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Health Activism Research Paper

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Activism is an action taken for a cause, against what is conventional or routine (Martin, 2007). Health activism involves a protest against the present order whenever it is

supposed to be a social injustice or health inequality and employs a variety of strategies trying to rectify the existing situation. Social movements are explained as informal social networks, based on common viewpoint and shared aims, which are organized around conflictual issues, and arrange frequent and diverse forms of protest (Della Porta and Diani (1999). Activism also has a significant role to assist social movements to accomplish broader, long-standing campaigns such as the birth control crusade for enhanced options for women (Daly, 2007) and …show more content…
Zoller (2005) also converses about community organizing as a type of health activism. Community organizing is a method whether people or groups challenge existing models to address health concerns. It is often considered as a means to empower individuals, developing relationships to bring about social change at community level.

Social Media has the power to bring about transformation and in one situation, it led to scientific advancement. The ice bucket challenge took the internet by storm, which was intended to increase awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The bucket challenge went viral on the internet, where common people and a slew of celebrities pouring buckets of ice-cold water over their heads. The ice bucket challenge raised around $100 million (Ethan Wolff-Mann,2015) and has helped researchers to recognize a gene that is accountable for the degenerative disease.

Brown et al. (2004) have acknowledged three forms of health social movements, Health Access movements, Constituency-based health movements, and Embodied health movements. Health access movements are aimed at unbiased access to healthcare …show more content…
In the digital era, knowledge is gained and disseminated by interacting with others, which can be connected to the community-building task at which women in common are regarded as experts (Reinharz 1983). Shirky (2008) and Watson (2009) opine that because of their ubiquity and less cost, social media is assisting in community participation which will pave platforms for activism and involvement. Social media assist in communication and taking action outside and at times , in opposition to conventional hierarchal supremacy (Benkler ,2006).Social media serves as the voice of the voiceless, as it is easily accessible and of low cost (Srinivasan, 2012). For eg. #BlackLivesMatter was used by social media activists against racial callousness experienced by the black in America. Unlike traditional media, the internet, and mobile phones facilitate mass communication, transcending local and national boundaries (Hanrath and Leggewie,

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