...Healthy Eating Plan Comparison Healthy Eating Plan Comparison Eating healthy is one of the most important acts a person can do to enhance their chances of a long and healthy life. It is also important to mixes a good diet with daily exercise. Learning about your body and its specific nutrient needs will help you achieve the best balance between a healthy exercise and nutrient intake routine. This class has opened my eyes to just how important eating healthy foods and exercising on a regular base can be to maintain a good quality of life. The class also explained how nutrients work with other chemicals to create the perfect balanced digestive system, energy, and body muscle tone. In this assignment I took the healthy eating plan for a second time and compared it with the assignment in week 2, and to be perfectly honest it was probably not necessary due to the fact I did not change any of my eating habits. This is not because I live a life with a great exercise routine and a perfect diet, it is because for fifty years I have eaten and maintained the same type of energy level. Although my energy level is far above the recommended requirements, my eating habits are somewhat sub-par. This is not to say I do not eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner on regular bases, it’s just the quaintly and the rich in fat foods I chose to eat. When comparing week two healthy eating plan to week seven the changes where none, I find it very difficult to change eating habits after spending...
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...Healthy Eating Plan Comparison Jane Doe Sunday, March 20, 2011 SCI241 Professor Mickey Mouse Abstract This document will provide an outline of the change in nutritional habits for the duration of SCI241 - Nutrition course study. This document will also provide the change in diet and the awareness of making food choices. Healthy Eating Plan Comparison For the duration of this class and teenage years I have been considered obese. Nutrition has never been a part of my life nor has it had any importance to my eating habits. This class along with strong encouragement from friends and family I have decided to try a better way of eating. During week one through week four of class I was still in denial about my weight and my eating choices. As the class progressed and my comprehension for what promotes healthy eating changed. I discovered a greater way of life through low-impact exercises and healthy food choices. Eating healthy has always displayed images in my head of meals consisting of mostly vegetables, salads, no bread, no potatoes, and small portions of everything. Although the mentioned items could help with weight management; they are not the ingredients to a healthy way of living or eating. Current Eating Habits Over the past seven weeks I have encouraged myself to look at food in a totally different light. Vegetables and fruits are my friends and all oils, unsaturated fats, refined sugars, to include processed meats and dinners have been eliminated...
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...to their culture and preferences. BurgerLite Inc. is fast food Company designed to serve customers that are looking for healthy food options. It offers a healthy solution that match people’s busy days and their awareness of the benefits of eating healthy. Going international is a big challenge because the Company doesn’t only have profit goals, BurgetLite’s culture and philosophy is to operate its business while improving and providing wellness and healthiness to society. A number of factors were taken into consideration when selecting the most convenient market, selecting Japan as the country that fit best the company’s philosophy and goals. This paper seeks to outline the preliminary criteria that were used to eliminate countries, the indicators used to evaluate the investment environment of the country as well as the decision and motivation towards the choice that was made. This report gathers an analysis of economic and social factors that we believe suit BurgetLite Inc. into the Japanese market. Moreover, important information about the actual marketing plan, guidelines and strategies are also detail explained to assure an effective market penetration. A series of models are also incorporated to demonstrate that the Company has the necessary strategic strength and capabilities to competitive and succeed in that market. Guidelines concerning plan implementation and key strategic moves In order to successfully implement BurgerLite Marketing...
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...Healthy Eating Plan Comparison Vivian Elliott Sci 241 07-15-2012 Mrs. Mary Martin Abstract Healthy Eating Plan Comparison In my comparison from my nutritional habits from week one, my eating habits have changed in a much better way from my past usual way of eating and regular daily eating plan. I have developed an eating plan based on the concepts of balance, variety, nutrients density, moderation and energy density. I follow and use the Food Guide Pyramid and list of nutrients in my diet plan. The Food Guide Pyramid is a menu plan tool that tells about what’s on a nutrition label currently consists of, and when and which health claims are allowed on a food package. I try not to eat too much hamburgers, french fries, cookies, sodas, pizzas, cakes, tacos, and other greasy fried fatting foods. Since I have changed my eating habits I have lost 15 pounds and watch the fat melt from my body and performing more lean on my body. It is very important for people to understand the nutritional effects and good requirements of a human body. The changes that I made to my diet and eating lifestyle are important for me to improve my diet by 100% as I stick to my diet to improve my health and wellness of my overall well-being. I am experiencing an increased of nutritional needs and better benefit to my health, probable a more leaner body, weight loss, and likely improvements to your blood profile. This all adds up and will equal to me having and enhances a longer healthy...
Words: 2616 - Pages: 11
...experience I have to say how revealing this class was for me. One of the main reasons I tool this class was to learn more about nutrition and how our bodies use nutrients for our overall god health. I quickly learned how my own diet was affected. I have always considered myself a healthy person; I monitor what I eat and exercise daily. By doing so I really did not think my diet would need much changing. Once I started doing the different comparisons, I quickly learned that my body needed additional nutrients that I was not giving it. The quick analysis assignments made me go down a better path. Even one better that what I was on. I was able to make certain adjustments in my diet to not only put better foods in my body, but also add vitamins and minerals that I was starving myself from. Just in making an eating change, I noticed the energy increases in a short week. The change motivated me into getting more detailed with my diet and habits. Even though I was already healthy, this course opened my eyes and showed me that I can do better, and feel more alive than I ever have. Food Choices One of the first things I realized after doing the three-day comparison was how important a breakfast was to your body. Growing up you always here that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What I did not realize is how much your body benefits from that first meal. One of the first changes I made was I now have a bowl of cereal in the morning along with...
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...Case Study 4 McDonalds 1) How should Mac respond when ads promoting healthy lifestyle featuring Ronald McDonald are equated with Joe Camel and Cig ads? Should Mac eliminate Ronald McDonald in its ads? I do not believe it is necessary to eliminate Ronald McDonald as the mascot. The comparison to Joe Camel is rather unfair. Although McDonalds uses Ronald to market its unhealthily to children, it is not the same as smoking and getting addicted to cigarettes (Adage.com, 2016). McDonalds should used Ron’s image in a different way, promoting healthy food and activity, less focus on the food even and focus on charitable work. Ronald is among top 25 mascots of all times. (DailyFinance.com, 2016) Ronald McDonalds should make visits to schools to educate students about the importance of eating healthy and staying active. Even addressing moderation of unhealthy foods and portions control. This will help to improve Ronald image in a positive way as the mascot. 2) Discuss the merits of the law proposed by France that would require fast-food companies either to add a health message to commercials or to pay 1.5 % tax on their ad budget. Propose a strategy for McDonald's to pay the tax or add health message and defend your recommendation. The French law will force food marketers to choose between adding a health message to commercials and paying a 1.5 percent tax on their ad budgets to fund healthy-eating messages. (Adage.com, 2016) Other bans may also be placed on using celebrities...
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...ENG 315 Professional Communications February 13, 2011 Justification Report Plan I will be writing a justification report in order to justify a whole and healthy foods initiative for Pueblo School District in Tucson, Arizona. The audience would consist of the school board for this school. They decide upon the administrative decisions such as meal plan changes and the cost of meals. The school district board is comprised of ten individuals, four men and six women. Their backgrounds include varying professions. The topic of the report is implementing more organic, low fat, and vegetarian friendly options in kindergarten through eighth grade class cafeterias. This initiative would require the help of a dietician consultant to assist with menu planning and nutritional guidelines for the specific age groups. The purpose of this report is to convince the board members that the whole and healthy foods initiative will keep young people healthier, therefore jump starting their brains and overall dispositions to succeed in school and in the future. The initiative would include food education for young people to help them learn healthy menu planning and the new food pyramid organization. Eating right and learning to eat right will affect children’s health and economic stature in the future. I will research in psychology and medical journals to find articles on how food affects young bodies and minds. The chef Jamie Oliver has created initiatives to offer healthier foods in public...
Words: 437 - Pages: 2
...National Food Survey); use of food tables https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5649485182751853952#editor/target=post;postID=6877352272977566396 LO2 Understand the links between diet and health Health: obesity and overweight (nature and extent, causes, treatment); coronary heart disease; dietary fats (saturates, monounsaturates, polyunsaturates, omega-3 fatty acids, trans-fatty acids) and effects on serum cholesterol (LDL and HDL); diet and dental health; fibre/NSP (non-starch polysaccharides) and bowel disorders; diet (eg antioxidant vitamins) and cancer; salt and hypertension Healthy eating: healthy eating guidelines as current at time of delivery; 1983 NACNE report; nutrient and food recommendations of 1994 COMA report; SACN [1999]; Our Healthier Nation [1999]; Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier [2004]; Nutritional Well-being of the British Population [September 2008]; comparison with health in other...
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...Healthy Eating, Nutrition and Exercise Plan Bryan Clayton SCI/241 January 26, 2013 Angela Pendergast Healthy Eating, Nutrition and Exercise Plan In a comparison of my current three day diet analysis to that of the one I completed in week one shows that my eating habits have declined. In week one I was eating six and a half ounces of grains per day now I am at half an ounce of whole grains which is well under and five and a half ounces of refined grains which is a little over the target amount per day. In week one I was eating two cups of vegetables per day, in the current analysis I only ate three quarters of a cup. During this week’s analysis I did not eat any fruits and in week one I ate half a cup. In week one I consumed one and a quarter cups of dairy over the three days in the current analysis I consumed one cup over the three day period. In week one I ate four ounces of protein during the current analysis I ate three ounces of protein. My current analysis shows that I did not consume any oils in week one I consumed one ounce. By looking at the two analysis’ I found that I still need to improve my eating habits so that I can get the nutrients needed to live a healthy life. I need to eat healthier snacks, eat more protein, dairy and grains. I need to limit the amount of sweets that I consume. My diet still lacks the amount of protein, fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy that I need to consume during a day. My exercise results show...
Words: 1052 - Pages: 5
...Axia College Material Appendix A Final Project Overview and Timeline Final Project Overview Describe briefly a current health problem or nutritional need that you are experiencing, or a health or nutrition problem you can foresee experiencing because of your family history. Using insights from the My Pyramid Plan Web exercise, the Recommended Dietary Allowances, Recommended Dietary Intakes for your age group and gender, and information from readings, develop a realistic nutrition and exercise plan to summarize in a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper. The plan should be plausible enough to be initiated within the next 30 days and continued throughout your life. Be sure to include the following: • Identification of the health/nutrition problem targeted • Four nutritional or physical exercise goals • Actions taken to meet each goal • Anticipated setbacks or difficulties, and methods to overcome them • Outcomes by which to measure success • Evidence of the plan’s effectiveness in addressing the identified problem or need • Identification of potential health risks that may develop if the plan is not implemented Your paper should also address how your plan may be adjusted to fit your changing nutritional needs as a result of age, pregnancy (if applicable), or changes in physical capabilities. Be sure to include information about physical activities, and how they may be altered to accommodate different seasons of the year and changes in age. Include all applicable references...
Words: 377 - Pages: 2
...When you go out to eat do you actually know what’s in your food or how it’s being made? Eating fast food isn’t always the answer in the long run even if your running late. Why not cook yourself a home cooked meal and create less problems for not only you but our country? First, we will drive through the problems fast food causes. Next, we will make a “quick stop” at the causes of fast food. Finally, we will throw away the problems and find solutions for fast food. First, we will drive through the problems fast food causes. As we have probably all heard one or more times in our lives that fast food isn’t healthy for you; that’s old news. Now the question is, do you really know what it does to your body and what problems it can cause. Eating...
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...Kraak, 2005). Obese children may experience immediate health consequences which can lead to weight-related health problems in adulthood (www.letsmove.gov/health-problems-and-childhood-obesity). In addition to suffering from poor physical health, overweight and obese children can often be targets of early social discrimination (www.letsmove.gov). Let’s Move is a health objective that has been put in place by First Lady Michelle Obama. Let’s Move is a comprehensive initiative, launched by Michelle Obama, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams (www.letsmove.gov/about). Let’s move is about putting children on the path to a healthy future during their earliest months and years. At the...
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...College Student’s Perception of Healthful Eating Abstract Current research suggests college students have fluctuating eating patterns and are confused about what constitutes a healthful diet. The purpose of this study was to identify the sources by which college students receive nutritional information and what constitutes the best dietary plan for maintaining a healthful lifestyle. The survey instrument used in this study measured the perceptions of college students about their practices in healthful eating and the sources they consulted to receive healthful eating information. It aligned with research that suggests college students choose to consult peers and the Internet for nutritional information over the consultation of a professional. The survey also suggested that college students understand fast food to be contradictory to a healthful lifestyle and choose to minimize their carbohydrate intake but are confused about the best dietary plan to maintain a healthful lifestyle. The results indicate that college students consult their peers and the internet over a professional with regards to healthful eating and that professionals in nutrition should find creative ways to demonstrate proper nutritional habits through the use of peer teaching and through avenues such as the Internet. Introduction Current college students and twenty-first century adults assimilate a wide spectrum of opinions on what determines if a person is healthy or not. Keeling’s research revealed that...
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...Healthy Eating Plan Comparison By Ronald Taylor University of Phoenix Nutrition is a very important part of life. Eating healthy requires that we change some of our current nutritional habits. Since week one, there have been a few minor changes in nutritional habits. For instance, now milk is more a part of the diet than before and grains have also seen an increase in the diet. In the first Food Diary Checkpoint, there was only a 0.1 cup of milk daily intake, while in the second Food Diary Checkpoint revealed that now there is an average intake of 1.5 cups of milk. Also, because of the incorporation of oatmeal into my diet there has been an increase in fiber. However, most of the results from the second Food Diary Checkpoint show that my diet basically consists of most of the same foods as before, foods that are low in nutrient density. For instance, in the 1st Food Diary Checkpoint, the diet still includes 2 waffles for breakfast instead of cereal. As aforementioned, oatmeal is now a part of my breakfast, but most foods in my diet have remained unchanged. Therefore, the results of the diet still compared quite poorly to the recommendations received from the Food Guide Pyramid. Moreover, for some food groups there were still less than 1% of the servings recommended. The totals indicated that there is an unsatisfactory consumption of the foods recommended by the Food Guide Pyramid. Primarily, there still needs to be an increase in milk intake and an increase...
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...A healthy eating, nutrition and exercise plan is something that has to be worked at constantly throughout a person’s life. As people age, nutrition needs will change. For instance, a young child needs the fat from whole milk for brain development and calcium to prevent bone deformities, but an older person is better off with milk that is one or two percent fat as the fat is no longer needed for brain development. Furthermore, while the calcium is still essential, it is not needed to protect against bone deformities, but to prevent osteoporosis. For these reasons milk can be part of a good diet throughout life. Alternatively, in the case of someone who has difficulty digesting the lactose enzyme in milk, either due to a lifelong issue with lactose intolerance or as a result of aging, it may become necessary to add supplements such as calcium pills fortified with vitamin D to obtain the health benefits that could otherwise be provided through the consumption of milk (Chapter 9, “Calcium is the Most Abundant Mineral in the Body,” 2006). Additionally, to ensure that a variety of vitamins are consumed, it is necessary to periodically review the diet to be certain that all vitamins are represented in the adequate amounts by the foods consumed on a regular basis. This is where a tool such as the SuperTracker, found on the United States Department of Agriculture website, is extraordinarily beneficial (United States Department of Agriculture, n.d.). The program provides information...
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