...Nurse Driven Education for A Patient Diagnosed With Chronic Systolic Heart Failure Refusing Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures Heather Horsley Wilkes University School of Nursing Abstract Heart failure (HF) is a chronic progressive disease, arising from structural or functional disorders of the heart, in which incidence increases with age. This review attempts to describe the types and causes of HF while focusing on variable aspects of patient education that have a positive effect on patient outcome and quality of life. Specifically, the potential benefits of this education for a 55 year old male patient diagnosed by transthoracic echocardiogram with chronic systolic heart failure, who has refused physician deemed necessary diagnostic testing and treatment. Keywords: heart failure, nurse driven education, heart failure, self-care Nurse Driven Education for Patient Diagnosed With Chronic Systolic Heart Failure Refusing Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures Heart failure (HF) is a major health care concern affecting over 5.7 million people in the United States. It is responsible for 1 in 9 deaths and costs the nation over 32 billion in health care expenses each year (Center for Disease Control, 2013). HF is the most common reason for hospitalization of people older than age 65 (Hinkle and Cheever, 2014). According to Hinkle and Cheever, HF is a “clinical syndrome resulting from structural or functional cardiac disorders that impair the ability of the ventricles...
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...Nursing Theory Plan of Care Nur/513 May 16, 2011 Introduction Nursing theories describe and explain the phenomena of interest to nursing in a systematic way in order to provide understanding for use in nursing practice and research. Nursing theories provide a framework for nurses to systematize their nursing actions: what to ask, what to observe, what to focus on and what to think about. They provide a framework to develop new and validate current knowledge. Researchers use nursing theories to define commonalities of the variables in a stated field of inquiry, guide nursing research and actions, predict practice outcomes, and predict client response. Analysis of the Congruence and Theoretical Statements Henderson define nursing as helping people, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health and its recovery that they would perform unaided if they had the necessary strength, will or knowledge (Fitzpatrick & Whall, 2005). It is the function of nurses to help people become independent as rapidly as possible. She saw how nursing could focus on the patient and on developing a good nurse-patient relationship. She believed that the patient-focused nursing was the most beneficial kind of nursing. Henderson emphasized the use of nursing care plan. To develop effective care plan, collection of necessary information is important. She developed the 14 Basic Needs in her Theory (Fitzpatrick & Whall, 2005) as basis of individualized nursing...
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...Annotated Bibliographies Lisa Stevens Kaplan University Annotated Bibliographies Au, A., McAlister, F., Bakal, J., Ezekowitz, J., Kaul, P., & vanWalraven, C. (2012). Predicting the risk of unplanned readmission or death within 30 days of discharge after a heart failure hospitalization. American Heart Journal, 164(3). 365-372. Retrieved from: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/771215_print This article sought to find an appropriate model to predict the risk of unplanned heart failure readmissions. The primary outcome from chart reviews also included death of heart failure patients within 30 days of discharge. The study looked at Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) models and the LACE+ index, to mention two of many that looked at prediction ability. The LACE+ index is a model that looks at length of stay, acuity, the Charlson comorbidity score and age, to predict readmissions. They found that no one model was appropriate in predicting the 30-day readmission rates, although using a combination of the models was an improvement to that predictor. The authors are all physicians, PhDs, or have a Master’s degree- helping to establish credibility. The authors also make a statement as to the funding of the project and that they (the authors) were solely responsible for all data collection, design and submission approval writing for the project, also lending credibility to the study. The references used for this study were appropriate in age, of the 28; 13 were...
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...head: EDUCATION AND CONGESTIV HEART FAILURE How does patient education affect compliance with Congestive Heart Failure? How does patient education affect compliance with Congestive Heart Failure? How does education affect compliance with congestive heart failure? I have chosen this topic because congestive heart failure is a disease process that continues to grow throughout our communities. These patients tend to be readmitted into the hospital frequently due to noncompliance. Problem Identification Education of congestive heart failure is one of society’s largest challenges. The need to focus on compliance of treatment plan, self management, and patient education of this disease process is essential for favorable outcomes. The articles chosen for the information retrieval paper were located on line at the University of Texas at Arlington library in the CINHL database. These articles were written between the years of 2006 and 2009. All three articles were peer reviewed. While searching the data base for articles, information regarding education, compliance, and outcomes was a key focus. The articles were chosen for their content related to the education process of the patient with congestive heart failure and how compliance would affect outcomes. The knowledge of congestive heart failure of the medical professional was also explored. Summary of Articles First article Congestive heart failure is a debilitating and chronic...
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...Vulnerable Populations Nursing 2312 2/13/12 The School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing RN-BSN Option I will discuss two theories and apply them to different vulnerable populations. Vulnerability is an important factor for nurses to consider when working with clients across the lifespan. Vulnerability is a result of uncontrollable individual factors over which the patient has no influence (Creasia & Feiberg, 2011). Vulnerability is a general concept meaning “susceptibility” and has a specific connotation in health care “at risk for health problems” (Chesnay & Anderson, 2012). The first theorist is Lydia Hall’s care, cure, and core theory. It refers to patients as having three needs of care: the physical, the medical, and the social needs. Nurses can easily provide the care, cure, and core theory to meet the needs of patients with congestive heart failure. Nurses using Lydia Hall’s theory assist with education, medical management, and provide physical, emotional or social support for congestive heart failure patients. The medical management and education offered by nurses increase patients knowledge, and the ability to manage their disease. They can prevent exacerbations, and reduce hospital readmissions (Davood, 2009). The care model dominates when nurses provide hands on care to the heart failure patients produces an environment of comfort and trust. It promotes open communication between nurses and patients. Open communication encourages...
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...Prevention of Hospital Readmissions Related to Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure NRS 441V Professional Capstone March 1, 2014 Abstract Providing patients diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure effective teaching can eliminate reoccurring hospitalizations. Patients are discharged with CHF and readmitted within 30 days. The information provided will examine the process of enhancing patient knowledge and provide additional resources essential for effective health care management. Research evidence provides data that proves patients who are diagnosed with CHF needs a variety of health care needs during admission and after discharge. The proposal will display an evaluation plan, implementation plan and a dissemination of the evidence. Provide at least 1 evidence based literature; for at least 1 evidence based solution. Keywords: congestive heart failure, therapy, education, patient outcomes Description of the Problem Prevention of Hospital Readmissions Related to Symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure Health care providers must ensure skills, knowledge and teaching is effective when providing care to their patients and families about symptoms of CHF. The length of stay for an average hospital visit can be two days however, for more chronic issues warrant an even longer stay. To avoid readmission of the disease processes of CHF warrants additional care and resources during and after discharge. . Some patients cannot follow up with their primary care physician because...
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...Educating Congestive Heart Failure Patients Cynthia Jones The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing In partial fulfillment of the requirements of N3645 Cynthia Jones, RN October 1, 2012 Online RN-BSN Educating Congestive Heart Patients In comparison to the general population, the quality of life for patients with congestive heart failure is greatly impaired until patients are educated on the signs, symptoms and treatment of congestive heart failure. How can nurses use non-physical aspects of nursing to assist congestive heart failure patients improve their quality of life and decrease hospital visits? Patients with congestive heart failure receive physical aspects for treating the disease with the use of medications and surgery, but if patients were educated on the signs and symptoms at the onset of heart failure, outcomes should improve. When researching articles for information regarding congestive heart patients, I searched for articles in The Journal of American College of Cardiology, The Journal of Family Social Work, and the International Journal of Nursing Technologies and Classifications. I decided on these articles because they were published in reputable journals and provide correlations to the research question. In the first article seventy-six caregivers of patients with congestive heart failure used The McMaster Model of Family functioning (problem solving, communication, roles, affective responsiveness and affective...
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...Associate Degree Vs. Baccalaureate Degree Associate degree is someone who completes a nursing course, associated with a hospital or medical facility. On the other hand, a BSN is a higher college education, it entitles people to work in any health care or home care facility. A nurse is a bed side care giver at the hospital who takes care of patients and assist doctors. Nurses have to work in different areas and have different responsibilities. Some responsibilities or things nurses do is health promotion, disease prevention, case management and managed care settings. Nurses with a baccalaureate degree have the knowledge to practice complex aspects. Nurses with a BSN also have prepared to practice in health care settings such as critical care, outpatient care, public health and mental health. Having a BSN these days can give nurses a higher chance of a job, better opportunities, and will put nurses above the curve. “In October 2010, the Institute of Medicine released its landmark report on The Future of Nursing, initiated by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which called for increasing the number of baccalaureate-prepared nurses in the workforce to 80% and doubling the population of nurses with doctorates. The expert committee charged with preparing the evidence-based recommendations contained in this report state that to respond “to the demands of an evolving health care system and meet the changing needs of patients, nurses must achieve higher levels of education.”(Rosseter...
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...Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure Nicole Martin North Island College Congestive Heart Failure Left heat failure, also known as congestive heart failure (CHF), is an imbalance in pump function in which the heart is failing and unable to do its work pumping enough blood to meet the needs of the body’s other organs. CHF is commonly thought of as a disease but in fact is a syndrome. A syndrome as defined by Mosby’s Dictionary, as “a complex of signs and symptoms resulting from a common cause or appearing in combination, to present a clinical picture of a disease or inherited abnormality” (Mosby, 2009). Heart failure usually develops slowly, often over years, as the heart gradually loses its pumping ability and works less efficiently. CHF affects individuals in different ways and to different degrees. It is usually a chronic disease and gradually becomes worse over time. Many people are not even aware of their condition until symptoms appear years after the heart began its decline. There are many causes, risk factors, and signs & symptoms that help determine if someone is at risk of developing CHF or already living with CHF. Nearly 500,000 Canadians are currently living with the condition, with 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year. With such high numbers of people diagnosed with CHF, I believe as a future nurse it will be beneficial to have a greater understanding as to how CHF develops, how it is treated, and how it is management. Etiology The etiology...
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...case study on a current patient with heart failure being nursed in a community setting. Due to confidentiality and patient privacy, the patient discussed will be referred to as John¹. John is an 82 year old gentleman who lives alone in sheltered accommodation. John’s son and daughter live close and take it in turns to visit daily. John is an ex-smoker who gave up 20 years ago, has long standing hypertension and is overweight having a BMI of 30 kg/m. John was diagnosed with heart failure a year ago after being hospitalised three times in the space of four months. Stewart (2004) feels that a diagnoses of heart failure is problematic in older patients as their symptoms can often mimic other diseases. According to the National Institute for Clinical Excellence Guidelines (NICE) 2003, hospitalisation accounts² for 70% of the £716 million pounds spent on heart failure annually. In this assignment the physiology of the heart will be discussed and how heart failure affects its performance. John’s symptoms, medication and how his condition was diagnosed will be discussed³. John’s future care and how it will be managed along with who will be involved in his care4. NICE (2003) defines heart failure as a “complex syndrome” that results from any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the heart to function as a pump to support a “physiological circulation”. Tendera5 (2005) states that heart failure is common in older adults and occurs...
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...telephone reminders would increase the quantity of prescribed cardiac medication taken in a sample of elderly individuals who have congestive heart failure (CHF) (Peteva, 2001). Within this research I would disseminate the new scientific knowledge with the help of the pharmaceutical company that makes the congestive heart failure medication. With the help and support of the pharmaceutical maker, I would provide a full in-service to the nursing staff of hospitals and doctor’s offices alike. In doing this, this would provide a friendly and educational atmosphere in a nursing practice setting to get complete understanding of the research findings and how they as nurses can make a difference in the consumption of prescribed medication. Secondly, I would write a journal article and have it published in the pharmaceutical’s bulletin to include a well-known nursing journal. These journal articles would contain the findings of the research and suggestions on how the nursing staff can help the patients improve the compliance of taking prescribed medication. Once the information is disseminated into the medical public, the nurses will apply the learned knowledge to their practice for the elderly patients who are taking congestive heart failure medication. First, the nurse will collect all the patients that are currently taking congestive heart failure medication and explain to them on a one-on-one basis the benefits of having reminders to comply with taking prescribed medications. Then...
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...NRS-427V March 20, 2015 Jen Costello Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper Community health nurses have the distinctive ability and knowledge to provide teaching on various health topics within the community. For this teaching experience, this writer chose a home health center which allowed this writer to gather a group of patients 65 years and older, who have been diagnosed with CHF and teach them about heart failure management and how to prevent hospital readmissions. Congestive heart failure is an illness that effects millions each year and with proper management, individuals can still lead a productive life. Prior to the teaching presentation, a community teaching work plan proposal was developed which helped create an outline for the teaching lesson. This paper will review the teaching plan, the epidemiological rational related to CHF, evaluate the teaching experience, how the community responded, and what the strengths of the teaching plan were and areas that need improvement. Summary of teaching plan Teaching about congestive heart failure management and how to prevent returning to the hospital for complications related to CHF, is an important topic to discuss and educate the community about, especially the elderly. The teaching plan developed by this writer estimated the teaching time to last 30 minutes and would take place at Victory Home Care. Between the cost of paper and ink to make the pamphlet for educational handout and cookies, juice, and coffee...
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...Health Promotion in Nursing Care Rhea Acklin Grand Canyon University: NRS429V-Family Centered Health Promotion May 21, 2014 Instructor: Lori James Concepts of Health and Illness The most important goals of a nurse are to promote health, restore health, prevent illness, and to facilitate coping with illness, death and disability. Nurses maximize the health of patients of all ages, in many settings, and in both good health and illness. Health is not just the absence of illness, it is a state of mind, a patients maximum potential. The nurse’s knowledge of health and illness is very important in today’s focus on health promotion and advocacy (Taylor, Lillis, LeMone, & Lynn, 2011). There is a continuing trend toward care being provided in the home and community, moving away from hospital emergency rooms. A classic definition of health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, not merely the absence of infirmity (World Health Organization, 1974). Of course, one’s family, culture, community, and society where one lives will influence personal perception of health and wellness. As nurses move forward into the 21st century, we must educate our patients in health promotion, how to prevent illnesses, seek treatment, and living healthier lives. Health Promotion Definition Health promotion today according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is “the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health.” (“Health Promotion...
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...References Beckerman, J. (Ed.). (2014, September 20). Heart disease and congestive heart failure. Retrieved from WebMD website: http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guide-heart-failure This website does a great job of identifying the signs and symptoms of CHF. I think it also does a great job of informing the reader what tests will and should be done if your doctor feels you are at risk or my have the disease. It clearly states the different types of the disease as well as treatments for CHF. I think WebMD is a great source for information because, it breaks down the specific disease and explains it in everyday terms. I think that is important for people to really understand what they are dealing with. I think this Webpage would be extremely helpful to anyone just diagnosed or who has been living with the disease of CHF. Huntington, M., Guzman, A., Roemen, A., Fieldsend, J., & Soloum, H. (2013). Hospital-to-Home: A hospital readmission reduction program for congestive heart failure.. South Dakota Medicine: The Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association, 66(9), 370-373. This article shows how important, cost wise most importantly, it is to make sure patients with CHF are not readmitted so soon after they are released from their previous hospital stay for the disease. It shows how important it is to stay informed and not to go back to your old habits after your release from a hospital stay. I think the fact that they used follow up home visits after a patients release...
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...Standard Terminologies in Nursing In home care, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a prevalent diagnosis, encompassing at least fifty percent of our total patient census. ‘Standardized nursing terminologies play a significant role in defining nursing care’ (Park, 2013). I will show how NANDA, NIC and NOC apply to CHF, the elements involved and how it can improve the patient. The purpose of this paper is to show the main nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes of NANDA, NIC and NOC (NNN) and its linkages for CHF patients. Following the NNN elements shows improvement in home care patients with CHF. Overview of North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification...
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