... A N I N C E S R E 22:24 D V A Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2005. 56:14.1–14.28 doi: 10.1146/annurev.psych.56.091103.070141 Copyright c 2005 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved First published online as a Review in Advance on September 10, 2004 PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR: Multilevel Perspectives Louis A. Penner Karmanos Cancer Institute/Family Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 40202, and Research Center for Group Dynamics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109; email: pennerl@karmanos.org John F. Dovidio Psychology Department, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York 13346; email: John.Dovidio@UConn.edu Jane A. Piliavin Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706; email: jpiliavi@ssc.wisc.edu David A. Schroeder University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701; email: dave@uark.edu Key Words altruism, cooperation, helping ■ Abstract Current research on prosocial behavior covers a broad and diverse range of phenomena. We argue that this large research literature can be best organized and understood from a multilevel perspective. We identify three levels of analysis of prosocial behavior: (a) the “meso” level—the study of helper-recipient dyads in the context of a specific situation; (b) the micro level—the study of the origins of prosocial tendencies and the sources of variation in these tendencies; and (c) the macro level—the study of prosocial actions that occur...
Words: 14699 - Pages: 59
...interpretive therapy j. Script analysis therapy k. Active, directive therapy l. Evolutionary interpretive therapy 4. In behavioral therapy knowing the origins of psychological problems is: m. Dependent on the DSM description n. Necessary for second order change o. Not necessary for change p. Creates motivation for change 5. Currently behavioral counseling uses: q. Only covert processes r. Only overt behaviors s. Neither covert processes or overt behaviors t. Both covert process and overt behaviors 6. A behavioral chain is: u. the arrangement of individual responses in a particular sequence v. the arrangement of a group of individuals working toward a specific goal w. the arrangement of a classroom by ability level x. the arrangement of contingencies in a special order 7. Shaping involves children: y. Learning a way to mold different types of media z. Learning a behavior by approximations of it*** {. Learning how to influence others |. Learning components of communication 8. One focus of behavioral counseling is to: }. Learn to increase excesses...
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...Client Paper Problems are a part of life – everyone’s life. In the field of human services, clients seek help for these problems from human service professionals. The human service professional in turn, equipped with many different skills, aspires to help the client find and execute a plan to resolve their problems. Here we will expand on both the problems experienced and the skills used to resolve them. Problems Client problems can be thought of, defined, and approached in many ways using various theories. The theory used or the view or approach taken to define the client’s problems can often times determine the approach to the resolution of the problem. No matter the approach, defining the problem that the client is experiencing is very much an essential step in defining the client. Two of these theories are the developmental approach and the situational approach. Taking the developmental approach is a way to view problems from a perspective that looks at the client’s life span and takes into consideration certain developmental milestones throughout that life span. It also considers the life crises they have experienced during that time, as well as tasks they have completed both successfully and unsuccessfully. Unsuccessfully completed tasks may indicate that the situation did not allow for the client to develop in the manner for them to move successfully from one stage to the next in their life span. This can often be a contributing factor to their difficulty in resolving...
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...manager who wants to encourage efficiency and the highest standards of service? A stage of Change Model as proposed by Prochaska and Colleagues for addictive behaviors consists of six dynamic stages. The six stages are: Precontemplation, Contemplation, preparation, action maintenance, and termination. Precontemplation is when an individual is not considering making any changes. Contemplation is the time when an individual is aware there is a problem and is considering taking action to resolve it. Preparation refers to the time when an individual commits to taking action sometime within the next 30 days. Action is the busiest time. There are noticeable efforts to change the targeted behavior. Maintenance is the stage when a person tries to stabilize the behavior change and prevent relapse. Termination is the final stage, this occurs when there is zero temptation to revert back to the old behavior. Healthcare administrators can utilize the Prochaska Stages of Change model to assists themselves in developing procedures to support patients or subordinates who will benefit from behavior modification. It helps one to recognize that the customary counseling and patient is not always effective with all individuals’. Being familiar with the stages through in which individuals pass during the course of successfully altering a behavior permits us to be able to fashion interventions to the individual. Our understanding of this concept permits one to enrich those stages by utilizing specific...
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...Week 2 DQs and Summary Why is investing in mental health important to your role as a human service professional? Which of the five characteristics listed in the text for human service professionals do you think is most important? Explain why. Why is investing in mental health important to your role as a human service professional? I strongly believe that investigating and understanding mental health is a must to a human service professional. Because before working on a situation we must know the actual situation. We should not work on guess. To give the proper help to the clients it is important to know their history and mentality. They could have any side which need special care such as endeavouring suicide. A service professional should give the best help and to do this they need to all about client as far as possible. They should ask their clients about their different side such as diagnosis, medications and so on. A human service professional must know about their client’s family, relatives, friends, background, community, culture by asking questions. These will help to make the client successful. Any professional should look try to get facts to ensure success. Getting facts need some techniques and skill. Professional needs to know the way of asking right questions. Questions should be such that they will be time affective and provide necessary information. The most challenging part is that every human are different from others...
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...Organizational Behavior Paper Linda C. O’Neal MGT/312 - ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR FOR MANAGERS June 1, 2015 Professor Tina Emrich Organizational Behavior The study of organizational behavior is an academic discipline concerned with describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior in an organizational environment. Organizational behavior has evolved from early classical management theories into a complex school of thought—and it continues to change in response to the dynamic environment and proliferating corporate cultures in which today's businesses operate. Crafting an organization that functions as efficiently as possible is a difficult task. Understanding the behavior of a single person is a challenge. Understanding the behavior of a group of people, each one with a complex relationship with the others in the group is an even more difficult undertaking. It is, however a worthy undertaking because ultimately the work of an organization is done through the behavior driven actions of people, individually or collectively, on their own or in collaboration with technology. Therefore, a central part of the management task is the management of organizational behavior. The Behavioral Sciences Organizational behavior scientists study four primary areas of behavioral science: individual behavior, group behavior, organizational structure, and organizational processes. They investigate many facets of these areas like personality and perception, attitudes...
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... Observation Analysis Introduction I observed the classroom of Mrs. Alicia Freeman. Mrs. Freeman is an 11th grade chemistry teacher at Carver High School. She teaches chemistry to six different classes daily. Her classroom is located in a technology classroom but the students gathered in the science laboratory classroom to complete their weekly laboratory assignment. Which educational theories were employed? The educational theories employed in her classroom are Bandura’s Social Learning Theory and Lev Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory. The Social Learning Theory, also called Observational Learning “occurs when an observer's behavior changes after viewing a behavioral model. An observer's behavior can be affected by the positive or negative consequences called vicarious reinforcement or vicarious punishment - of a model's behavior” (Educational Theories, October 2012). The Social Learning Theory entails three parts, attention, retention, and reproduction. Attention occurs when the child needs to pay attention to the learning. Retention is the child’s ability to store the information and pull it up later....
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...Organizational behavior is defined as the actions and attitudes of people in organizations. The field of organizational behavior (OB) covers the body of knowledge derived from these actions and attitudes. It can help managers understand the complexity within organizations, identify problems, determine the best ways to correct them, and establish whether the changes would make a significant difference. Organizational behavior can greatly clarify the factors that affect how managers manage. It is the field’s job to describe the complex human context in which managers work and to define the problems associated with that realm. The value of organizational behavior is that it isolates important aspects of the manager’s job and offers specific perspectives on the human side of management: people as organizations, people as resources, and people as people. organizational behavior is not an organizational function or area. Instead, it is best described as a perspective or set of tools that all managers can use to carry out their jobs more effectively. By understanding organizational behavior concepts, managers can better understand and appreciate the behavior of those around them. For example, most managers in an organization are directly responsible for the work-related behaviors of a set of other people—their immediate subordinates. Typical managerial activities in this area include motivating employees to work harder, ensuring that their jobs are properly designed,...
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...Organizational behavior is an academic discipline concerned with describing, understanding, predicting, and controlling human behavior in an organizational environment. Organizational behavior has evolved from early classical management theories into a complex school of thought—and it continues to change in response to the dynamic environment andproliferating corporate cultures in which today's businesses operate. "The task of getting organizations to function effectively is a difficult one," wrote David A. Nadler and Michael L. Tushman in Hackman, Lawler, and Porter's Perspectives on Behaviors in Organizations. "Understanding one individual's behavior is a challenging problem in and of itself. A group, made up of different individuals and multiple relationships among those individuals, is even more complex…. In the fact of this overwhelming complexity, organizational behavior must be managed. Ultimately the work of organizations gets done through the behavior of people, individually or collectively, on their own or in collaboration with technology. Thus, central to the management task is the management of organizational behavior. To do this, there must be the capacity to understand the patterns of behavior at individual, group, and organization levels, to predict what behavior responses will be elicited by different managerial actions, and finally to use understanding and prediction to achieve control." The Behavioral Sciences Organizational behavior scientists study four primary...
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...John Watson is best known for the study of Behaviorism. He was a well know psychologist that I will be telling you about today. If you would like to know more about John Watson, then continue reading. John Watsons first work was published in 1914, it was “Introduction to Comparative Psychology”. Watson also created a book called “Behaviorism” on 1925 studying psychology. Watson studied psychological care of infant and child. While studying behaviorism, Watsons goal was to explain the relationship between conditions, behavior, and consequences, his goal was to allow him to control human emotions. With Watsons research he helped B.F. skinners study of operant behaviorism, while also helping define the study of behavior, while showing the importance of environmental influences. John believed that psychology was a science of human behavior very similar to animal behavior, and thought that it should be studied in careful lab conditions. John Watson continued his research in a more careful environment. John graduated with a master’s degree from Furman University. After he graduated he attended the University of Chicago where he got the interest in comparative psychology and animal study. Watson was a new kind of psychologist that was to open the ideas with behavioral methods, with applying psychology to animals, mental...
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...each human service agent may affect, the result is clear that from the beginning of time Human Service agents in one form or another have been around, and the field has changed as our world has changed, although the goal of helping those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged has remained the same. The Goal of Human Services: Martin (2007) describes “the chief goal of the human service professional is to support individuals as well as communities function at their maximum potential, overcoming personal and social barriers as effectively as possible in the major domains of living”(para.12). As mentioned earlier, the human service field has a broad range of careers involved which is essential for the wide variety of populations that are served. With each social worker, hospice agent, or public school counselor, needs are being met in a wide variety of populations. The goal is to reach people in their time of need to allow each individual to receive fair and knowledgeable guidance through crisis and life circumstances to reach the ultimate goal of self sufficiency. Through building on strengths rather than weaknesses, this goal will be met. WHAT IS HUMAN SERVICES? 3 The History of Human Services: Martin (2007) explains that “the practice of helping others in need has been around from the beginning of time”...
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...Reading Report on Disturbing Behavior Presented to Professor P. Gillen For YOUT 301-D01 LUO By Dana Peebles L25945367 July 11, 2015 Introduction Throughout the years, disturbing behavior amongst teenagers and young adolescents has become increasingly intense. Despite the fact that many of these youth are looking for ways to express themselves and cope with the aspects of everyday life, they still strive for godly influences and role models within their lives. As Christians, and people of faith, it is our job to not only pray with these individuals, but to also guide them towards the Scriptures and give them examples as well as options when it comes to dealing with the consequences of these disturbing behaviors. In this reading report, it is my desire to share with you a brief summary of Lee Vukich and Steve Vandegriff’s book and their thoughts regarding this topic. In addition, I will give a personal response as to how this book and its entire contents caused me to reflect upon my life as a teen, and how I will respond to the youth of today because of it. With that being said, I pray that you enjoy this excerpt as much as I have delighted in the revelation that God has given me in the process. Summary In reading the book Disturbing Behavior: 53 Alarming Trends of Teens and How to Spot Them, Vukich and Vandegriff stress the importance of what it means to be informed and offer numerous suggestions as to how youth leaders, parents, and other...
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...individual differences among people in behavior patterns, cognition and emotion. Different personality theorists present their own definitions of the word based on their theoretical positions. Individual differences in personality have many real life consequences. Personality Measures Personality determines a number of important characteristics and behaviors, including how people interact with others, what motivates them, and what they value. Our personality measures are among the most widely cited, highly regarded, and innovative assessments of normal-range personality. For use with normal and clinical populations, these measures are also used in a variety of settings, from career planning and marital counseling to leadership development and employment selection. THE MEASUREMENT OF PERSONALITY It should be pointed out that the various methods of assessing personality correspond closely to the basic personality theories we have just discussed. Personality Research Form The PRF is one of the most highly regarded measures of normal-range personality available. It is also one of the most highly cited psychological assessments, having been referenced 2000 times in research literature. Measuring Personality: Various Approaches Including Self-Report, Behavioral, and Projective Tests Self-report measures rely on the individual's personal responses. Some of the more widely used personality self-report measures Behavioral measures focus on behavior itself, rather than traits or other...
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...defined as a permanent change in behavior, through experience, study or instructions. Learning theories generally explain how people learn. Ogbebor (2007), states that theory of learning tends to probe into the ways learning occur in animal and man. Learning theories are generally classified into three categories which are; The Behaviorist Theory, The Cognitive Field Theory and the Social Learning Theory. However, there is a fourth theory of learning, which is known as the Humanistic Learning Theory. The importance of learning theories cannot be over-emphasized as they give us an in-depth knowledge of how human beings and animals learn and this knowledge tend to help us develop and modify appropriate ways of teaching the learners. The purpose of this paper is to show how we can possibly use one of these learning theories to solve a counselling problem and it is the desire or this writer therefore, to focus on the behaviorist learning theory which believes that learning occurs as a result of stimulus – response association and the interest of this group is on the overt behavior or human beings. Prominent among these exponents, are; The Russian scientist, Ivan Pavlov, Edward L. Thorndike, B. F. Skinner, Watson, Guthrie and C.L. Hull, among others. Beneath the behaviorist theory are the following behavioral therapies which are; the classical conditioning and the Operant conditioning, etc. From the operant conditioning are several behavior modification techniques as well as...
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...APOLLO .W. MBOGO ( MOI UNIVERSITY)------- Organizational behavior Organizational behavior refers to the study of people and their behavior in the organization and their work place. Organizational behavior is an aspect that deals with great range of disciplines which includes management sociology, psychology, and communication. Organizational behavior brings about achievement of highest performance and good results due to the application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations and workplaces. Through the study of organizational behavior, managers are able to know the problems affecting the employees in the organization and come up with solutions to solve these problems. As a result it brings they work harmoniously together as a family thereby bringing high achievement If a manager is assigned to manage an organization, it is necessary for him or her to understand how the organization operates. Organization may refer to the combination of science and people. While science and technology can be predicted, human behavior in an organization cannot be predicted. This is because human behaviors arise from needs and value systems of people. Organizations refer to people this means that without people organizations would not exist. This means that if managers want to understand the organizations in which they work, they must first understand the people who are the constituents of the organizations. People are the most valuable assets of the...
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