...Funding Health Care Services Freda B. McDowell Dr. Jo-Rene Queensberry HSA 500 – Health Services Organization 11/29/2013 Recommend how ambulatory services should be funded The cost of medical services has sky-rocket. Therefore, I hope that my plan with help ease the burden on some families and allow them to get the services that they need. Any patient that needs medical attention and don’t have the resources will be able to get funding depending upon the family size. There will be a plan A, Plan B, and Plan C. Our funding will come from donations, fund raisers and government funds. There will be guidelines for each plan. Plan A will provide coverage for families that have an income below the poverty level. They will be able to seek treatment at any facility and will have a health card that will allow them to have routine examinations after treatment. Parents and their children under 18 years old will be covered under the plan and will not have to come out of pocket. All treatments will be funded through donations, fund raisers and government funding. To stay on the plan all participants must have routine check-ups. Including dental and eye examinations. Parents will have to make sure that their children get their immunizations in a timely manner. As this relates to disease prevention and healthy promotions aimed to keep the family healthy before diseases take effect on the public population. Therefore by prompting immunizations aids insuring the public remains...
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...Assignment 4: Funding Health Care Service Strayer University HSA 500 November, 2013 Introduction The essential business of the health care industry is the delivery of health care services. In the U.S., the health care industry is considered to be the largest service employer. Funding for the U.S. health care services consists of a mix of public and private payment sources. Medicare and Medicaid represent the two major health programs. Funding for Ambulatory Services The use of Ambulatory Care Services is common amongst most people. It has become an important element in the delivery of health care. For many, it has been viewed as the primary source of health care; offering an extensive range of services that don’t require overnight hospitalization. The services offered can be as complex as tests to and therapies or as simple as a minor cut. Traditionally in the U.S., ambulatory care services were provided in the offices of medical practitioners and in the homes of the patients. Presently, these services are performed in outpatient clinics, emergency rooms, and same day surgery centers. Ambulatory care has expanded within the health care system. This is due to the fact that it is less expensive than inpatient stays and less time consuming for patients. In comparison to inpatient patient procedures, outpatient procedures have been estimated to be 30% to 60% less in costs. Funding for Ambulatory care services began when the first surgical care center opened in...
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...United States Department of Health and Human Services: As our country struggles through tough times there is no doubt we, as a whole nation, have had to make some compromises. One of the biggest, broadest issues our country has been facing is the recent budget cuts in numerous different categories including mental health care. Mental health care has gotten the short end of the stick in the last few years, and it has become a spiraling problem in the United States. Between 2009 and 2011 the United States witnessed some of the largest state budget cuts in history, and we are still suffering from the consequences of doing so. Where does a majority of homelessness, suicide, substance abuse and jail overcrowding stem from? If you take a closer look it will become very clear that cutting the funding for mental health research and treatment has left these mentally ill patients with very few options suitable enough for their varying conditions. Due to the lack of appropriate facilities needed to properly diagnose and treat mentally ill patients, jails are becoming overcrowded and homelessness is at an all-time high. The importance of mental health care is being put on the back burner while, instead, it needs to be a priority and that is why President Obama’s proposition to increase funding to aid the mentally ill in 2014 is extremely necessary. As states cut mental health care funding, prisons are becoming an asylum. There is a very common misconception among the general public...
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...Economic History and Health Care Funding Monica Williams HCS/440 July 1, 2013 GEOFFREY SUSZKOWSKI Economic History and Health Care Funding The paper that is being written is covering the history of economics and how the economy and health care funding has changed. The paper will reveal how the two compare in today’s society. It will evaluate the money used to fund certain health care services such as Medicaid/ Medicare, HMO’s, and how places like hospitals and nursing homes receive compensation for taking care of patients. The paper will also go into detail of how elderly pay to have certain services such as home health services provide care in their place of residence. One must wonder what economic history and health care funding is. Well economic history is the way people with supply and demand which is how the price of a commodity or commodities are determined; the cost of the production of a product that is being made, wealth and the level of income, and the structure and operation of overseas trade. Some would believe that Health care funding is how most people can afford health care, seeing that the cost of receiving it is very high. With that being said, the government did not fund health care like they do now. There were no health care programs like the ones that are available today. Back in the old days people would be able to afford health care only if they could pay their doctor in food or whatever little money...
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...Economic History and Health Care Funding Christina Bacon HCS 440 Economics: The Financing of Healthcare BSCS13JR00 University of Phoenix Online Geoffrey J. Suszkowski, Ph.D., LFHIMSS June 5, 2012 Economic History and Health Care Funding When writing this paper, the subjects covered will be the history of economics and how the economy and health care funding have changed and how the two go hand in hand in today’s society. Where the money will come from to fund health care services such as; Medicaid/Medicare, HMO’s, how hospitals and nursing homes get paid for taking care of people, going to the doctor’s office, or going to the hospital. How the elderly pay to have home health services come in and provide care in their homes. All these things will be covered in this paper. Economic History and Health Care Funding What is economic history and health care funding? Economic history is the way people dealt with supply and demand, cost of production of a product, the levels of income and distribution of wealth, the structure of overseas trade, and the volume and direction of investment, (Adelman, 1985). Health care funding, is the way people would pay for their health care, because in the early years, there was no Medicaid/Medicare, or HMO’s to help pay for health care. The government did not fund health care then like health care is funded now, through government programs such as Medicaid/Medicare, HMO, health insurance, etc. People paid for health care by paying the...
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...Communications Paper HSC/490 November 21, 2011 Professor Green Communications Paper When trying to inform employees and the public about what is going on in the health care organizations, many forms can be used to express this information. Information is passed down from management to employees; it is good to take notice and stress to every employee that they play a vital role in how the organization is viewed. Within any health care organization, the employees are essential components when it comes to saving the company money and making it more productive. Management needs to communicate properly and effectively to employees about the organization’s strategy and what is needed to achieve those plans. By stressing the organization’s strategy, the long-term and short-term goals will not seem so hard to achieve. In this paper, I plan to discuss the different methods that are used in electronica medical records, one of the ways that is used in communication modal is to keep track of all the patients’ medical records, and Health care workers see this as the biggest way of communication when working as a health care giver. Electronic records have been the talk of the century, although for ages charts where the thing but, have slowly been phased out by EMR systems. When you think about this, it opens up doors for much greater technology that could not be implemented into hospitals and doctors’ offices without the productions of EM’s. EMR’s makes the medical staff daily...
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...Economic Terms and Health Care History Amber Rainwater HCS/440 Economics: The History of Health Care February 26, 2012 Health Care History Throughout the history of the United States, the economics of the health care system has experienced many changes. There are many factors to consider that has been the drive behind many of the changes within the health care system. Medical and surgical technologies are some factors that relate to the changes in health care. Besides these factors, allocating sources to fund health care services has always been the most critical factor. One might consider the economic term supply and demand when looking at the history of health care economics and the primary funding source. Health care funding has always been a challenge and will continue to be a barrier due to the lack of resources within our nation. The primary source for funding medical services has faced many changes throughout U.S. history. The need to utilize medical services has increased, which led to the implementation of health care insurance. This came into effect due to the growing demand for health care services at a lower outer pocket expense. The challenge of funding medical services has always been a struggle. It was President Harry Truman that first approach Congress to enact a national insurance program back in 1945 After many failed attempts, President Johnson finally signed into law the Medicare and Medicaid program on July 30, 1965. Medicare is a government...
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...Nursing Education Program Funding Health Policy Capella University MBA 6275 May 24, 2015 Nursing Education Program Funding Health Policy Health Policy Topic & Problem There is a need to support education programs such as Title VIII funding in FYs 2015 and 2016 (AANP, 2015). It is vital that Congress preserve funding for nurse practitioners educational programs, traineeships, and Nurse Managed Clinics. Congress must reduce federal spending through the Division of Nursing in the Bureau of Health Professions of the Department of Health and Human Services. The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) are advocates for nurse practitioners and patients. The AANP’s legislative team identify critical issues related to licensure, access to care, patient safety, health care reform, and reimbursement. They represent NPs on national committees and in health organization. Thus, the AANP is fighting Congress for sufficient funding for Nurse Education Programs (2015). The writer will introduce a new policy to improve the nursing shortage. Literature Review According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 2014), a shortage of nursing school faculty is restricting nursing program enrolments. Nursing schools identified faculty shortages for rejecting qualified applicants. In 2012-2013, U.S. nursing schools rejected almost 80, 000 qualified applicants from undergraduate and graduate nursing programs due to insufficient number of faculty (2014). In addition...
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...Affordable Care Act NUR/571 Affordable Care Act: Description The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted March 2010. The Act is to provide better health security for Americans by putting comprehensive health insurance reforms in place that will •Expand coverage •Hold Insurance companies accountable •Lower health care costs •Guarantee more choice •Enhance the quality of care for all Americans (medicaid.gov) “The Affordable Care Act expands Medicaid coverage and makes numerous improvements to both the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid ” (medicaid.gov). The actual document is a 974 page compilation of the major provisions put together by the office of the legislature. The major provisions as related to Medicaid and CHIP focus on the following: 1. Eligibility requirements – will fill gaps in current coverage for lower income Americans by minimizing eligibility levels for Medicaid across all states (medicaid.gov). 2. Financing - Starting January 2014 adults newly eligible for Medicaid will be fully funded by the government for a period of three years, then gradually reducing funding to 90% by 2020 (Medicaid gov). 3. Information systems and data management – Government financing will be provided for investment in data technology systems needed to get Medicaid systems up and running in time for the projected start date of January 2014 and for expanding Medicaid eligibility (medicaid.gov). 4. Coordination with affordable insurance exchanges...
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...Medical Care for an Aging Population HCS/440 Economics: The Financing of Healthcare University of Phoenix Online Medical Care for an Aging Population There are many issues that face the health care system for the aging population such as the strain on major funding programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and social security by not having enough funding to cover the growing baby boomer population as they reach retirement age. Social security is the largest federal spending program and Medicare is the fastest growing program and with less working adults than those 65 and older, these programs face issues that could be solved in several ways including raising the retirement age beyond 65, Raising the taxable wage limits for social security and Medicare, and building more long term care and memory care facilities. With an increase in the aging population medical care may be difficult to afford as the increased use of services puts a strain on funding programs requiring changes on how we fund these programs and who will qualify. Raising Retirement Age There are many issues that face the health care system for the aging population such as the strain on major funding programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and social security by not having enough funding to cover the growing baby boomer population as they reach retirement age. Raising the retirement age beyond age 65 is a proposed solution to increase the funding for the program. Life expectancy continues to grow and we are living...
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...In the past 15 years, the demand for free or low-cost health care has grown, and FQHC capacity has expanded in response (see Figure 1). Since the mid-1990s, the ranks of uninsured Americans grew faster than the general population, while the willingness of private physicians to provide charity care declined.2 In addition, the proportion of the U.S. population covered by Medicaid increased from approximately 10 percent in 1999 to 17 percent in 2010.3 Federal support for FQHCs ramped up during the Bush administration (2001-08) and has continued under the Obama administration. Direct federal funding for FQHCs increased from roughly $750 million in 1996 to $2.2 billion in 2010, helping to increase the number of FQHC organizations nationally from about 700 to 1,200—with more than 8,100 sites of care. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 added another $2 billion in temporary FQHC funding for capital and service improvements through 2010. http://www.hschange.com/CONTENT/1257/ What Happens to Indian Health Services? _Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) was permanently reauthorized for IHS, Triballyoperated programs, and Urban Indian Programs. _Authorizes more IHS services - ex: behavioral health, prevention programs, hospice, assisted living, long term, home & community-based care. _Numerous grants opportunities under the ACA for workforce development, trauma centers, preventive care, early childhood programs, innovative healthcare models...
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...Australian Health Care system is a continuous process and the system change will affect all consumers from all background as well all health professional. Rural and remote areas health care: The shortage of healthcare professionals in rural communities is a global problem that poses a serious challenge to equitable healthcare delivery. In Australia rural areas are underdeveloped in most of these areas (rural and remote areas). About one-third 32 per cent of Australians live in rural and remote areas 29 per cent in regional areas and 3 per cent in remote areas (AIHW, 2008a). Persons in rural communities can suffer more chronic health due to the lack of health care services in rural areas. My review discusses an overview of and the lack of services within these communities. As stated in the a discussion papers on Primary Health Care (www.health.gov.au), geographical location accessibility to and availability of appropriate health services and rural and remote environments including socioeconomic status, lifestyles, and are undoubtedly the hallmark characteristics of rural and remote Australia. The lack of distance and transport are major problems to accessing health care for many rural Australians. Health care systems servicing the needs of rural and remote Australians cannot be seen apart from the transport system that either takes services to the people or brings patients to those services. Health transport may be required at different points within the health care system...
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...Health Service Delivery: Similarities: Both general practices and ACCHS’s utilize similar models for servicing patients.1 The models used are more team-based instead of general practitioner focused.1 The care is patient focused and involves the family, and input from the physician, allied health specialists, mental health professionals and community services.1 Differences and Reasons for Differences: In terms of availability general practice in Australia seems to be readily available to the populace as 90% of the Australian population visited a GP at least once in the 2004-2005 year period.2 However, for Indigenous Australians availability and affordability continue to be barriers to appropriate and effective health care.3 Due to lower...
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...Analysis of Factors Influencing Adequate Funding of Social Health Care in the Tower Hamlets, London DECLARATION I declare that this is my original work and has not been submitted in any other university or institution for examination. Signature Date Student no: Stud - This is to confirm that the work this proposal was done by the student under our supervision. SignatureDate Supervisor 1: For and behalf of (Name of institution) Signature Date Chairperson, Department of ( ) DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my family members for their enduring support they gave for the whole time I was pursuing this project. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First, I would like to thank my supervisor .................... who has guided me in writing this project. More particularly my special thanks go to my lecturers for taking me through the whole course. I am also greatly indebted to my fellow students who were with me throughout the course work. OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS Class A drugs- drugs deemed by the government to cause the most lethal harm when consumed. They attract heavy jail terms including life in prison. Community care- a term used in healthcare policies to mean looking after people with particular needs in the community. Local strategic partnership- a single non-statutory body, aligned with local authority boundaries that bring together at a local level the different parts of the public sector as well as the...
Words: 17371 - Pages: 70
... Health Care History The United States health care system is currently getting ready to evolve tremendously through the organization, management structure, and payment structures. The economic component in health care is very important to understand in order to structure it successfully. This papers discusses the evolution of economics in the health care system and the structure of health care funding timeline. History and Evolution Health care economics presents an information framework were efficiency and equity goals are pursued. Furthermore, economics establishes a framework by maximizing benefits using resources at hand. Kenneth Arrow, the person responsible for mentioning the idea of health economics as a discipline, wrote an article titled “Uncertainty and the Welfare Economies of Medical Care” in 1963. The article discusses how the medical care industry benefits society compared to the “norm”. Furthermore, Mr. Arrow wrote about the significance of supply and demand. Arrow discussed that the average person has the characteristic of only seeking medical care when they are suffering from a critical injury or illness. Its not common for the average person to receive routine medical services on a regular basis. As Mr. Arrows discussed supply condition, he quoted “Entry to the health care profession is controlled by licensing. Licensing manages the supply which consequently increases the cost of medical care”. Medical care was relatively expensive...
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