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Health for All


Submitted By psyzmic
Words 272
Pages 2
Health and Safety

Many children in today’s society are considered overweight. The government and its citizens are concerned and are taking action to remedy this issue. What we do in our class rooms can promote healthy eating and prevent obesity. Some include proper portions, education of food products, and encouragement of play in centers involving food.

Family style meals allow the children to serve themselves. With meals being served as family style, if not controlled, some children could eat heaping portions while others have only a bite or two. In our class, we offer the children measuring cups to collect the required portions of the meals and have them place them on their plates. Education of food products allow the children to know what they eat and why. As we educate the child, we also allow them taste test so they can make their own decisions of what healthy foods they like and what they don’t. Home center is one of the best places to teach the child about healthy eating. It allows them to experiment what they’d like to cook. It also allows us to ask questions as to why they wanted to cook it and is it healthy.

Healthy eating promotions in classrooms are very important to helping a child make proper decisions of great eating habits. Portion control, food education, and practice through play are just some of our methods of guiding our children to help lessen the risk of unhealthy eating and obesity. We have to start with the children in front of us if we want to make a difference with the children that surround

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