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Hell Research Paper


Submitted By jackE
Words 1277
Pages 6
Hell is Real

Heaven and Hell are Literal Places
The idea of there being an actual “heaven” and “hell” encourages believers and non-believers because they are places that supposedly represent our eternity. It is amazing to vision a place of eternal life with no sickness or aging, in the presence of God and other loved ones. Heaven does exist according to the Bible, and is the destination of the believer in Jesus Christ at the completion of life here on this earth. What is not amazing is the fact that there is a place for those whom God chooses will not inherit everlasting life, which is known by all of us as hell. It is not metaphorical nor is it mythological. In fact, it is real in every sense of the word. A true literal hell does exist; this is the final state of those who are not in the book of life” (Guthrie p. 887).
What is Hell?
This will be the focus of this discussion, the eternal state of those individuals whose name will not be found in the book of life. To understand the implications of the declaration of a place of eternal torment, one must first understand what that place is. The common use of the word “Hell” is considered unrealistic to many people. In the bible, the idea of the term “hell” is expressed in more ways than one. The terms Gehenna (Matthew 5:22), Hades (Matthew 11:23), and Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15) are terms that have been interpreted to believe as hell. The term ‘Gehenna’ occurs twelve times in the King James Version of the bible. It occurs in the book of Matthew seven times. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible defines Gehenna as “A name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment:-hell” (Strong’s p. 19). Jesus Christ spoke of Gehenna and warned people of it. Jesus said in Matthew chapter five verses thirty, “For it is better for you that one of the parts of your body to perish, than for your whole body to go

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