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Harriet Beecher Stowe


Submitted By ryche6909
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Harriet Beecher Stowe


Stowe was born into a large, spiritual family. Her family was on the front position of reorganization preparations of the 19th century. She worked as an assistant teacher along with her elder sister Catharine at a seminary. She married professor and widower Calvin Stowe, and they eventually had seven kids. Stowe started her writing career by publishing stories and essays for magazines. She went on to write travel books, biographical sketches, poems, children’s books, and a biography book with her sister Catharine. Then eventually wrote her first book, The Mayflower, in 1843. Her best, well-known novel is Uncle Tom's Cabin which portrayed the life of slavery of African-Americans.

Discussion Uncle Tom’s Cabin is the initial American sequence of events to contain an African-American leading role. She was an abolitionist and creator. Her novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin, depicts existence intended for African-Americans below slavery (Elliot, 25-60) she was the daughter of honest spiritual principal Lyman Beecher and Roxana Foote, an extremely spiritual lady. Her mother died when she was only four years old. Her family unit was not wealthy, and consequently, she endured many personal tragedies in her lifetime. Her writing career began when she won a contest for the Western Monthly Magazine. Not long after that, she began hearing of the horrible stories of slavery and after the death of her infant son, she felt compelled to put it down on paper. She wrote her most famous anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, but critics said it was not authentic. She wanted to prove her critics wrong, so she wrote and published her second anti-slavery novel. This novel was called Dred. Stowe was offered a book deal even before she was finished writing her series due to all the attention these

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