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Hcl Technologies


Submitted By harpreetdh
Words 3037
Pages 13
Executive Summary
The ERS division of HCLT is attempting to expand the reach of its innovative new product, which is referred to as Engineering out of the box (ETOOB). The (ERS) division is faced with the challenge of trying to make an already successful product more profitable. The (ETOOB) is revolutionary and helped its product and technology customers reach the market on average 20-25% faster.
As requested by HCL, We are here today to identify potential opportunities and issues in both local and global markets and identify our potential solutions. The technology industry in India is growing rapidly with the continued expansion of outsourcing from North American and European countries.
In 2011, with the help of its EOOTB solutions the HCL ERS division grew by 26% and business in pipeline grew by 86%. In this paper, we’ll focus on HCL’s EOOTB offerings.
HCL knows that they must act fast as the success of (ETOOB) has led to many companies working on second mover strategies. They must reach new markets and demonstrate value to growing existing markets. After a thorough market analysis into existing industries and emerging markets, we have suggested focusing on creating value added solutions. To address new markets and become thought leader, we’ll focus on the importance of Value Based on Relationship. We will also facilitate more customizable solutions while also providing ‘out of the box’ solutions for our less complex clients. To gain (ETOOB) Provides a solution that is customizable based on vertical, market and business need. We plan to leverage partner base and set up localized sales offices throughout the globe to help better meet the needs of our clients.

In today’s fast paced Information Technology industry, IT companies must look beyond the product or innovations to gain competitive advantage in the field. Software companies

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