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Heartbreak Research Paper

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There's nothing poetic about heartbreak.
Heartbreak : One may experience heartbreak when a relationship comes to an end. You cannot think about anything, except for the awful pain you feel and how much you hate the person for leaving you,--- and at the same time,--- desperately wanting them back. Heartbreak is one of the worst things someone can go through, regardless of how old you are. Heartbreak can occur to anyone, at anytime, anyplace, doesn't matter who you're with. It's impossible to explain the feeling of numbness and shock, when you receive that text or call, finalizing--- everything is over. Heartbreak causes you to blankly stare at your phone, questioning where everything started falling apart. You start putting the blame on yourself, …show more content…
All you can think of is how you're going to get through the night, keeping yourself together, and hiding your emotions from the rest of the world. Heartbreak causes you to feel like you're trapped underwater, trying to breathe for air. But every time you come back up to surface,--- the waves keep pushing you back under. You feel like there's no way to escape this drowning feeling that feels like forever. Heartbreak feels like someone stabbing a knife into your chest and twisting it repeatedly. You beg them to stop, but the pain comes faster and in quicker paces. Suddenly, everything you see reminds you of him. Every object, every song, every movement. He knows what he's doing, and he knows what you're going through. A song that was once played countless times, becomes your most skipped song on your phone. Just the thought of him makes you feel like breaking down. I fell in love with your words, but unfortunately---you were a liar. He knew how to play his cards and he knew when to draw back his hand. Heartbreak feels like an unchanging, recurrent dream, you just can't wake up from. Heartbreak seems like it's the end of the world, but honestly, --- that's only half of the story. What you don't know about heartbreak, is that

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