...Harley Davidson Case Study Case study of Harley Davidson Alan Potrus California Baptist University Author Note: This paper was made for Professor Joe Putulowski in accordance to week 6 assignment instructions for The Harley Davidson Case Study. Intro CEO Jeff Bleustein had his work cut out for him at the end of 2003 when he reviewed the company’s financial statements for the year. It was Harley Davidson’s 100 year anniversary and there were many festivities set out for that year that would eventually attract millions of participants. Sales and profits had broken previous records for the eighth consecutive year. HD has been performing so well it made a 180 degree turn in comparison to its numbers in the early 80’s when it was putting out 40,000 bikes a year and struggling with a mountain of debt. Jeff now had to figure out how to continue the uprising of profits. Because of this, Bleustein had little opportunity to reminisce about Harley’s 100 year celebration. Jeff set a target of 400,000 motorcycle sales by 2007. Jeff knew that in order to achieve this goal he needed to set a prestigious strategy plan that would accommodate the market for motorcycles and possibly attract new customers into the motorcycle market. Harley-Davidson’s Strategy Bleustein began preparing a strategy review with his top management team. They discussed the different forces that would cause HD to fall off course. It is interesting...
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...Harley Davidson case study Harley-Davidson’s business strategy is one that includes exporting as well as being involved in joint ventures. Because Harley-Davidson bikes proved to be as popular abroad as they were in the United States, the company decided to think more seriously about international markets and exporting. In addition, Harley launched a joint venture with Porsche AG of Stuttgart, Germany. Companies and firms like Harley engage in joint ventures, or co-ownership arrangements, in order to establish a direct investment presence in a foreign country that pool resources and share risks and control for business operations. In this joint venture with Porsche, Harley hoped to source and assemble power-train components for use in potential new motorcycle products. I would consider Harley to be a multinational corporation. If I was Harley’s top management, I would consider expanding in regions such as Asia or Europe. I would consider expanding in Asia because Asia is a “megamarket,” meaning it is still gaining as a power in the world economy while also already achieving superpower status. In Asian regions, “opportunity” is always the watchword of the day. I feel that Europe would also be a good place to expand because Europe is currently a place going through dramatic political and economic development. Europe is a region that is willing to eliminate trade barriers, create uniform minimum technical product standards, unify financial regulations, and offer...
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...you have? The objectives of HDI include increasing sales, increasing market share in Europe, and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. So, HDI is seeking to penetrate the market as well as engaging in market development, which in this case means attracting a new demographic segment of younger and European customers it has not yet attracted before due to several reasons such as the price and the appeal of the Harley Davidson brand as being a motorcycle “an old guy would drive”. As stated in the case study, HDI does not and will not have cost leadership in the industry it competes in. The huge gap between Honda which produces over 5 million bikes annually and HDI, which produces slightly over 200.000, allows Honda to benefit from economies of scale and therefore offer their products at lower prices than HDI. The relatively small size of HDI limits its ability to invest in technology and new products, which means that HDI neither has the most advanced technology, nor superior performance. However, as the company recognizes, it is not selling motorcycles, it is selling the “Harley Experience”. This lifestyle and spirit, which no competitor has been able to copy or even beat so far, is the competitive advantage and USP of HDI. Harley Davidson motorcycles are not primarily a transportation vehicle, but a statement of style. The HDI image and the brand loyalty among its consumer base are the company’s strongest assets. As the demand in Europe is increasing, HDI should consider...
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...The Strategic Situation of the Harley Davidson Harley Davidson is a 105 year-old company that was originally established by neighbours Arthur Davidson and William Harley; it is obvious that the name of the company was derived from the name of the two founders. Harley Davidson is into the industry of motorcycle. The growth of the said industry started from different developed countries such as the United States, France, Germany, Spain, France as well as the Great Britain. It was further developed after the World War II. Harley Davidson is one of those companies that have a long history as well as have been through several ups and downs throughout their operation. During the past operation of the company there have been many factors that have affected their image, performance, position in the market and the global industry, relationship to their customer, and their overall sales. Figure 1 PEST Analysis of Motorcycle Industry’s Past Development Figure 1 shows the four main factors that have affected the past condition of the motorcycle industry. There are four main political factors that have affected the performance of the overall industry. First is the agreement that will be implemented in order to reduce gas. It requires all the producers as well as manufacturer of different motorcycle companies to reduce pollutants by 60% and it was implemented in February 24, 2003. Another important law that is directly connected to the industry of motorcycle is the process of acquiring...
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...Case Study: Harley-Davidson -Analyse Harley-Davidson resources and capabilities, and identify its key strengths and weaknesses - Analyse the international competitive environment in which Harley-Davidson is operating to identify its main threats and opportunities. Recommend a forward strategy for Harley-Davidson, which addresses these issues. International Management Individual Assignment Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Harley Davidson Overview 4 2.1. Harley-Davidson Current Strategy 4 2.2. Resources And Capabilities 5 3. Industry Analysis 6 3.1. Porter’s Five Forces Model 6 3.2. International Competitive Environment 7 4. SWOT Analysis 9 5. Forward strategy recommendation for Harley-Davidson 10 6. Conclusions 12 6. References 13 1. Introduction This report is based on Harley-Davidson, Inc., case study. The aim of this report is to analyse industry and international competitive environment where Harley-Davidson is operating in. One must apply and fully analyse theoretical concepts and frameworks in order to fully comprehend how Harley-Davidson is differentiate itself in the international competitive environment and what strategies is using to achieve higher market share. The empirical material is being analysed by exploring the general information of Harley-Davidson company itself, following by the industry and competitive environment analysis, review of SWOT theoretical framework. Finalising with the recommendations of forward...
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...Case Study 6.1: Harley-Davidson, Inc. Zachary NewComer 11/06/14 Auditing Prof. Riggs (1)Identify the most significant new business risks facing Harley-Davidson as a result of integrating eBusiness into its supply-chain management system and by allowing suppliers to have access to the company’s Intranet. If your instructor does not specify the number of risks for you to identify, list at least three. 1. Suppliers might leak information to Harley-Davidson’s competitors 2. Suppliers might not have the same ability to be technologically advanced as Harley-Davidson’s new systems 3. Going to an internet based system makes you susceptible to people hacking the system and acquiring information. 4. When you have an internet based system it could go down at any point making the time it is down a loss of productive time that in the old system would not have been lost. 5. Hiding fraud would be easier because more people have access to system and there is no longer a paper trail for auditors to trace in the new system. 6. If the system permanently crashes or is destroyed by something like a fire you might not be able to save some or all of the information to continue business afterwards. 7. If Harley-Davidson ever wanted to do business with a different supplier they might not be ready or have the ability to do business with them. [2] For each risk you identified in question number one above, identify a control Harley-Davidson might have implemented to mitigate that risk. 1....
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...Case Study 6.1: Harley-Davidson, Inc. Zachary NewComer 11/06/14 Auditing Prof. Riggs (1)Identify the most significant new business risks facing Harley-Davidson as a result of integrating eBusiness into its supply-chain management system and by allowing suppliers to have access to the company’s Intranet. If your instructor does not specify the number of risks for you to identify, list at least three. 1. Suppliers might leak information to Harley-Davidson’s competitors 2. Suppliers might not have the same ability to be technologically advanced as Harley-Davidson’s new systems 3. Going to an internet based system makes you susceptible to people hacking the system and acquiring information. 4. When you have an internet based system it could go down at any point making the time it is down a loss of productive time that in the old system would not have been lost. 5. Hiding fraud would be easier because more people have access to system and there is no longer a paper trail for auditors to trace in the new system. 6. If the system permanently crashes or is destroyed by something like a fire you might not be able to save some or all of the information to continue business afterwards. 7. If Harley-Davidson ever wanted to do business with a different supplier they might not be ready or have the ability to do business with them. [2] For each risk you identified in question number one above, identify a control Harley-Davidson might have implemented to mitigate that risk. 1....
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...1 a) How did Harley dominate the US industry historically Historically, Harley-Davidson managed to dominate the US market by correctly identifying its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and understanding the environmental factors that influenced the industry that it operates in (Figure 1 and Figure 2). By utilising its strengths to maximise the opportunities presented to the company, Harley-Davidson was able to implement a succession of affective strategies, allowing it to capture 60% of the motorcycle market and subsequently became the market leader in the late 1950s. In the early years, the company attracted customers and established brand credibility by utilising the ‘victorious’ and ‘sporting’ brand image of one of its founders, Walter Davidson. The company understood its customers need for a product that can be fixed at home and therefore, was able to fulfil this need with its pioneered V-twin engine innovation. In addition, Harley-Davidson invested in R&D, focusing on improving the quality and reliability of its machines, building on its strengths and therefore was able to charge a premium for its motorbikes. This, in turn assists Harley-Davidson to acquire its prestigious, luxury brand image and achieved a cult following. In doing so, Harley Davidson was able to increase its market share, despite a sagging economic environment of the 1920s. When sales declined in the 1950s, the company relied on its innovations as a point of differentiation and built...
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...ASSIGNMENT’S TASKS You are required to read the attached case study thoroughly. Harley-Davidson, Inc.: Troubled Times Increase H-D’s Reliance on International Sales Task You are required to write a term paper answering the below-mentioned questions based on the given case-study. Question 1 With reference to Porter’s Generic Strategies, which generic strategy is Harley Davidson using? Illustrate your answer with relevant theory or case scenario information. (10 marks) Question 2 Critically evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy you identified in Question 1) above for all the countries described in the case. You need to use case scenario information or relevant theory to illustrate/support your answer. (15 marks) Question 3 (i) Perform a Porter 5 forces analysis on each of the geographic areas where Harley Davidson faces its international competitors....
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...BUSN 420 Business Driven Technology Final Project Submit a 2,000-word written case analysis of one of the three cases from the textbook listed below. Each case covers different areas of this course so that you can spend your time on this assignment further researching the set of topics that most interest you and/or will be most beneficial in your future career. Be sure to address all the questions for your chosen case and demonstrate five or more theories or principles learned in this course as a part of your case analysis. Your paper must be written in APA format with a proper title page and reference list that cites at least 5 scholarly sources. Please do not simply record answers to the questions, rather synthesize your responses into a cohesive case study analysis. Please upload your final project paper to Blackboard through the Assignment Manager tool. The 2,000-word count does not include charts, graphs, title page or supporting appendices. I will be using the Final Project Rubric (see end of this assignment) to grade your case analysis. Please Note: There are few right or wrong answers in the business world. There are really only efficient and inefficient, and effective and ineffective business decisions. If there were always right answers businesses would never fail. These questions were created to challenge you to apply the materials you have learned to real business situations. For this reason, when grading your answers, I will be focusing on your justification or...
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...Harley-Davidson/Ducati Case Study November 20, 2013 Question 1 Ducati: Ducati is an Italian motorcycle manufacturing company that is renowned for its high performance and stylish motorcycles. Ducati is committed to racing competitions, state of the art design, style, and most importantly, an immense passion for bikes. Ducati has created a strong bond with its customers, beginning on the racetracks and spreading worldwide. Ducati builds high performance bikes for bike enthusiasts, known as “Ducatisti”. Ducastisti are individuals who value performance as the main attribute in a motorcycle. Since Ducati delivers this, it creates brand loyalty. Since the early 90s, Ducati has created a distinctive community image with local and national Ducati enthusiast clubs by placing Ducati as a symbol of refined skills and craftsmanship that every motorcycle evokes and represents. In the World Superbike Championship, Ducati has won 15 out of the last 18 Riders’ titles and 16 Manufacturers’ titles. In conclusion, Ducati customers are confident that they are purchasing high performance motorcycles. Harley Haley Davidson is exhibited as an American icon. Consumers view and associate Harley Davidson with riders, wear leather, have tattoos and with police officers, military dispatch riders and motorcycle gangs. Harley’s image is also viewed as something that is catered for and used by Caucasian American males in their 40-50 (Nolan pg.2-3).Harley Davidson’s riders feel a lifestyle connection...
Words: 3161 - Pages: 13
...1. the forgotten group member case study www.scribd.com/doc/.../the-forgotten-group-member-case-study You +1'd this publicly. Undo Sep 19, 2011 – ► 2. Online Cases - Wiley www.wiley.com/college/man/schermerhorn332879/.../frame00.htmCached You +1'd this publicly. Undo 10+ items – Online Cases are updated versions of the textbook case studies ... * • Sun Microsystems – Ch. 2 High Performance Organizations – Human resource ... * • Harley Davidson – Ch. 3 Global Dimensions – Leading; corporate culture ... * • Steinway Piano – Ch. 9 The Nature of Groups – Job design; quality; innovation ... 3. Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Essay, Case 9 The ... - Essays essaysbank.com/search/Case+9...Forgotten+Group+Member/9Cached You +1'd this publicly. Undo 250.000 FREE Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Papers & Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Essays at ... Case Study Of Carnival Corporation, 6 / 1450 ... 4. Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Essay, Case 9 The Forgotten ... essaysbank.com/search/Case+9++The+Forgotten+Group+MemberCached You +1'd this publicly. Undo 200+ items – 250.000 FREE Case 9 The Forgotten Group Member Papers & Case ... * • Case 9 ? The Forgotten Group Member – 2 / 526 * • A leader or member of the group – 1 / 223 * • Journal Entry Of A Subordinate Group Member – 3 / 796 Show more results from essaysbank.com 5. Free Reports on You Have Forgotten Yourself And That | 91 through ... www.essaydepot...
Words: 555 - Pages: 3
...STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Case Analysis CASE: Harley Davidson, Inc- 2008 By Julian Kee Synopsis Harley-Davidson is one the leading motorcycle manufacturers in the world. It’s hard to imagine the global brand’s simple beginning. In 1901, Harley-Davidson motor company started in a backyard shed by friends William Harley and Arthur R. Davidson who wanted to create their own motorcycles. In 1907, the company had grown to become incorporated. Harley-Davidson was acquired by AMF in 1969, however repurchased in 1981 by the Vaughn Beals. The company then underwent changes to production an inventory management. Since 1996, Harley-Davidson has focused only on producing motorcycles and accessories. The company is run by a 38-year employee name James C. Ziemer, who has experience in many different positions. He is supported by a board of directors with diverse professional backgrounds. Together, they oversee the US and global operations which includes countries like Canada, Latin America, and Europe. Harley-Davidson has two different business segments which include motorcycles and financial services. The current economic conditions have affected all industry including motorcycles. While Harley-Davidson has proven to do well during the recession, they have also faced some challenges. As the economic conditions change, Harley- Davidson has implemented new marketing strategies and e-commerce to gain a competitive advantage. Resources Strong reputation and...
Words: 1881 - Pages: 8
...CHAPTER 1 Marketing: Managing profitable customer relationships Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. The goal of marketing is to attract new customers, to grow current customers by delivering satisfaction and to provide goods and services at profit. Marketing specialists must satisfy their customers’ need in a socially responsible and ethical manner The marketing process 1. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants Humans have 3 needs * Physical needs (food, clothing) * Social needs (the need to belong) * Individual needs (need for knowledge, self expression) Based on their needs, human have wants that are shaped by culture and individual personality. However, when backed by buying power, wants become demands Marketing offers: As a marketer, we offer the product (the physical need) and the service (that provides a benefit) A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product. These buyers share a particular need or want. Marketers are not the only doing marketing- even consumers do marketing when they search for the goods they need at a price they can afford. Elements of a modern marketing system: Suppliers [ Company Competitors Marketing Intermediaries End User ] 2. Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them To have a good marketing strategy we...
Words: 24040 - Pages: 97
...Brand Management Case study: Harley-Davidson Contents Question 1 3 Question 2 5 1. Brand elements 5 2. Criteria 6 Question 3 8 1. Custom Vehicle Operations program (CVO) 8 2. Harley Owners Group (HOG) 8 3. Bar café 8 4. Exchange of motorcycle 9 5. Companies can learn from H-D 9 Question 4 10 1. Definitions 10 2. Equally successful 10 3. Non-equally successful 10 4. Co-branding or not? 11 Question 1 ------------------------------------------------- Make a detailed SWOT Analysis of the Harley-Davidson Company, paying particular attention to the marketing mix (Product, Price, Promotion, Distribution, Personnel) STRENGTHS | WEAKNESSES | * Net income of 2003 was $760mn, its more than 30% as compared to the previous year 2002 ; * The standard and performance segments of Harley Davidson make up 70% of the European heavy weight motorcycle market ; * Harley-Davidson operates in two segments: Harley-Davidson motorcycles & related products and HDFS (Harley-Davidson Financial Services) ; * Harley-Davidson is the only major American heavyweight motorcycle manufacturer ; * Strong brand name ; * The HOG (Harley Owners Group), which have a 750,000 members worldwide is the industry’s largest company sponsored motorcycle enthusiast organization ; * Buell Riders Adventure Group (BRAG) was also formed recent ; * Customization of the bikes, this is Harley-Davidson’s major revenue maker; * Harley-Davidson have a good...
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