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Harrison Bergeron: Jealousy

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We all have been jealous at some time or another in our life. Whether it was about another person, or something you do or do not have.It can start to control you, and what you do in your life.Kurt Vonnegut and Ray Bradburry both mention jealousy in their short stories. In Kurt´s story, ¨Harrison Bergeron¨ the government makes everyone equal so that no one will different or better than anyone else. In Brad's story, ¨All Summer In A Day¨ A girl from Ohio, named Margot, moved to Venus and has seen the sun, but the people from Venus have not, so they are jealous that she has seen the sun, and they have not. In these two stories, the theme, jealousy doesn't have a good outcome, can be said for both of these stories. In the story, Harrison Bergeron,

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