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Reading Report on Disturbing Behaviors


Submitted By dpeeblesmk
Words 1141
Pages 5
Reading Report on Disturbing Behavior

Presented to
Professor P. Gillen

YOUT 301-D01 LUO

Dana Peebles

July 11, 2015 Introduction
Throughout the years, disturbing behavior amongst teenagers and young adolescents has become increasingly intense. Despite the fact that many of these youth are looking for ways to express themselves and cope with the aspects of everyday life, they still strive for godly influences and role models within their lives. As Christians, and people of faith, it is our job to not only pray with these individuals, but to also guide them towards the Scriptures and give them examples as well as options when it comes to dealing with the consequences of these disturbing behaviors. In this reading report, it is my desire to share with you a brief summary of Lee Vukich and Steve Vandegriff’s book and their thoughts regarding this topic. In addition, I will give a personal response as to how this book and its entire contents caused me to reflect upon my life as a teen, and how I will respond to the youth of today because of it. With that being said, I pray that you enjoy this excerpt as much as I have delighted in the revelation that God has given me in the process.

In reading the book Disturbing Behavior: 53 Alarming Trends of Teens and How to Spot Them, Vukich and Vandegriff stress the importance of what it means to be informed and offer numerous suggestions as to how youth leaders, parents, and other caring adults can assist in helping young people today overcome disturbing behaviors. As part of overcoming these behaviors, communication and trust must be created so that there is a genuine respect for all parties involved. It also must provide strategies and a willingness to connect with others even when it is difficult due to feelings, emotions, and topics that may be conflicting. As

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