...Unit 2: P1 Explain the concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care In a health and social care environment equality diversity and rights are essential to ensure everyone is prune to having rights and has the right to be treated equally no matter their race age or sex and also to be accepted and respected. Diversity: The concept of diversity covers acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognising our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio- economic status, age physical abilities, religious beliefs etc. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe positive and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity within each individual. Examples Genders - In the past men had more rights than women and were seen as more important. Women still earn less than men for similar work and find difficulty in breaking through the 'glass ceiling' to the most senior positions at work. There are far more derogatory terms, such as 'slag', used to describe women than men. Culture - All of us have a cultural background - activities, beliefs, values, knowledge and ideas shared by a group of people. White, middle-class culture still dominates the media and is often seen as more valuable. People feel more comfortable with others...
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...Equality, diversity and human rights in relation to health and social care. - - - - “ Recognising how vital and valuable these are within a health and social care setting is mandatory for you professionals. ” So, what is equality, diversity and human rights? - - - - The true meaning of ‘equality’ is that all people are of the same value. Equality is a huge subject within the caring sector, every person has the right to be treated equally regardless to their gender, race, beliefs, religions, wealth and age. All health and social work practices are required to place a policy that ensures equal opportunities for their staff. The policies are aimed at making sure that all people in the workplace are treated equally for example, access to work, Pay and conditions of work are all equal.Although it is very important, we must not forget that not everyone must not be treated in the same way due to diversity. Diversity? Diversity explains although we all have many things in common with one another, we are all also different and unique in thousands of different ways. Diversity is all about valuing and understanding each other's differences and by embracing that we create a productive environment where everyone can feel valued and have the right to be who they are. Rights? The term rights are essential to know about in a healthcare setting. Knowing the individual's rights is mandatory. Rights also describes the responsibilities of being...
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...Unit 2: Health and Social Care Values 2A.M1 Discuss the importance of the values that underpin current practice in health and social care, with reference to selected examples¬¬ In this task I am going to discuss the importance of values that reinforce current practice in health and social care with references to selected examples. Care values and the code of practice are designed to try and help service users to feel safer in the environment that they live in and they should also feel valued and respected. Values such as trust and confidence are very important as the service user needs to be able to trust the person that they are communication with/taking help from. If they do not have trust then they will feel depressed and lonely as they cannot talk to anybody for reassurance about things. For instance, an elderly person needs to have trust in its nurse as they are the ones who look after them. This makes a healthy and strong relationship between them. Care workers are also not allowed to abuse, discriminate or neglect or exploit service users or colleagues. By doing this it shows how the service users have respect towards their patient and other colleagues, it also allows privacy which is a basic human right and as the person will not be exposed. This helps the patient to feel more secure and safe due to them knowing no harm will come their way. Care workers have to respect the patient and ensure no harm occurs. By doing this it ensures that the patient is...
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...A02-B In this section of my coursework I will explain how practitioners apply early years care values using communication skills to show service users value and support. I will use a range of examples to explain each care value in depth. For the each care value I will emphasise on how a nursery manager and nursery use their communication skills to apply the care value, which will cause the children, staff and parents to feel valued and supported. The early years care values I will be focusing on are: • Fostering equality of opportunity • Working in partnership with families • Being a reflective practitioner • Keeping children safe • Working in partnership with other professionals • Encouraging children’s learning development • Maintaining confidentiality • Making welfare of child paramount • Valuing diversity • Ensuring anti-discrimination Care value 1 - Fostering equality of opportunity This suggests that all children should be offered equal access and opportunities to learn and develop, therefore children should be able to make progress with their time in the nursery. Equal opportunity can be achieved, through the fairness of the staff working with the children at the nursery, and also through communication skills which should be consistent so all children have an equal opportunity of advancing within learning. Tone of voice: The nursery nurse should speak at an appropriate pace (i.e. slowly) so the children can understand clearly and respond, talking at...
Words: 3123 - Pages: 13
...AO3: Creating a positive environment In a health and social care setting there are lots of different types of factor, these are Socialisation, Prejudices, norms, values and beliefs. By creating a positive environment this makes the people meets their needs. Two factors that are central to the creation of a positive care environment are the individual practitioners and the organisation. As care practitioners, we have responsibility to challenge behaviour and practices which discriminate against service users, and at the same time promote positive interaction and practice whenever possible. In Jubilee wood primary school there plenty of factors that creates a positive environment. There are different type’s organisational culture such as a power culture and a role culture. A power culture is one based on the dominance of one or a small number of individuals within an organisation. They make the key decisions for the organisation. This sort of power culture may exist in a small business or part of a larger business. (eg. Owner –managed care setting) a role culture exists in large hierarchical organisations in which individuals have clear roles (jobs) to perform which are closely specified. Individuals tend to work closely to their job description, and tend to follow the rules rather than to operate in a creative way. (eg. School) Policies is a type of organisation this is to help to ensure they are operating without breaking the law this is aimed at the care practitioner and...
Words: 1647 - Pages: 7
...People can only be infected by HIV from the blood of a person that has HIV rather that’s through sexual intercourse, drug activities, or other things. Peate (2013) found that as people are living with HIV into old age they will need increasing social and clinical support from health-care providers, including community nurses. With complex health problems, scarcer financial resources and greater isolation than many of their peers, older people living with HIV face major challenges (Peate, 2013; Power et al, 2010). Having HIV is a...
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...P3 and M1 Describe discriminatory practice in health and social care There are many different bases in which discrimination can occur. It may be hard to believe that anyone working in health and social care would discriminate against another person on any of these grounds. Unfortunately it does happen. A person can be discriminated against because of many different reasons including their culture, age, gender and many others. These factors will be described below. Social class - Our social class is apparent from the place where we live. The higher the class, the better the place is kept and maintained. This inequality has also infiltrated health and social care. It has been said that the poor are more likely to get cancer rather than the rich, their chances of survival are also lower. Gender - A person cannot be discriminated against because of their gender. Under the Gender Equality Duty 2007, all organizations, including health and social care services, cannot discriminate unfairly due to a person’s gender. Equal rights of access, health care and rights must be adhered to. Sexuality - Sexual orientation can refer to a person who is gay or lesbian (attracted to the same sex), heterosexual (the opposite sex), or bisexual (both sexes). Discrimination against someone due to their sexual orientation is against the law, If someone feels they are being discriminated against due to this they are able to seek legal help. Health status - Sometimes difficult decisions have to...
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...Equality is ensuring individuals or a group of individuals are treated fairly and equally. There are laws in place to ensure that this happens. In correspondence with the law, organisations have equality policies to make sure that everyone is treated correspondingly. In a health and social care setting such as a mental care home it is important that all individuals are being treated the same, whether from a different race or different belief or their gender, as well as holding to account on providing their individual needs, because not all of them have the same mental illness/condition. Diversity is all about acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual has something different making them unique. These can be along the range of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities and religious beliefs as well as other beliefs and ideologies. Diversity is all about acknowledging the differences in each individual. Rights are legal, social or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Rights are the essential regulative rules placed to allow people to have freedom of speech; however a person’s rights can be limited such as having a criminal offence. Rights are also considered to be an importance to civilization, being acknowledge as an incorporated as pillars of society and culture. There different rights that is in a country or society such as: * Natural rights are rights that are “natural” in the sense...
Words: 706 - Pages: 3
...everyone else and no different but some clients may need more care than other clients. For example, their religion, disability, whether they are deaf or blind. The care setting I am going to be focusing on is a care home. In my care home we should promote anti discriminatory practice by having certain principles. These include the following ethical principles; justice, autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence. Justice means people must be treated fairly no matter what their background is. Autonomy means you must always respect people’s choices. Beneficence refers to the risks and costs involved and ensures that the health carer always acts in the way that benefits the patient. Non-maleficence means that all side effects caused by treatment should never outweigh the benefits of the treatment that has been given to the client. It is vital in health and social care settings that the individual is put at the heart of the service provision. In order to do this our care home will always provide support to our clients in their beliefs, culture and preferences. We will support them in expressing their needs and preferences, empower them and promote their rights and choices. The individual’s well-being is our priority. An example of providing support for an individual’s beliefs or culture is ensuring that they are not prevented from having their needs met. If a client is of Muslim faith it will be necessary to ensure their dietary requirements are met and that they are not offered...
Words: 1737 - Pages: 7
...Health and Social Care Unit 2 P5 M3 For this piece of coursework I will be describing how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. I will also be discussing the difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice There are many ways in which to promote anti-discriminatory practice that are effective and have minimal chance of failure, the first way is staff training. This can be effective as it gives the workers an insight in how this practice is shown and ways to identify it, it informs them of how to prevent it and stop it from happening again. Training gives them a clear structure to follow to deal with this practice and how to avoid breaking the law. Training also puts the worker in the client’s shoes and shows them the effects of discrimination in hope to deter them from doing it again. Another way health organizations promote anti-discriminatory practice is by making sure they are welcoming for everyone; they do this by commutating to people in their preferred way whether it be Arabic to sign language. If they are unable to provide this service they should find someone who can, i.e. a translator. They should also take in to consideration the different beliefs and values the service users may have, this would be beneficial as it makes the user feel valued and respected, and they are made to feel s if they are at the heart of service. For example a client who is Muslim, letting them practice their religion...
Words: 363 - Pages: 2
...Unit 2 : P3: Describe the potential effects of discriminatory practice on those who use health and social care services When Jamila came to England she experienced a lack of support from health and social care services that would effect her life. Jamila experiences marginalisation from her schooling system as they didn't give her any resources to support her schooling as she doesn't speak or understand english. Throughout her primary schooling teachers never gave her a teaching assistant to help her this would make her very confused because she doesn't know what going on in in the class. Jamila would've felt pushed to the side an also isolated due to her not knowing the language. Once Jamila got to secondary school there was still no...
Words: 509 - Pages: 3
...mistakes. It may be hard to recognise the positives about yourself. You will blame yourself for any difficulties or failures that you have experienced. An emotional teenager being a target for bullying would result in that teenager having low self-esteem. Loss of self-identity – To feel like you now longer know who you are as a person, people around you have brought your feelings down to a level of which you just want to give up on life. So you may choose a life of crime or violence, affecting those around you as well as yourself because you are trying to fit in with those around you. Restricted opportunities – All types of discrimination may lead to a person not being able to use health and social provision and this can lead to poor life choices and poor health. The discrimination may be by individuals, health organisations or even the government. Negative behaviour – Negative behaviour, aggression or crime can be partly caused by discrimination. Living in poverty and experiencing discrimination can affect an individual’s behaviour. For example, a carer in a care home shouting at an elderly resident all the time as he is slower than...
Words: 1550 - Pages: 7
...Disorder 301.50 V65.2 malingering V62.89 discord with social service provider V62.4 social exclusion or rejection 301.50 – Sue meets the diagnostic criteria for histrionic personality disorder. She displays a pervasive pattern of excessive emotion and attention seeking behavior. She continuously acts dramatic and draws attention to herself. Initially, she complained of chest pains in order to receive medical attention. She also reported an emergency just to have the paramedic call her even though there was no actual emergency. Sue’s appearance and behaviors are inappropriately sexually provocative or seductive. She is dressed inappropriately when paramedics arrive. She forces the paramedic’s hand onto her breast. She demands physical contact (a thank you hug) and she leaves a suggestive note for the paramedic. She also exhibits shallow, rapidly shifting emotions. For example, she quickly went from admiring and being provocative toward the paramedic, to being upset with him for not reciprocating her advances, to being angry and claiming he was coming onto...
Words: 1976 - Pages: 8
...D2: evaluate the effectiveness of methods used to promote and protect public health for the two named disease. Introduction: The two diseases i will be explaining is non- communicable disease which is stroke and also communicable disease such as the tuberculosis. I will be talking about both identifying and explaining the different methods which are used to prevent and control these deadly diseases. however, i will also be evaluating the effective of these methods are providing facts and figures to support their outcomes and weighing up the strengths and weaknesses of each method. Non-communicable disease: Stroke I will be discussing a very common non- communicable disease which is ‘stroke’, stroke cannot be spread and that’s why its...
Words: 1471 - Pages: 6
...For this piece of coursework I will be describing how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings. I will also be discussing the difficulties that may arise when implementing anti-discriminatory practice There are many ways in which to promote anti-discriminatory practice that are effective and have minimal chance of failure, the first way is staff training. This can be effective as it gives the workers an insight in how this practice is shown and ways to identify it, it informs them of how to prevent it and stop it from happening again. Training gives them a clear structure to follow to deal with this practice and how to avoid breaking the law. Training also puts the worker in the client’s shoes and shows them the effects of discrimination in hope to deter them from doing it again. Another way health organizations promote anti-discriminatory practice is by making sure they are welcoming for everyone; they do this by commutating to people in their preferred way whether it be Arabic to sign language. If they are unable to provide this service they should find someone who can, i.e. a translator. They should also take in to consideration the different beliefs and values the service users may have, this would be beneficial as it makes the user feel valued and respected, and they are made to feel s if they are at the heart of service. For example a client who is Muslim, letting them practice their religion as it is a religious requirement to pray...
Words: 1443 - Pages: 6