Premium Essay

Harrison Bergeron And Anthem Analysis

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Words 406
Pages 2
“Having someone to love is a family. Having somewhere to go is home. Having both is a blessing.” The author for “Harrison Bergeron” is Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. The author for Anthem is Ayn Rand. In HB is about everyone being equal so they wear handicaps. Anthem is a collective society where no one can be an individual. Although “Harrison Bergeron” and Anthem are both dystopian literature pieces, their betrayal of family differs greatly.
In both dystopian pieces the marriage is very different. The life in HB can have couples and they can also live together. “George and Hazel were watching television. There was tears on Hazels cheeks…” (Vonnegut). This shows how they live together and how they watch tv together as a couple. This society allows couples

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