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Southland Conference History

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The 1971 season was a year of major change for the Southland Conference. For the first time in history, the league expanded, adding Southwestern Louisiana and Louisiana Tech. Also, two holdover teams, Arkansas State and Texas-Arlington, featured new head coaches.
Southwestern Louisiana and Louisiana Tech both departed the Gulf States Conference. USL was coming off a league title in 1970, while Louisiana Tech struggled through a 2-8 season a year after winning the Gulf States crown during quarterback Terry Bradshaw’s senior season.
On the coaching front, Bennie Ellender left Arkansas State for Tulane, his alma mater. Ellender was replaced by Bill Davidson, Arkansas State’s offensive coordinator and a former Indians player.
After Texas-Arlington’s …show more content…
A 44-yard pass from Lantrip to Roger Carr gave Tech a 7-0 edge. On Arkansas State’s ensuing possession, the Bulldogs recovered the first of five lost fumbles by the Indians, giving Louisiana Tech the ball at the Arkansas State 21. On the first play from scrimmage, Lantrip hooked up with Johnson for a 14-0 Louisiana Tech lead. Unlike the USL game, the early scores didn’t lead to a cakewalk for the Bulldogs. Arkansas State exploded for 24 points to take a 24-14 halftime lead. James Hamilton and Johnnie Carr had touchdown runs while Joe Duren kicked a 40-yard field goal. The Indians added a defensive touchdown when Craig Johnson returned an interception 35 yards for a touchdown. On fourth-and-three from the Indians’ 7, Lantrip eluded an oncoming defender before scampering for the only score of the third quarter. A 48-yard Duren field goal gave Arkansas State a 27-21 lead. Again facing a fourth down deep in Arkansas State territory, the Bulldogs pulled ahead 28-27 when McDaniel scooted in from five yards out on a pitchout from Lantrip with 9:19 left in the …show more content…
After three-straight incomplete passes, a Lantrip pass was intercepted by Eugene Bird, sealing Louisiana Tech’s fate. Louisiana Tech finished conference play 4-1 but the loss to Southern Miss left the door open for Trinity and Lamar.
Alert defensive plays by Costley set up three of Trinity’s touchdowns as the Tigers rebounded from their loss to Lamar with a 27-14 victory at Abilene Christian.
Trinity trailed 7-0 going into the second half on a 14-yard first-quarter touchdown pass from Clint Longley to Travis Horn.
Costley’s recovery of a Trinity fumble at the Wildcats’ 48 led to a 10-yard run by Oliver to tie the game. Two plays into Abilene Christian’s next drive, Costley picked off a Tigers pass at the Wildcat 19, setting up an eventual 5-yard touchdown pass from Mike Curry to Shawn Meagher to give Trinity the lead. Costley returned another interception to the Wildcats’ 27 to set up yet another score. Oliver, who rushed for 162 yards, picked up 26 on first down and scored one play later to increase Trinity’s

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