...Running head: HEALTH PROMOTION IN NURSING CARE HEALTH PROMOTION IN NURSING CARE Donna Pisarski Grand Canyon University Family-Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V Ms. Renita Holmes September 21, 2012 Health Promotion in Nursing Care This paper will discuss health promotion and what health care changes are occurring. Through the expanding role in nursing this paper discusses what those roles will entail and the use of primary, secondary, and tertiary care when developing a patient centered care plan. The health care field has been traditionally based around a concept of healing the ill, finding cures, and eradicating disease through immunizations, health being viewed as the absence of disease. Today’s medicine is changing to a new process, a process of promoting health and wellbeing through disease prevention, the teachings of healthy eating and being physically fit. A push to get people involved with and take responsibility for their own health is known as “health promotion”. President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act on March 23,2010, by doing this the whole climate of health care change. A call out for all health care professionals to practice to the full extent of their education and competencies, to streamline health care towards a patient centered system, and deliver a more primary care approach (Institute of Medicine, 2011, pp. 86-87). The goal by doing this is to improve health and wellness, quality of life, and in-turn reduce health care expenditure in...
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...What is Health Promotion? Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS-429V August 04, 2013 What is Health Promotion? This paper will discuss the meaning of health promotion as defined in the textbook Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span. The author will also cover the purpose of health promotion in nursing practice as well as nursing responsibilities and roles that are evolving in health promotion. Lastly, the author will explain implementation methods for health promotion that encompasses all areas of nursing as well as comparing the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health promotion prevention. Health promotion can be defined in many ways. One definition from the textbook Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span defines it as “the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health” as well as “the process of advocating health in order to enhance the probability the personal (individual, family, and community), private (professional and business). And public (federal, state, and local government) support of positive health practices will become a societal norm (Edelman & Mandle, 2010).” If the term health promotion is broken down and defined individually then health is defined as the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit and promotion is defined as the act of furthering the growth or development of something (Merriam Webster, 2013). In the nursing practice the purpose...
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...Project: Discussion and comparison of health promotion and prevention levels Nathan McCain Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS 429V Kimberly Stout June 24, 2012 Comparative Research Project: Discussion and comparison of health promotion and prevention levels The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of the three levels of health promotion: primary, secondary, and tertiary. To be included in this discussion, how health promotion is defined, the purpose of health promotion in nursing practice, nursing roles and responsibilities evolving in health promotion, and comparison of the three levels of health prevention. Three current journal articles relating to youth violence were chosen for examination of content and comparison regarding their methodology in their use of health promotion and prevention, at specified levels of care. Health promotion is defined in different manners. The general consensus within the health care community is that any model should reflect healthy actions and positive outlooks regarding health and well-being. The client should play a large part in the design of how their health goals are assessed, evaluated, and implemented. The client should be taught self-directed actions of care that improve their ability to magnify well-being, by enhancing their physical activity, improving their diet, managing stress, and eliminating unhealthy lifestyle habits. Health promotion and prevention should be directed toward...
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...Current Health Promotion Pamphlet Paper Current Health Promotion Paper Pamphlet Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome is a dangerous complication of pregnancy. It is a severe form of preeclampsia and is most common in the third trimester of pregnancy. The cause of the disease is unknown, but the cure is the delivery of the infant and removal of the placenta. This illness can be challenging to diagnose and often presents in atypical fashion involving multiple organ systems. Due to lack of public awareness of this disease and atypical presentation and risk factors, it is important to provide health promotion information for the public on the potential complications. The Preeclampsia Foundation is a non-profit that provides health promotion pamphlets to health care providers on preeclampsia in its many forms. This information is provided free of charge for distribution to the provider’s at-risk patient population. According to Gonzalo (2011), health promotion is human behavior focused on the attempt of achieving personal wellness. The health promotion model developed by Nola Pender is an example of how personal experiences influenced by nursing actions can motivate a patient in avoiding health complications. The nurse assists the patient in becoming their own advocate in preventing disease or illness. This is accomplished by giving the patient access to vital health information that may affect their personal health. Gonzalo...
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...Health promotion is of great importance to nursing because it has long been acknowledged in nursing literature as fundamental to health care. A dramatic increase in chronic lifestyle diseases has prompted an emphasis on health promotion (Egger et al, 1990). Health promotion can be defined as the process of enabling people to increase control over their health and to improve their health WHO (1986) cited in (Bright, 1997). However, health promotion is commonly confused with health education and yet health education, is an instrument in health promotion together with health protection and illness prevention. Without knowledge people cannot make healthy choices about their lifestyles therefore health education is very much a part of health promotion (Tannahill, 1985) cited in (Bright, 1997). This assignment is going to be based on a health initiative towards a group of young adult smokers within age range of seventeen and twenty five years. The author has chosen smoking because more young people continue to take up cigarette smoking and yet smoking has been identified as the biggest single cause of preventable ill health and premature deaths in the United Kingdom (DOH, 1999). The paper is going to support the choice of the topic with statistics and what the government is saying. The needs of the young adult smokers are going to be identified and these needs are going to be addressed through interactive lecture approach. It is essential to consider a health promotion model as...
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...Youth Brenda McLelland Capella University MSN 6012 Unit 8: Designing Health Promotion Programs September, 2015 Abstract Concerns about addressing the nutritional health of Cleveland’s impoverished children continue to plague the Cleveland community. According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2013, Cleveland has the third largest child poverty rate among the top cities in the United States ("Hunger Facts," 2013). Insufficient resources to provide adequate food and lack of proper nutritional education for these children has a dramatic effect on the health and well-being for this vulnerable group. Not only does poverty have a direct relationship to negative child outcomes, but nutritional intake and education, as well. This article will focus on a theory-based health care promotion plan that will address the poor, school-age children living in Cleveland. Strategies will be identified in promoting nutritional education to improve healthy eating for these children in an attempt to improve the health and wellness for this vulnerable group. Guidelines for quality monitoring, evaluating, and adaptations of this health promotion plan will also be discussed so that it can be used across various health care settings. Implementing a health promotion plan that incorporates appropriate theory, research-based interventions, evaluative measures, and quality improvement metrics is pivotal if the health care professional is to be successful in supporting desired healthy behaviors...
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...PREVENTION OF OBESITY IN CHILDHOOD Introduction What is health The World Health Organisation (WHO 1986)defines health as a state of complete physical ,mental and social well being and not just the absence of disease and infirmity. Forster (2002) confirms that health is generally seen in terms of people being ill or well but indicates that this is a simplistic view, as being well or ill are not entirely separate notions but in fact overlap to some degree. Forster(2002) while concurring with the definition of health as provided by the WHO (1986) adds that this definition provides a positive view of health and suggest that health fluctuates over time along a continuum, good and poor health appearing at opposite poles of the continuum. Ewles and Simnett(2003) also suggest that health is determined by many factors such as Physical health, body function, Societal health living accomodation ,employment status , Spiritual health, religious beliefs and moral values or behaviours, Social health being able to sustain relationships and make friends, Emotional health the ability to cope with depression, stress and anxiety. Therefore an individuals health position along this continuum is variable but no distinct demarcation line between health and ill health exists. With regards to the definition given it is argued that health professionals interventions should focus on helping the clients ,individuals, families and communities to gain health related knowledge, attitudes and practice associated...
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...THE CASE FOR A MODEL OF CARE Contemporary health care systems are constantly challenged to revise traditional methods of health care delivery. These challenges are multifaceted and stem from: 1. novel pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments; 2. changes in consumer demands and expectations; 3. fiscal and resource constraints; 4. changes in societal demographics in particular the ageing of society; 5. an increasing burden of chronic disease; 6. documentation of limitations in traditional health care delivery; 7. an increasing emphasis on transparency and accountability, 8. evidence based practice (EBP) and clinical governance structures; and 9. the increasing cultural diversity of the community. These challenges provoke discussion of the necessity of developing services around a model of care. What do we mean by a model of care? Ambiguity exists in the literature, with the terms, model of care, nursing model, philosophy, paradigm, framework and theory often used interchangeably, despite referring to diverse, yet parallel concepts (Tierney 1998). In their recent review of the literature, the Queensland Government (Australia) reported that they found no consistent definition of ‘model of care’ (Queensland Health 2000). They concluded that a model of care is a multidimensional concept that defines the way in which health care services are delivered (Queensland Health 2000). More specifically, Davidson and Elliott...
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...Health Promotion is the provision of information and/or education to individuals, families, and communities that-encourage family unity, community commitment, and traditional spirituality that make positive contributions to their health status. Health Promotion is also the promotion of healthy ideas and concepts to motivate individuals to adopt healthy behaviors. According to the World Health Organization, Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. Health promotion represents a comprehensive social and political process, it not only embraces actions directed at strengthening the skills and capabilities of individuals, but also action directed towards changing social, environmental and economic conditions so as to alleviate their impact on public and individual health. Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. Participation is essential to sustain health promotion action. The Ottawa Charter identifies three basic strategies for health promotion. These are advocacy for health to create the essential conditions for health indicated above; enabling all people to achieve their full health potential; and mediating between the different interests in society in the pursuit of health. These strategies are supported by five priority action areas as outlined in the Ottawa Charter for health promotion: * Build healthy public...
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...Promotion In Nursing Practice To equate and distinguish, the author had to search literatures from the GCU library and Google. The author noted that there was a lot to learn about health promotion in the three articles. Today’s health promotion is not just restricted to preventing disease, restoring health, containing illness, concentrating health pedagogy, lifestyle and behavioral alterations, but has attempted a new paradigm, authorizing the patients by taking governmental and societal action to encourage health improving environment (Irvine, 2007). This paper focuses on the intention of the health promotion in nursing practice, roles and responsibilities of nursing evolving health promotion, implementing methods that encompasses all the domains of nursing, and compares the three phases of health promotion prevention of diabetes. There are various definitions given by authors and organizations regarding the health promotion but the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO, 1986), Ottawa charter is the popular one, which reads “Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. To reach a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, an individual or group must be able to identify and to realize aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the environment.” This definition emphasizes on responsibility of patient health and also expands its role in healthy lifestyle changes for betterment...
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...Health Promotion Initially when health promotion was developed it grew and improved the healthy status and health conditions of the public. Health promotion is a relationship between actions, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior and health outcomes from the individual to the societal level. In the past the focus was more on disease prevention and control of communicable disease, when contagious and communicable disease like measles, polio and small pox were present. As government and health care agencies are involved communicable disease are under control and now focus on health promotion. This paper explore the concept of health , health promotion, multiple health models , nursing roles and responsibilities and multiple health models and its approach taken towards health promotion. According to each individual health is defined and can be affected by many factors. According to World Health Organization (WHO) (World Health Organization, 2003) health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. “Health is a complex state of metabolic efficiency that represents the biological integration associated with physical, mental, and emotional stability of a person. It represents the ability to identify and realize aspiration, satisfy needs and to change and or adapt to its environment. Health is therefore a resource for everyday life.” (Green, 2010) Health promotion is “the art and science of helping people discover the...
Words: 1358 - Pages: 6
...Health assessment provides a detailed plan of care that focuses on the specific needs and the specific approach to achieve them. The process involves evaluation of health status and conducting a physical examination and the overall health history (Laymon, Shah, Leep, Elligers & Kumar, 2015). Health assessment in lifespan provides a substantive evaluation of the health of individuals across ages. The paper serves to address an assessment of the health of a child, an adult and an older adult for instance X. The essay will tackle the family health history, healthy lifestyle and health risk across the lifespan. The family history plays a critical role in the health of a child. The genetic transition during the embryonic development may transfer...
Words: 405 - Pages: 2
...[Institute Name] [Date] 1. Introduction Health law and policy making in the region of UK have been identified in a structural way with the functionalities provided by National Health Service (NHS) since the year 1948. There has been an access point of free access and being highlighted in a positive manner, clinical ideas and formulations have emerged as a greater tendency of force. There have been multiple changes implied and influences to the NHS structure over the course of time (Beresford, 2013). Since the 1970s however, the policy has been strictly related with the management of ever increasing requirement of resources and how to take into consideration multiple distinctions in population demands, availability of services and their qualitative comprehension across the region (Beresford, 2013). An array amount of measurements have been implied to target the distinctions including, in the most recent times, an enhanced implication of mechanisms that are market induced. Staffing requirements in the NHS have always considered it difficult to carry out a prediction and the accounts of professional staffing mechanisms have always signified between a surplus and shortage. Such alterations have occurred in a substantial manner against a background of rising expenses, along with NHS providing a spending amount of national income share in a doubled manner since 1948 (Beresford, 2013). The conventional focus of mental health services and associations have been evident enough...
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...Review of Health Promotion A Literature Review of Health Promotion Lilian .N. Abagwe Grand Canyon University Family-Centered Health Promotion NRS 429 October 16, 2011 Abstract Historically, the United States has been sickness oriented. But in the last twenty years, a new model has surfaced. The new model lays emphasis on wellness rather than sickness. As a result in this change in focus, health promotion is now a fundamental part of nursing profession. This article will review recent literature from three professional sources relative to nursing profession and health promotion. This paper will examine; (a) Definition of health promotion. (b) Purpose of health promotion in nursing practice. (c) Evolving nursing roles and responsibilities in health promotion. (d) Explain the implementation methods for health promotion. (e) Compare the three levels of health promotion prevention. Health promotion is defined as “the science and art of helping people change their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health.” (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). The purpose of health promotion in nursing practice is to enable people make healthy choices. According Smeltzer & Bare (2006), the purpose of health promotion...
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...High-Risk Family Assessment and Health Promotion Paper Corey Hollmann University of Phoenix NUR/542 6/30/2014 Danielle Patrick High-Risk Family Assessment and Health Promotion-Suicidal Ideation Suicide and ideation to commit this final act, is a grave public health concern that is multifaceted and responsible for significant family risk. Suicide is a behavior that has worldwide resulted in nearly one million fatalities annually. Suicide is commonly an act driven by impulsivity and followed by thoughts of hopelessness and doom. In the United States, firearms, particularly handguns, are the most common means of suicide. Despite extreme notoriety, suicide and suicidal ideation remained stigmatized and hidden behind shadows of shame. Acts of deliberate self-harm and unsuccessful attempts remain largely underreported (Fleischmann et al., 2008; Freedenthal, 2007). Summary of Suicide Risk Health Profile The incidence of suicide has remained a significant health risk across multiple demographics, cultures, and sexes. In between the years 1999 and 2008, the suicide rate increased 10.5% and from 10.5 to 11.6 people per 100,000 population. Male's record rates that are four times greater than females while non-Hispanic whites recorded 14.1 suicides per 100,000 (National Vital Statistics System, 2008). Suicide is a behavior that exudes complexity that is characterized by methods to potentiate intentional termination of one's own life. The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified...
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