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Hinduism Pytheistic Research Paper

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Words 699
Pages 3
Argaw -1
Fitsum B. Argaw
Professor Jonathan Geen
Religious Studies
9 October 2014
Is Hinduism Polytheistic?
Hinduism one of the three largest religion in the world and first took on a religious connotation after the 13th century CE, when Muslims invaders used it to generically refer to people in India who didn’t convert to Islam (Hinduism 1, pg. 2). The world Hindu is attained from the Sanskrit and basically referred to a follower or a devoted person to Hinduism. According to the fact, polytheistic is the belief of more than one god. Technically, Hinduism is polytheistic. The reasons being that the religion structure recognizes many gods, Hindus can choose and worship one of the gods in the religious system, and Hindus believe in different …show more content…
For example: if an individual is in servant’s class as he grows up he learns worshiping one specific god that his parents or teacher taught him. Based on that sense a child end up with a god that he naturally wind up worshipping. However, one also can worship more than one god depending on his situation or frame of …show more content…
These gods or goddess concedes Indians to practice a god that best fits them at any situation or needy time. That idea elaborates that how possible it is for these various gods to be exaltation by any Indian or social class. Gods are worshipped according to the individual’s social class tradition. The believer also think that their form of god or goddess they worship are not that far, rather their form of god exist within the society and appears every time they worship. In addition, the earliest Vedic text also points out the Rig Ved, proofs that there was a collection of 1,028 hymns dedicated to a number of gods and goddesses. Plus, the indo-Aryans identified a number of gods and goddesses in the universe, most of which seemed to be the personification of the natural forces in the world (Hinduism 1, Pg. 2) Nevertheless, one can argue that Hinduism is not polytheistic but instead the religion of Hinduism is monotheistic; that is the belief of one God. Hindus believe that ultimately there is only God. However, they believe that the supreme God appears in different form and can be worshipped during anyone’s set of mind. However, the point to notice here all god or goddess is one God. Even thought,

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