...Health Promotion Among Black or African American Population [Your Name] Grand Canyon University: Family-Centered Health Promotion(NRS-429V) January 10, 2016 Health Promotion Among Black or African American Population The Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2015) notes that “Starting in 1997, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires federal agencies to use a minimum of five race categories: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander.” Each minority group differs in health status and disparities and health promotion. In this paper the writer will focus on a specific minority group, the Black or African Americans, and will compare the minority group’s current health status to the national average. Further the author will discuss which health disparities exist in this particular minority group and what health promotion means to them and then will discuss an a approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention that is the most effective given the unique needs of the minority group with an explanation of why it might be the most effective approach. The Black or African Americans make up 15.2% of the total United States population and consists of people of African American, Sub-Saharan African or Afro-Caribbean decent. It is the second largest minority population. The current health status of this minority group is continuing to get...
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...Health Promotion among Diverse Populations Andrelle Joseph Grand Canyon University NRS-429V Family-Centered Health Promotion Health Promotion among Diverse Populations Gee (2012) suggested that Health is the basic need for the realization and the attainment of higher levels of human development index (HDI). For instance, greater adherence to healthy living conditions handles the occurrence of higher living standards in developed countries like Japan and the United States of America (79 Years). Furthermore, a healthy nation has a chance to reap the benefits of active and rejuvenated workforce that facilitate her progress. The government has a role to ensure that her citizens meet basic health requirements through the provision of essential services to the public. This paper will discuss health situation among the African Americans for comparison and contrast to the national averages. Current Health Status of African Americans Gee (2012) noted that the African Americans have a substandard health status compared to the national average. For instance, this racial group had the highest death rates in 2009 according to the reports of the Center for Disease Control of the United States of America. The deaths occur following severe heart disease and stroke among this race. Moreover, the adults above 65 years in this race had the highest prevalence of hypertension thus surpassing the average records...
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...approximately 36 percent of the population belongs to a racial or ethnic minority group. Though health indicators such as life expectancy and infant mortality have improved for most Americans, some minorities experience a disproportionate burden of preventable disease, death, and disability compared with non-minorities. One minority group in particular, the African-Americans, have had a long history in the United States. Some African American families have been in the United States for many generations; others are recent immigrants from places such as Africa, the Caribbean, or the West Indies (CDC, 2014). Yet, whilst the data on quality health care shows that there are few gaps in terms of disparities between Blacks and the Non-minority groups, since health indicators such as life expectancy and infant mortality have improved for most Americans, the African-Americans minority group continue to experience a disproportionate burden of preventable disease, death and disability, in comparison to their non-minority counterparts (CDC, 2013). In fact, the leading causes of death, according to CDC, (2014), are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and stroke. Kerri Henderson, One minority nurse writer (Henderson, 2014), states that the goal of Healthy People (2020), to “achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups,” is a very important goal for the African American population in particular. This is especially in light of the fact that two-thirds of all...
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...African American Health Care Analysis Cheryl Robinson Capella University CST5500 Multi-Cultural Issues in Health Care Crobinson82@capellauniversity.edu Dr. C Vaugh Abstract It is a cliché of health education that programs and interventions will be more effective when they are culturally appropriate for the populations they serve. In practice, however, the strategies used to achieve cultural appropriateness vary widely. This paper briefly describes African American history and how it relates to health care services. It explains the culture, value and belief of African American when it involves health promotion and disease prevention. Some major health concerns and barriers are noted within the black communities and population as well as way to promote health and disease prevention throughout the African American communities. History of African American population African Americans first arrived to the United States as a crew on a pirate ship in the year 1619. The American population saw these new immigrants as an opportunity and captured many of the six million African immigrants and sold them as slaves (Bennett, 1992 as cited in Edelman & Mandle, 2002). The African American community suffered through a history of slavery and discrimination which has led to their current health and wellness problems. Many of their current problems have been linked to the segregation and cruel treatment that they were subjected to in the past, but African Americans have...
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...Health Promotion Among Diverse Population Grand Canyon University NRS-429V-0103 Rubynell Whaley Instructor: April Herrera January 25, 2015 Race has always been an issue for African Americans. The racial inequality among African Americans in America is not the same as that of different workers or exiles. As far as the broadened time of the establishment of subjection and the issue of skin shade as a representation for dehumanization of dark individuals. For four centuries (1619-2002) African Americans have battled through bitter times of subjugation, isolation, and separation (Bennett, 1993). Topics of race, prejudice, and racial separation are established in the consequence of servitude and endure throughout present American life. Calculated by a mixture of components such as education, income, and occupation, socioeconomic status; viewed as the social status of an individual or gathering of people. The effects it has on the African American population can range from poverty, poor health to low educational levels. Research has demonstrated that race and ethnicity regarding the stratification frequently focus an individual's financial situation (House & Williams, 2000). Besides, groups are regularly isolated by SES, race, and ethnicity. According to statistical data, socioeconomic factors have an impact on many ethnic and racial minorities. The data shows that: African American kids are three times more prone to live in poverty than Caucasian youngsters. American...
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...INTRODUCTION African Americans including those of more than one race constitute 15.2% of the U.S population. (CDC, 2011) The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted in 2012 reports that white (38%) and Asians (37%) are more likely to be in excellent health than African Americans (31%). (NHIS) 14.6% of blacks of all ages reported of poor or fair health which is higher than the general population.37.9% of African American men and 57.6% of women above the age of 20 are obese.39.9% of men and 44.5% of women above 20 of African American origin have hypertension.17.8% of African American people under 65 does not have health insurance.(CDC,2011) Leading causes of death among African Americans are heart disease, cancer and stroke. Obesity and diabetes are twice as prevalent among Africans compared to white adults. They have the largest death rates from homicides compared to any racial or ethnic population.(CDC,2011) African Americans also have the highest incidence and death rates from colorectal cancer and HIV infection rates. Prescribed HIV treatment among African Americans living with HIV is also less compared to white adults.(CDC,2011) A larger percent of African American adults live in poverty and does not have a high school education compared to the general population. All of this data points toward poor health status among African Americans. Studies have shown that African Americans underutilize preventive...
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...Running head: HEALTH PROMOTION AMONG DIVERSE POPULATIONS Health Promotion among Diverse Populations Beverly Lewis-English Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V-0501 October 11, 2015 Health Promotion among Diverse Populations “Two- thirds of all deaths in the Unites States are caused by five major chronic diseases; Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic lower respatory disease, Diabetes and Stroke (Fierro, 2006, p. 1)”. While statistics may be useful, it may not reflect the true aspect as it relates to African American Health. Information obtained may be useful in providing measurable data on the disparities that exist among this minority group as it relates to health status and health promotion. Statistics related to death and disease, would provide a clearer understanding of the differences that exist between races and socioeconomically status. This will allow us to evaluate the causes behind the differences and changes that need to be made to improve the health status of African Americans. Unfortunately these differences do not only affect African American adults they also affect their very young offspring’s, newborns. “ In 1198 in the U.S. more than twice as many African American newborn babies died 13.9 of every 100,000 compared to 6 out of every 100,000 white newborns(, ¶ 3)”. This may make one wonder why the vast difference. Prenatal care is a very important aspect that impacts the lives and well-being of the unborn fetus. Obtaining...
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...Health Promotion Among African Americans Family-Centered Health Promotion 02/22/2015 African Americans or Blacks have been a part of our countries history for very long time now. They have been, up until the recent years, treated unequally and discriminated. Unfortunately discrimination against African Americans and Blacks are still prevalent today. Their past in our country is not something we should ignore; rather use it as a tool of understanding the African American culture. Their perception of healthcare and their willingness to seek help could be linked to the fear of social discrimination and the possibility of being treated differently if the healthcare providers are predominately white. The health disparities among African Americans today is something that cannot be ignored and is something that healthcare professionals need to take seriously. This paper will talk about the health disparities among African Americans and how we can make change to this by approaching the problem with health promotion and prevention techniques. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015, the population of African Americans is estimated to be a 45 million; which is 15.2 percent of the United States population. Around 14.7 percent of the African American populations are shown statistically to live in fair or poor health. This particular race is known to suffer from high incidences of Heart Disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, poverty and high crime...
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...Heath disparities or health inequalities are defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as “gaps in health outcomes or determinants between segments of the population”. The CDC has put together the CDC Health Disparities and Inequalities Report in 2013 to address the many issues concerning the health disparities of minority groups in the United States. One of the minority groups addressed in the report is the African American or black ethnic group that in 2013 comprised of 15% of the United States population. More African Americans rate health services in their community as fair to poor than whites (Becker and Newsom, 2003). Life expectancy has more than doubled for African Americans in the 20th century but they still face a higher burden of disability, disease and death than do whites (Becker and Newsom, 2003). By identifying and understanding the health disparities and being aware of the differences regarding health determinants and outcomes in the African American population the better able we are to do something to reduce these disparities (CDC Newsroom). The top three Health disparities among the African American population include heart disease as the number one cause of death, cancer, and stroke (CDC and Prevention). African Americans had the largest number of deaths from heart disease and stroke in the United States compared to other ethnic groups. They have the highest prevalence in untreated hypertension which leads to both heart disease and strokes...
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...t TO ASSESS THE IMPACT OF PRENATAL CARE AND HEALTH CARE ACCESS ON INFANT DEATH OUTCOMES IN FIVE PUBLIC HEALTH DISTRICTS WITH THE HIGHEST AND LOWEST RATES OF INFANT DEATHS IN GEORGIA INTRODUCTION Infant rate mortality in Georgia is extremely high and is an indicator of the overall poor status of health among women and children in this state. Between 1990 and 2000, it is reported that Georgia was among the states with the highest rate of infant deaths. In 1990 the infant morality rate in Georgia was at 12.4 deaths for each 1,000 live births and decreasing to 8.5 per 1,000 in 1998. The infant death rate among the white population is 6.1 per 1,000 while the African American population was stated at a much greater rate of 13.5 per 1,000, which is over twice as high as infant death rates among the white population in the state of Georgia. (Georgia Department of Human Resources: Infant Mortality Fact Sheet, 2000) PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this study is to investigate Infant mortality in African American women in Georgia for the years 2000-2005 in five public health districts with the highest rates of infant mortality and five public health districts with the lowest infant mortality rates (so we are looking at 10 public health districts total that can be found on the OASIS website) in the state of Georgia). LITERATURE REVIEW It is stated by the Georgia Department of Human Resources in the work entitled: “Infant Mortality: Fact Sheet” that the primary cause...
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...Health Disparity Among African-Americans Melissa Swanson Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V-0506 Sandi Coufal February 8, 2015 Heath Disparity among African-Americans The United States is a melting pot of cultural diversity. For a country that was founded by individuals fleeing persecution, it has taken us many years to grant African-Americans equal rights, and even longer for those rights to be recognized. Despite all the effort to eliminate inequality in this country, health disparity among this minority group remains a significant issue. Research in this area has pointed to several key reasons for this gap that center on differences in culture, socioeconomics, and lack of health literacy. The CDC Health Disparities & Inequalities Report of 2011 shows the average American’s life expectancy at 78.8 years, while the average African-American should expect to live only 75.3 years. The statistics gathered by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) are striking in painting the health status of African-Americans in this country. African-American infants have a mortality rate twice that of Caucasian infants. The CDC recognized that African-Americans lead the nation in death rates from heart disease and stroke, as compared to any other ethnicity. The United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health presented data in 2012 showing that African-American adults have a 40% higher rate of hypertension and a 10% less...
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...Running head: TARGETING BREAST CANCER AMONG AFRICAN AMERICAN Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Background…………………………………………..……………………………………………4 Preparing and Adapting to the Field..……………………………………………………………..5 Medical Anthropology Fieldwork Methodology...………………………………………………..6 Ethnographic Fieldwork Data Analysis …………………………………………………………..9 Reflective Comments/ Conclusion……………………………………………………….…….....9 References………………………………………………………………………………………..11 Targeting Breast Cancer among African American Women in Nash County: A Proposal to Identify Enabling and Reinforcing Factors of Seeking Preventative Screening Services Introduction Ethnographic field work is an excellent strategy in understanding and describing a cultural group. Field work is also an asset in performing a needs assessment in the planning phase of developing health promotion interventions. As described by Bailey (2002), “ethnographic techniques are integral tools for galvanizing and mobilizing communities for social action relative to generating a promotion and disease prevention agenda.” (Bailey, 2002) This paper serves as a proposal to conduct a medical anthropology field work project to assess reinforcing and enabling factors that promote the use of early detection and preventative breast cancer screening services among African American women. The study design consists of a qualitative ethnographic approach utilizing observation and focus group methodology....
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...HCS/490 Health Care Consumer – Trends and Marketing 9/16/2013 Professor Jennifer Johnson Demographic Paper Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is the final stage for the HIV disease. AIDS is one of the leading causes of death among people in the United States as well as the rest of the world. African Americans are the ethnic group that has been most affected by HIV. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “African Americans have the most severe burden of HIV of all racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Compared with other races and ethnicities, African Americans account for a higher proportion of HIV infections at all stages of disease-from new infections to deaths”. Most people assume that AIDS is merely a sexually transmitted disease, but in reality it is so much more. In our community hospital there is an increasing amount of cases of AIDS cases within the African American population. We will be discussing the general impact that changing demographics may have on the health care market, why and how changes in the demographics of this population will affect health care, and how a chronic disease wellness program may affect the costs for this demographic. There are many health care related challenges as well as marketing needs for the African American population that will also be presented. There is a variety of things that the individual patient, the community, and society as a whole can do to address the many challenges the African American...
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...American Indian and Native Alaskan Health Status According to the Center for Disease Control, or CDC, there are currently 566 government recognized tribes of American Indian and Native Alaskan origin in the United States (2015). This group of tribes roughly equates to 5.2 million individuals who make up this minority group. There are many stereotypes that come along with Native American heritage, such as alcoholism, poverty, and illness. Sadly, these stereotypes are true and this minority has several major health disparities which affect them as a whole, including those previously mentioned. Current Health Status and Health Disparities Of the 5.2 million American Indian and Native Alaskan population, a measured 26.9% lack health insurance (CDC, 2015). The unemployment rate does not help the poor health status of this group, being the second highest of all minority groups at 15.8%. A major health concern for Native Americans is diabetes. Compared to non-Hispanic whites, American Indians and Alaskan Natives are 2.2 times higher to develop diabetes. Ninety-five percent of American Indians and Alaskan Natives effected by diabetes have type 2 diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2015). According to US News, only 51 percent of Native American high school students graduate (2013). The educational status of this minority group already puts them at a disadvantage for receiving proper health promotion and maintaining self-preservation. Higher dropout rates can be...
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...Health disparities are not uncommon to those of a lower socioeconomic, racial or ethnic group. At increasing and alarming numbers, the minority population are hit the greatest. It is a major challenge each group faces in their daily lives. Programs such as Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) was put in place to end health gaps in the United States. REACH tailors specifically toward the African-America/Black, American Indians, Hispanics/Latinos, Asian Americans, Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders that provides programs and interventions. Health disparities are quite prevalent amid these groups of people. Heart disease, obesity, and diabetes rank higher within these communities (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention...
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