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Harriet Tubman Vs Andrew Jackson Essay

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Pages 2
Throughout history money has been the root of all things from starting new countries, to wars, and for buying/selling items. From a young age we are all taught about the importance of currency and the history of money. In the articles “Harriet Tubman Ousts Andrew Jackson in Change for a $20,” by Jackie Calmes and “Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill: Not all readers are thrilled,” by Paul Thornton explain both sides of how Americans feel about having Harriet Tubman replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Andrew Jackson should remain the face of the $20 bill because his removal would cause more racial and gender tension among American citizens. Andrew Jackson is known for his accomplishments and for being on the $20 bill. During his time period it was “acceptable” to own slaves because society made it okay. The article by Jackie Calmes explains how Andrew Jackson, “...a white man known as much for his persecution of Native Americans…” However, whoever decided that Jefferson paid a good tribute to America thought he was a reasonable candidate to be on the bill. In Paul Thorntons article an everyday person, Arthur Senzy of Santa Monica, explains, “ ...war heroics and advocacy for the common man …” This is something that more people should focus on, this had an everlasting effect on America, he led a good example. Plenty of men …show more content…
Harriet Tubman helped people escape the south, in Thorntons’ article she writes, “..., a woman who freed herself from slavery and heroically smuggled other African Americans held as property northward …” Tubman was a hero for her actions, she risked her life a lot to save other people. However, Jackson led a good economic example. Thornton writes, “Jackson is the only commander in chief to ever leave office with our government debt free…” He left office with a strong mind and good leading example for how people should