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Hcs 483 Health Care Terms


Submitted By tomiko1018
Words 599
Pages 3
University of Phoenix Material

Health Care Information Systems Terms

Define the following terms. Your definitions must be in your own words; do not copy them from the textbook.

After you define each term, describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied. Include at least two research sources to support your position—one from the University Library and the other from the textbook. Cite your sources in the References section consistent with APA guidelines.

Term Definition How It Is Used in Health Care
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act This is a Federal Law that is out into play to protect patient’s personal information. HIPPA is critical to the healthcare arrangement and the associations that administer susceptible patient details. Without HIPPA’s stern principles, patient details could be exposed without difficulty.
Electronic medical record Health Information that is recorded electronically, it is created by various staff members in a health care organization. Electronic health check reports would be relevant to a small or large healthcare association that wishes to reduce the mistakes and increase the efficiency of patient details recovery.
Electronic health record Somewhat like the EMR, but this can be accessed by multiple associations. Electronic medical reports would concern a larger healthcare association that has the necessity to intermingle and swap details.
Personal health record Patients create their PHR can they can access this from anywhere detailing their health information. Private medical reports would help patients by giving them command of their records. This may lead to mistakes and contradictions.
Computerized provider order entry system This application takes the doctor’s orders electronically; this replaces handwritten and verbal orders. This arrangement can be utilized

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