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Hardships In Jamestown

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When the Jamestown colony first formed, citizens had to endure many sacrifices and hardships. From losses to starvation and shortage of supplies, the people of Jamestown had to suffer through a series of crisis. If I had planned the Jamestown colony I would have sent farmers, craftsmen, doctors, and interpretors that could speak the Native American language, a seperate ship full of supplies and established a democracy. By sending people who are specialized in certain skills like farming, handywork, medicine, and interpretation it would increase the colony's chance for survival with with less casualties. One of the problems Jamestown faced was the lack of experience in farming, which led to failed crops. By hiring farmers this would have increased their chance in survival by establishing a steady source of food through produce. Craftsmen would provide sturdy housing for remaining citizens, instead of flimsy a shelter, and doctors would treat infections, wounds, and possibly help find treatments to foregin disease they eventually faced in the future. At that time even the smallest signs of abrasion would have led to infection that would have eventually led to fatality. Even though those three occupations would have been beneficial to the colony in the …show more content…
The mistake patrons of the expidition made was only providing supplies when they would send ships full of addtional Jamestown citizens. Granted, the amount of supplies on the ship would have satisfied the people who were currently living in Jamestown, however with the additional passengers on the ship, the rate of supply depletion would have evidently increased. The best way to deliver supplies was through a seperate ship itself, with livestock people could breed, dried meats like jerky to prevent spoiling, seeds, and other materialistic items like tools necessary for

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