can make you feel emotions that you don’t even feel in your every day life. Now that’s something to sing about! In todays...
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...date and mate. I will be speaking about several different areas of dating from a secular world and what the bible tells us about how to date and finding our mate from GOD aspect. I also will give my personal opinion on how I believe most people pick their mate. The world always paints a pretty picture of how marriage should be. The women finds her prince charging, he rescue’s her from danger, they ride away on a horse into the sun light they get married and live happily ever after. It might be the little rhyme kids use to sing, “Adam and Ashley sitting in a tree k i s s i n g. first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage. As the saying goes, finding a mate does not always go in that way, shape or form. Society says,” men feel most attracted to women whose waist are smaller than their hips which signifies her fertility” (perilloux et al., 2010) meaning she has a “coke bottle shape”. Woman should have perfect body, muscles, tall, deep trembling voice. They should dress nice, have a good job, live and drive the best. If you come across someone who doesn’t fit this appearance you have settled for less. Secular world presents that we should engage into intercourse with a mate to express our love into an even deeper matter. A survey was taken from 289,452 students entering college in the United states about sex, 58 percent of men but only 34 percent of women agreed it was okay “if two people really like each other for them to have sex even if they’ve...
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...know exactly what scene I mean. In the Great Sept, next to the dead body of their first born son, Jaime Lannister rapes his sister, the mother of his three children. Immediately after this scene aired, fans were at their keyboards crying foul. Jaime Lannister would never! That’s not how it happened in the book! How could they? I had waited anxiously for that scene. In the books, it was the first time Jaime and Cersei were reunited since he went off to war. It was an emotional, passionate, and bloody (period sex, fuck yeah) reunion. I assumed it wouldn’t happen since Jaime returned early on the show’s timeline and their reunion was less than enthusiastic. I was wary when they revealed that Jaime has been back for two weeks on the show’s timeline and they still hadn’t had sex. In the books, they were fucking within a matter of minutes. “Hurry,” she was whispering now, “quickly, quickly, now, do it now, do me now. JaimeJaime Jaime.” Her hands helped guide him.“Yes,” Cersei said as he thrust, “my brother, sweet brother, yes, like that, yes, I have you, you’re home now, you’re home now, you’re home.” She kissed his ear and stroked his short bristly hair. Jaime lost himself in her flesh. He could feel Cersei’s heart beating in time with his own, and the wetness of blood and seed where they were joined. Imagine my surprise when Jaime shows up to visit Cersei in the Sept then. Excitement stole through me. They were going to be true to the story after all. This would be their...
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...The plot of the film is easy and engaging to follow. The characters are meant to be relatable as we aspirational. Finally the art forms that are incorporated are able to tie the entire film together. This what makes a film artistic. Unfortunately Tom Tykwer’s Run Lola Run does not make the cut as a successful film due to the fact that it leaves the audience in confusion the characters are underdeveloped, the film is trying too hard to use different art forms that ultimately become a jumbled mess, and the plot doesn’t really make sense if it is just watched from beginning to end. Characters are very important in film, they are what make the movie. Characters t are memorable and enjoyable loathsome and...
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...those stories about Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as being ‘part of the Canon’. They were thinking of the books that had been officially declared to be part of the Bible. They thereby confused two things, and it’s their fault we’ve been in a linguistic twist about this ever since. The canon they referred to was decreed by authority, the theological authority of a group of high clerics concerning how much truth and how much fan fiction was contained in a particular proto-Gospel. The Canon of Sherlock Holmes stories, on the other hand, wasn’t decided by authority after the fact, but by authorial authority. If Conan Doyle wrote it, it was in. If he didn’t, it was out. Sherlock Holmes fans could have no debates about what was and wasn’t ‘canonical’. ‘Written by Conan Doyle’ was what their new version of ‘canonical’ meant. That new definition of ‘canon’ works fine if you’re dealing with works by one author. It works not at all in any other frame of reference. Doctor Who was created by many people, over a long period of time, and they did not cooperate. There is no authorial authority, and, as I’ll get to in a moment, no council of Bishops. The reason I’ve been putting ‘canon’ in quotes when I use it without a ‘the’ nicely gesturing towards it, is that Doctor Who fans (and probably others sorts of fans now) use the actual word in a way nobody else does. ‘Is it canon?’ is part of fan language, a...
Words: 2822 - Pages: 12
...Log In Your Browser is Outdated Because you are not using a modern browser you will not have access to all of Scribd's features. Please consider upgrating to a modern browser: Close This Message Five Paragraph EssayI have never read a story like The Unicorn in the Garden and it definitely it was one of the beststories I have ever read. At the end of the story you don't know if the man really saw an unicorn or made it up so his wife would call the police. It really doesn't matter if he saw the unicorn or made it upthe point is that he gained what he wanted he got rid of his wife.The story also teaches a lesson, every little bad thing you do to someone can backfire twice ashard. The woman had called the police and the psychiatrist in the most meanest intention because shewanted to get rid of him, she did not love him after all. So what the man did was that he gave her of her own medicine, when the police asked if he saw an unicorn he replied using the same words that she hadused previously when he told her that there was a unicorn in the garden, he said the unicorn is amythical beast, of course I saw no unicorn.When he did that the police took the woman because she was the one saying crazy stuff aboutunicorns, and at least when I read the story she sounded more crazy than the man had sounded when hesaw the unicorn, if at the story i were the police or the psychiatrist I would've taken her too. It...
Words: 1015 - Pages: 5
...should be given the benefit of the doubt. Just because I stole in my past, doesn’t necessarily mean that I am or will remain a thief for the rest of my life. If wanted a robot he should have married one. Nobody is perfect. People learn from their mistakes and sometimes change for the better. Take for example, the many relationships of Kim Kardashian. According to Wikipedia, in 2000, Kim married music producer Damon Thomas; their relationship ended in divorce in 2004. Subsequently she dated R&B singer Ray J, NFL star Reggie Bush and Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Miles Austin. She also dated model Gabriel Aubry. She is now dating rapper Kanye West. Does that make Kim less of a Woman? I do not believe so. Sometimes all of the break ups are not just her fault. But many people are constantly judging her to be useless and unserious woman just because of her pass. When who really Kim is a very smart, family oriented young woman and an entrepreneur. And I believe she is going to be happily settle down when the time is right. When I was in high school, my uncle Fulton had a pretty girlfriend name Patricia. I use to call her “Sis Pat”. She was the most holy lady I have ever met in my entire life at that time. Everyone in my family used to love her because she was polite, calm, could cook, and clean. She did everything to the “T”. She was everything any man could ever dream of. Sis Pat and my uncle Fulton were deeply in love, and after two years my uncle married her. . My uncle was so abusive...
Words: 639 - Pages: 3
...gowns. They all play the damsel in distress, completely helpless to fend for themselves in the real world. They all await their happily ever after with the handsome prince charming. Mulan however, is different – or at least upon first glance appears to be. In the film, this young woman plays two opposing roles. On one hand, Mulan is the clumsy young woman, considered such an unfit bride that even the matchmaker considers there to be no hope for her “You are a disgrace, you may look like a bride but you will never bring your family honour...” On the other hand, she also plays Ping, the fearless young soldier who was loved by all, who grew from strength to strength and pretty much singlehandedly saved China from the invasion of the Huns. In order for Mulan to save her father from conscription she must give up her female self to pose as a man and join the army. This however, as far as Mulan is concerned, isn’t such a huge loss as she feels she really doesn’t fit in as a traditional Chinese woman. In the opening song she lists all that she is expected to be as a woman, as the perfect Chinese woman – quiet, demure, graceful, dainty... it is immediately clear that Mulan is none of these things. She sees the traditional makeup as a betrayal of who she really is – “when will my reflection show, who I am inside”. Her true self seems more a quick thinking, brave and fearless Samurai Warrior – but as a woman she cannot be this....
Words: 1845 - Pages: 8
...or familial duties and, instead, to do something more enjoyable. Not surprisingly, few characters hold honesty in high regard. However, we see how hard it is for characters to set things straight once they’ve lied about them. As the situation gets increasingly complicated, characters must weave more complex lies to get out of the tangles of their previous lies. Eventually they reach the point where lies will no longer work and the truth is revealed. Perhaps the most striking thing is that none of the characters ever shows true remorse or guilt about lying. 1. Algernon: Yes. But why does your aunt call you her uncle? 'From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack.' There is no objection, I admit, to an aunt being a small aunt, but why an aunt, no matter what her size may be, should call her own nephew her uncle, I can't quite make out. Besides, your name isn't Jack at all; it is Ernest. Jack: It isn't Ernest; it's Jack Jack lies to cover up his double life. A simple white lie that he doesn’t know anyone named "Cecily" gets him into an incredibly messy situation. When he’s forced to admit he does know a "Cecily," he tries to pass her off as his aunt. But Algy, a fellow Bunburyist, eventually sniffs it all out and forces Jack to confess. What is most surprising is that Jack seems to have no shame about the lies he’s been feeding to Algernon for years. 2. Jack: in order to get up to town I have always pretended to have a younger brother of the name of Ernest...
Words: 9812 - Pages: 40
...“Why do you have to be so quiet” was one of the things I learned to get used to hearing or “Why do you have to act so miss pretty perfect”. Not all people were this way, but the people that weren't would just stand back and watch, until that one day… “Why can't you just sit down anywhere else!” he nagged acting like he was the big stuff. As I was staring up at him on the hard cold lunchroom bench. “Were not allowed to move it's too late now” I argued intimidated but hiding back a smirk waiting for him to explode. Just as he was about to come back with something else to say She tsunamied around stopped him and even though he towered over her like the Eiffel tower, she wasn't going to back down because he was bigger and stronger. “She can sit there if She wants...
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...#1: Saying “I Do” What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think “marriage”? Do you smell a home cooked meal waiting on the table, after a long-hard day at work? Do you picture a beautiful home with a white picket fence? Maybe you think about a gorgeous white dress, that was altered to fit you just right. Or maybe it’s not white at all because your favorite color is black, and you refuse to be cliché on what’s supposed to be the most important day of your life. Maybe you see half of everything you own being taken out from under you if this whole “marriage thing” goes south, and that’s just not a chance you’re willing to take. Maybe the thought of being committed to one person for the rest of your life frightens you, and all of a sudden that beautiful woman standing next you is looking more like a prison warden, rather than your future wife. Whatever your views or opinions on marriage may be one things for certain; no one ever walked down the aisle, said their vows, and pledged before God and everyone most precious to them expecting to fail. Marriage was not always based on the idea of two people falling in love and wanting to spend the rest of their lives together. In the 1800’s marriage was not just regarded as the joining of two people, but the joining of families, businesses, and wealth. Many women had suitors pre-arranged for them by their fathers. Although most marriages were based on the idea of security and companionship, that doesn’t mean that love...
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