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Hca/240 Appendix E Worksheet


Submitted By mosses
Words 381
Pages 2
Associate Level Material
Appendix E

For this assignment, complete this chart to create an easy-to-read reference that will help you understand how the two forms of diabetes mellitus differ. Maintaining proper levels of insulin is critical for diabetes patients. The means by which insulin can be regulated depends upon which type of diabetes a patient has.

Complete the chart with a 25- to 50-word response for each box.

Form of diabetes | Age of onset | Defects in insulin and effects on glucose metabolism | Risk factors | Prevention and treatment | Type I: Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | Usually prior to age 30 | In type one diabetes; there is not enough insulin to let glucose in the cells, so in the blood stream there is a buildup of sugar. | Diabetes one has very little known risk factors thru research new results continue to be found. The known risk factors are, genetics, this is to see if there are specific genes that show an increase in developing diabetes one, geography, or a family history. | Patient that have diabetes one will have to be on insulin for a long period of time. When you have diabetes one you can have up to two injections or more a day this depends on your glucose level you may have to adjust your insulin. | Type II: Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | Usually after age 45 | With type two diabetes insulin becomes impaired, and cannot reach the bloodstream this is caused by a defect in the insulin. | Kidney problems can develop when having diabetes two. Risk factors include those who have heart disease, high blood pressure. Those who have an even higher risk include Asian, Hispanic, African American, and Native. | Treatment for this type of diabetes include, maintaining a normal glucose level. Regular check up’s by your physician; A regular exercise program as well as watching your weight, and diet, by doing this you

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