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Explain What Types Of Behaviors Might Indicate Referral For Assessment

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1. What types of behaviors might indicate referral for assessment?
The child is easily distracted, unable to pay attention, or stay focused for a prolonged period of time. When there is an observable pattern of inappropriate behavior, for instance, the child is unable to complete classroom assignments, distracts others, throws tantrums, biting, shows oppositional defiant behavior, and withdrawal. Behaviors that might indicate referral for assessment may include but are not limited to any child not succeeding at school, failing academically, not meeting the requirements set for the average individual in his age group, or parent- or teacher-reported concerns.
2. What are some possible causes of observed behavioral symptoms?
Some possible causes of observed behavioral symptoms may be stimuli coming from the environment. Environmental reasons might involve not having breakfast at home. Traumatic or disturbing experiences may preoccupy or worry them such as witnessing a fight at home. Some problems with the structure and functioning of the brain due to accidents, including seizures or other changes, disease or improper development. Also, problems with the cognitive functioning of the brain in terms of working memory or processing speed.
3. Why is it important to be …show more content…
It would also be good to look at the child’s social/emotional profile to see if the child’s anxiety level is interfering with their working memory or comprehension. One recommendation might be to give that child extra time to complete a task. Reading One-One uses trained and managed paraprofessionals (college students, community residents, and teacher aides) to deliver three to five one-on-one tutoring sessions for low-performing readers on a weekly basis throughout the school

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