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Health Behavior Theory

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Health Behavior Theory is an important element in the public health field. In order to develop effective intervention programs, Public Health professionals need to be able to effectively assess the needs of a population relative to their long-term adoption of health-protective behaviors. Understanding human behavior theory is an essential tool for designing and implementing successful health promotion programs. The ability to change a health behavior requires multiple skills beyond the ability to simply apply a theory but to effectively have a solid understanding for human behavior. The application of theory and practice goes hand in hand in public health field making theory an essential part of the public health field and why we have an entire …show more content…
In class we discussed Self-Determination Theory. Please present a discussion of this theory focusing on the following:
a. What are the three innate psychological needs identified in the theory? Please list and define each and provide an example of a situation that involves each.(4 pts)
a. Competence
i. Define as perceived self-belief in one’s ability to perform. A felt sense of confidence and effectiveness.
1. An example of competence is when practitioners provide effective and relevant inputs and feedback. Another example would be an individual willing and having a high degree to quit smoking. This individual truly believes they have all the capabilities to stop smoking.
b. Relatedness
i. Defined as a sense of shared experience and feeling connected.
1. An example of this would be practitioner-patient relationship where the patient has a sense of being respected, understood, and cared for so that these experiences of connection and trust allows internalization to occur.
c. Autonomy
i. Defined as of one’s own volition or freedom of choice. An individual must come to value the behavior and personally endorse their importance. The need to feel that one is carrying out a task of his or her own …show more content…
The influence of an individual’s needs and desires both have a strong impact on the direction of their behavior. Intrinsic motivation provides the most beneficial to changing a health behavior. Intrinsic motivation is observed when one engages in an activity out of genuine interest and is truly self-determined. It is considered the desired type of motivation and it has been associated with deep learning, better performance, and well-being in comparison to extrinsic motivation, which is observed when one engages in an activity for a particular benefit or because of pressure from

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