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My Little Brother In To Kill A Mockingbird

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I chose my little brother Brandon because well you see people say we look very alike but what people don’t know that we are actually pretty different. We react to things differently and we have different interest and our personalities are different. So as a result I decided to shadow him. I wanted to know how he thinks and how he acts. You might be thinking that I should know all about him since he’s my little brother but to be perfectly honest I really don’t. We only have conversations about interest or questions. I’m only human so I can’t read his mind. Therefore I want to see how he reacts, see how he acts, see what he does everyday. As a matter of fact I feel like he tries to shadow me since you know, I’m his older brother and he looks up to me so he repeats the things that I do and as I grow older I change and so does he. Therefore that’s why I want to shadow him. Besides I don’t really have anybody to shadow, my parents would probably get annoyed and my older brother wouldn’t care. My little brother’s my best choice so I’m just going to shadow him.The first thing that I …show more content…
In “To Kill A Mockingbird”, everyone is different so I tried to apply that to my experience. Hence why I chose my little brother, we may look the same but we are different. Atticus’ advice does mean more than it did before if you think about it. Say you are in a situation where there is a conflict and someone has to hear two sides of a story. Your story and someone else’s. You have been walking in your shoes for however long you have been alive so you want your side to win. The thing is you are the one that started the situation so if you say you are innocent you are lying and let’s say you win the conflict. Take a step into the other person’s shoes and walk around a little bit you just got the punishment for something you did not do. Now go back to your shoes, you feel bad. That is what I have

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